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Alabama United States USA 1977 stock footage and images

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Police arrest off-duty African American police officer Donald Pinkney during protest against Ku Klux Klan rally in Mobile, Alabama.

Scene in Mobile Alabama during confrontation between African American citizens and members of the KKK, or Ku Klux Klan, not wearing hoods, who were marching in the town of Mobile, Alabama to protest state prison work release programs. Police officers are seen at a street curb in discussion with a group of African American citizen protestors. One African American protestor, off-duty police officer Donald Pinkney, is seen talking to police. Camera turns away from the scene and then swings back apparently capturing the end of an altercation between Pinkney and uniformed police. (Montgomery Advertiser newspaper of 27 September, 1977 reported that the arresting police officers said Pinkney had grabbed a police officer's baton. The newspaper also reported that Pinkney had been struck by a police baton, receiving a three inch head wound that required 12 stitches.) Pinkney is seen being led away from the scene by two uniformed police officers.

Date: 1977, September 24
Duration: 3 min 58 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675075443
U.S. President Kennedy talks about equal rights for black and white citizens during a speech in Washington DC, United States.

United States President John F. Kennedy's speech regarding racism and racial tensions in Alabama, delivered from Washington DC, the White House. United States President Kennedy seated at a desk and speaks over a microphone. The President speaks about racial discrimination against blacks in the United States. He talks about the University of Alabama not giving admission to two clearly qualified young Alabama residents who happened to have been born African Americans, due to segregation and discrimination practices. View of people crowded outside the University of Alabama (Tuscaloosa, AL 35487, United States). Men take pictures as officials escort entering students Vivian Malone and James Hood into Foster Auditorium of the university. The President says that the nation is founded on the principle that all men are created equal, and that the rights of every man are diminished when the rights of one man are threatened. President Kennedy says that it is right for American consumers of any color to receive equal service in places of public accommodation, to register and to vote in a free election without interference or fear of reprisal. Additional views of Vivian Malone and James Hood walking with crowds and unaccompanied on the University of Alabama campus. A policeman rides a motorcycle on a road at the University. President Kennedy talks about respecting African American citizens and importance of civil rights and equality. The President says that no city or State or legislative body can prudently choose to ignore the rights of any of its citizens. The press record his speech and take pictures.

Date: 1963, June 11
Duration: 4 min 6 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675069275
A 1974 Triumph Spitfire car runs out of gas on a rural highway, female driver asks two men for help, highway patrolman finds female driver unconscious in forest.

A red sports car, a 1974 Triumph Spitfire convertible, driving fast on rural highway. Windshield wipers running. The driver, a woman, turns on the radio. The gas gauge indicates the car’s fuel is almost empty. Car passes by sign “No gas for next 23 miles fill-up here”. The 1974 Triumph Spitfire convertible stops at road near forested area. Woman tries to turn on car engine, which died because the car ran out of gas. Woman's foot stepping on car gas pedal. Woman's hand turning keys trying to start car. Woman sighs in frustration. POV from back seat two men driving on highway. Woman turns on her transistor radio. The car with two men, a blue1974 Gran Torino Elite, pulls in front of the sportscar. Woman looking from inside her car and says, with two crossed fingers, "Hello rescue squad...let's hope you have a siphon." Woman gets out of her 1974 Triumph Spitfire and approaches the blue1974 Gran Torino Elite from the rear. The woman leans into the driver side window and asks the two men for assistance, saying, "Am I ever glad to see you guys, I was beginning to think I was going to be stuck here for my whole vacation. I ran out of gas. You think you could help me out?" Alabama State Trooper gets out of his patrol car. State trooper reaches into driver window of car and examines wallet and purse inside, and turns of transistor radio that is playing. State Trooper walks off road into forest next to road. View of trooper entering woods. View of body of woman lying unconscious and her shirt pulled up, presumably raped by the two men.

Date: 1977
Duration: 3 min 5 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675078429
Psychedelic drug Lysergic acid diethylamide discovered by Dr. Albert Hofmann is used for mind control in the United states.

