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Afghanistan 1979 stock footage and images

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Flashback scenes to Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979; the Refugee situation in Afghanistan in 1985.

Correspondent and host Harry Ellis in Washington DC broadcasts a bulletin about the refugee situation in Afghanistan. Report opens with flashback scenes from December 1979 as Soviet aircraft bomb Afghanistan territory. Soviet helicopter MI-24 flies overhead. Situation in Afghanistan over the years since the invasion forces its people to leave their country. Current day scenes of Afghan refugees camped on land in Pakistan. Doctor checks the Afghan patients. Epitaphs of Afghanis who could not survive. Afghan Refugees work in Pakistan. Afghan laborer breaks stones and another laborer fills grain into containers and then into sacks. Afghan Aid Medical Clinic where volunteer doctors give free treatment to Afghan Refugees. Doctor and nurses attend to the patients. Afghan Refugees camped in Afghanistan. Man watches over a grazing herd of sheep. Young Afghani children at a village school in Afghanistan.

Date: 1985
Duration: 6 min 31 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675022335
Farmers sow seeds in farms and canal system of the Helmand River brings water to farms in Afghanistan.

Our House is near the river' shows development of the region near the Helmand River in Afghanistan with the help of the Afghan Government and the U.S. A farmer comes out of his house with seeds. He goes to his farmland. Farmers sow seeds. A tractor in a field. Monuments along the Helmand River. Canal system of the Helmand River to bring water to farms. Views of desert.

Date: 1979
Duration: 2 min 59 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675071854
The Kajaki Dam on the Helmand River provides flood control, power and water to the Helmand valley in Afghanistan.

Development of the region near the Helmand River in Afghanistan with the help of the Afghan Government and the U.S. The Kajaki Dam at the Helmand river provides flood control, produces power and provides irrigation water to the Helmand valley. Water flows in the river. Canals and ditches supply water to farms. Researchers, technicians and a hydroelectric power plant. Teachers help and train farmers and tell them farming methods. Nurses share medical skills with the farmers. Heavy machine operators and engineers assist the farmers. Development of schools, hospitals, offices, houses, bridges, roads and industries near the region of the Helmand River.

Date: 1979
Duration: 2 min 35 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675071855
Various agriculture commodities are grown and transported and Agriculture Development Bank assists farmers in Afghanistan.

Development of the region near the Helmand River in Afghanistan with the help of the Afghan Government and the U.S. Afghan men pray in a mosque. Stores along a street. A traffic policeman control traffic. Views of building. Afghani people sitting and discuss the Helmand River project. A man speaks. Views of farms showing various crops including grains, pomegranate, water melon and cotton. Afghanis load cotton supplies onto a truck. Ditches supply water to farms. A tractor plows a farm. Men use shovels and dig. Farmers arrange sacks of agriculture commodities. They load the agriculture commodities onto mules. Agriculture Development Bank personnel provide loan to farmers and assist them in purchasing various commodities and farming tools. At Balon Research Farm a man waters plants. Crops and plants in farms. Cattle drink water. Cattle in a stockyard.

Date: 1979
Duration: 5 min 46 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675071856
Development of schools, houses, medical care and heath facilities and electricity generation in Afghanistan.

Development of the region near the Helmand River in Afghanistan with the help of the Afghan Government and the U.S. Water flows in the river. A hydroelectric power station generates electricity. A generator provides power. Workers work in cotton industry due to electricity. A fork lift carries supplies of cotton. A stack of cotton supplies. Workers work on construction of houses. They pass buckets to each other. Children receive education in schools. Women with infants receive infant care in a medical care center. Development of health facilities to assist and provide help to people of the village.

Date: 1979
Duration: 3 min 38 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675071857
Views of region near the Helmand River showing farmers in farms transporting supplies of crops in Afghanistan.

Development of the region near the Helmand River in Afghanistan with the help of the Afghan Government and the U.S. Farmlands along a road. A region near the Helmand River. Camels in a desert. Tractors are driven and children swim. Afghanis load crops for transportation. Farmers with cattle in farms. A farmer spreads fertilizer in a farm. Cotton supplies are transported. The Helmand River and landscape.

Date: 1979
Duration: 3 min 36 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675071858
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