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Adak Island Aleutian Islands 1994 stock footage and images

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"Adak History" summarizes history of U.S. military base at Adak Island in the Aleutian Islands.

U.S. Military establishes military bases at Adak Island Aleutian Islands. Footage of U.S. Army forces landing n Adak Islands in 1942 for defensive actions against Japanese Forces occupying nearby islands. Director of MWR at NSGA (Naval Security of Group Activity) Bob Winckler talks about military bases at Adak Islands. Wartime relics and weathered fortifications from World War 2 are shown. U.S. war planes and submarine nets seen. Artillery seen. A board reads 'This submarine net is listed on the National Historic Register, please do not disturb'. PT torpedo boats and PBY planes Bases on Adak. PBY Catalina planes seen. Civilians seen.

Date: 1994, March
Duration: 2 min 5 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675040965
B-25 Mitchell bombers take off one by one from Adak Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska during the Aleutian Islands Camp.

The Aleutian Islands Campaign of World War II. Two soldiers make a last minute weather observation on Adak Island in the Aleutian Islands, Alaska. Aerial cameras are taken inside a U.S. Army Air Forces B-25 Mitchell bomber. Pilots make a final meeting. A pilot gets inside an aircraft. The aircraft take off one by one.

Date: 1943
Duration: 6 min 5 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675057603
U.S. Air operations from Adak, and views of.the island's defenses during the Aleutians campaign of World War II.

As film begins, two U.S. B-24 bombers are seen taxiing across the Adak airfield to takeoff on a bombing run against the Japanese airfield at Kiska Island. Closeup of B-24 with engines running. About an inch of water covers the ramp. The two bombers take off (followed by others unseen). Airmen on the ground watch them depart. Scene shifts to the port of Adak. A cargo ship and a tugboat moving a barge are seen in the water. Trucks drive along the beachfront. Mountains loom in the background. Military supplies, including munitions are seen piled along the beach. Soldiers carry some goods over their shoulders. Closeup of items piled on the beach. A dog trots along with soldiers walking the beach. Change of scene highlights guns installed as coastal defense on the island, including fixed heavy guns, anti-aircraft guns and machine guns. A sailor viewed through a life safer buoy, paints part of a warship. A Navy PBY Catalina on patrol is seen overhead. U.S. gunboats patrol the harbor. Crew members are seen aboard a U.S. destroyer patrolling deep waters off Adak. They exchange blinker light messages with a Bancroft-class (four-stacker) destroyer. Glimpse of the Bancroft-class destroyer flashing blinkers lights. Sailors on a destroyer respond to alarm of sonar sound contacts and man battle stations. Closeup of a Bancroft-class destroyer, followed by views of depth charges being launched from a destroyer underway. Exchanges of blinker light messages between camera destroyer and a Bancroft-class destroyer.

Date: 1943
Duration: 3 min 54 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675057597
Cartoon animation “Private Snafu” depicts living conditions for soldiers posted in the Aleutian islands during WWII

Private Snafu Title Sequence. Cartoon animation “Private Snafu” depicts living conditions for soldiers posted in the Aleutian Islands during World War II. A view of Alaska and the Aleutian Islands. A Japanese soldier hops on the Aleutian Islands after emerging from the Pacific Ocean, only for a strong American soldier to stomp his feet when he opened “the backdoor to the United States”. Japanese soldier hops and dives back to the Pacific Ocean. View of Tokyo, Japan from the “Back door to the United States”. The cartoon depicts how harsh and challenging the environment in Aleutian Islands- having rain, snow, thunder and whirlwind gales. A seal resembling The Great Schnozzola (Jimmy Durante) replies with the Lower East Side accent, “Nevertheless, that’s the conditions that prevail.” View of a GI camp in the Aleutian Islands. Private Snafu sets out on an important mission, he changes his outfit according to weather. View of the vegetation of the Aleutian Islands, only grass in the tundra environment. After the narrator stated, “There are no trees”, a rabbit replied sarcastically “You’re telling me!”. United States Army Camp in Aleutian Islands covered in thick, gummy, mud. A serviceman is riding on two servicemen submerged in the mud. Inside a Quonset hut, American soldiers are playing dice. An earthquake rattles the Quonset hut and changes the position of the dice. Strong winds in the Aleutian Islands uproot Quonset huts, military installations and even the mountains. Soldiers struggle walking through a “Williwaw” (or strong winds in the Aleutian Islands) until it stopped, causing the soldiers to fall to the ground and the eggs a soldier was carrying to break. Private Snafu walks in the Aleutian Islands through different weather conditions in different outfits. Soldier drives a military jeep with skis in the snow. A cartoon B-17 covered in snow as it flies above the Aleutian Islands. An Eskimo sits around an ice fishing hole in the snow-covered B-17 wing. Private Snafu is wearing a steam whistle as he walks. Private Snafu changes his outfits according to weather condition while walking. Airmen run out of the Briefing Hut and dive in the watery air strip. Private Snafu dons a scuba diving suit to retrieve a B-17 submerged in the watery air strip. Private Snafu inside aircraft with fish. Private Snafu ejects the fish out of the aircraft. The fish activates a parachute to fall safely, only for it to drop into the gaping maw of the Schnozzola seal. The Schnozzola seal repeats his earlier dialogue to describe life in the Aleutian Islands.

Date: 1945, February
Duration: 4 min 44 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675079036
An airfield is constructed on a drained lagoon in Adak Island, Alaska during the Aleutian Islands Campaign.

The Aleutian Islands Campaign of World War II. An airfield is constructed in ten days on a drained lagoon in Adak Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska. A bulldozer clears the land to construct the airfield. Laymen put concrete slabs on a runway. An aircraft lands. A rainbow in the background. An aircraft takes off from the airfield. A group of soldiers on the airfield. An aircraft lands. A medical van moves from the airfield. Casualties are removed from an airplane downed by enemy aircraft. Outdoor memorial services are held for the victims.

Date: 1943
Duration: 4 min 52 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675057600
Troops on Adak Island in the Aleutian Islands, Alaska prepare for a returning mission and others plan for the next mission.

The Aleutian Islands Campaign of World War II. A group of soldiers with an anti aircraft gun on Adak Island in the Aleutian Islands, Alaska. Six U.S. Army Air Force B-25 Mitchell bombers fly in the background. The aircraft land. Soldiers come out of the aircraft. Soldiers greet the returning squadron as they relax and sing. Photographers, meteorologist and others plan for the next mission.

Date: 1943
Duration: 4 min 43 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675057601
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