Film depicts administration of LSD (Lysergic acid diethylamide ) by the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency). The LSD is given to people without informing them. A man talks about some events and cries. A close up of a man who worked on this program. On 21st September 1977, Stansfield Turner, Director CIA speaks about Mission Mind Control. Members are seated in a hall. News correspondent Paul Altmeyer stands in front of the Headquarters of OSS (Office of Strategic Services) in its original WW2 era location in Washington DC. The first mind control work began from this Headquarters. The members who are the part of this mission are the shapers and molders of OSS. U.S. General, William Joseph Donovan nicknamed 'Wild Bill' and Boston industrialist Stanley Lovell who is the Head of OSS R&D and is also called Dr. Moriarty. Lovell poses for a photograph and also talks about OSS job and that it was in this atmosphere that the search of mind control began. OSS Captain George H. White has formally been with the Bureau of Narcotics. Paul Atmeyer reads the diary of George White and talks about his training and schooling. Michel J. Burg talks about George and his technical knowledge. Another friend of White who is a narcotics officer talks about him. A close up of George White. A note written in White's diary. George White worked on a truth drug at St. Elizabeths Hospital in Washington DC where the experiments were conducted. View of exterior of Saint Elizabeth's psychiatric hospital in Washington DC. A 1952 CIA memo says the aim is 'controlling an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will'. Exterior views of the Sandoz Laboratory buildings in Basel, Switzerland where doctor Albert Hofmann believed that they had discovered and found a psychedelic drug and the discovery was LSD. Retired Chief Psychologist for CIA, John Gittinger, talks about the powerful drug and is being interviewed publicly. CIA's interest in LSD was intense but they were worried that the Russians would get hold of it. Commentator notes that mistaken intelligence reported that Sandoz Laboratory was going to put 100 million doses of LSD on the open market. Concerned, the United States was prepared to buy the entire supply. However, through information learned from Freedom of Information Act filings, John Marks, author of The Search for the Manchurian Candidate, tells the interviewer that this was mistaken information caused by a mixup when an American military attache confused milligrams versus kilograms, so there were in fact only 100 doses on the market. Brief footage of CIA chemist, Dr. Sydney Gottlieb.

Date: 1979, July 10
Duration: 8 min 48 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675047225
USS Alabama is hit by bombs during demonstration by Army Air Service DH4 bomber airplanes in the Chesapeake Bay.

Bombing demonstration by U.S. Army Air Service DH4 aircraft under command of Brigadier General Billy Mitchell. The target is Battleship USS Alabama, in September, 1921 in the Chesapeake Bay, United States. Army flier is seen checking security of a bomb under wing of aircraft. USS Alabama underway in the Chesapeake Bay. Aerial views from United States Army Air Service planes in flight over the battleship. USS Alabama is hit by a bomb. Later it is hit by a phosphorus poison gas bomb. Finally it is hit by 2000 pound bombs. The USS Alabama rolls over halfway, in shallow waters.

Date: 1921, September
Duration: 1 min 11 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675044883
CIA and other U.S. sponsored experiments dealing with control of animals and people using various techniques during the 1960s and 70s.

In 1964, Professor Jose M.R. Delgado, of Yale University's School of Medicine, invented a device he called a stimoceiver. It was a chip that could alter the brain’s electrical impulses via radio signal. In tests sponsored by the U.S. Office of Naval Research, he implanted the device in the brain of a bull. This film opens shows that experiment and its results. A man in Cordova, Spain, opens a bull ring door to allow a fighting bull to enter. It charges a man holding a cape. Another man fires a dart to sedate the bull. Several men plant a stimorecever in the bull's brain. Next, the bull charges a man holding a cape, but pulls up short before hurting him. The bull chases the cape but never attacks the man. The bull charges around in a circle. Scene shifts to Dolley Madison Parkway (Route 123 in Mclean, Virginia, where sign points toward the CIA headquarters at Langley, Virginia. Narrator lists various techniques examined in the 60s and 70s, including brain surgery; psychosurgery; creation of amnesia; parapsychology; and manipulation of genes. Glimpse of some facilities at CIA headquarters. Change of scene to hearing of the Senate Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research on September 20, 1977. Chaired by Senator Edward M. Kennedy, the Committee sought information about these activities by the CIA. Narrator says witnesses had agreed to limit information they would provide the Subcommittee. Former narcotics officer Charles Siragusa is seen on camera admitting that the man he reported to at the CIA wanted him not to say anything. Former CIA chemist Robert V. Lashbrook is seen testifying that he has no knowledge about the CIA running safe houses. (Narrator states he ran one of them and that a "surprise LSD experiment" was conducted there.) Scene shifts to a California tennis court, where Dr. Sidney Gottlieb is playing doubles tennis, Narrator says he oversaw those activities at the CIA but destroyed all his records when he retired in 1973. View of a letter he wrote at that time, in which he states he and his colleagues had been able to maintain contact with the leading edge of chemical and biological developments in the field of biological and chemical control of human behavior. View of Dr. Gottlieb entering an ante room where he testified before the Senate Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research without being filmed because of what his lawyer claimed were health and cardiac problems. View of him on the tennis courts as Narrator states he declined ABC News requests for an interview. Change of scene to George White who retired from the CIA and lives in Stinson Beach, California. View of Stinson Beach from high overlooking vantage point. People jogging on the beach. Narrator states he wrote to Dr. Gottlieb summing up his career saying it was fun fun fun, and. where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill, and cheat, steal, deceive, rape, and pillage, with the sanction and blessing of the All Highest. Narrator strolls on lawn near the U.S. Capitol building and says it appears doubtful that mind control has been achieved. But work, that we don't know very much about, is continuing in this field. He asks how deeply are the Russians and other dictatorships into this. We really can't say. (Slate identifies him as Paul Altmeyer, ABC News.) He continues, the CIA is reluctant to give information about it. He asks what place does this have in a Democracy? He notes one person working on these projects told him they are capable, conscientious, and very capable scientists working for our country.

Date: 1979, July 10
Duration: 5 min 11 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675047246
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