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Antarctic Ocean 1922 stock footage and images

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Ship Quest on its return journey after turning around at ice impasse on Shackleton's final expedition to Antarctica.

A film about Sir Ernest Shackleton's last expedition to Antarctica. Ship Quest on its return after it fails to move any further. The ship underway in the Antarctic Ocean as it returns. The ship sails through ice floating on water surface. Seals on an ice pack floating on water. A crew member climbs up a ladder on the rigging of Quest.

Date: 1922
Duration: 2 min 29 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675065871
Ship Quest sails past icebergs in the Antarctic Ocean during an expedition to Antarctica.

A film about Sir Ernest Shackleton's last expedition to Antarctica. Ship Quest sails through icebergs in the Antarctic Ocean. A huge iceberg. The ship in the foreground and an iceberg in the far background. Crew members climb up a ladder in the foreground.

Date: 1921
Duration: 3 min 18 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675065867
Ship Quest sails through ice in the Antarctic Ocean during an expedition to Antarctica.

A film about Sir Ernest Shackleton's last expedition to Antarctica. Ship Quest sails through ice in the Antarctic Ocean. Ice floats on the surface of water as Quest sails through it. The stern of the ship as it sails ahead and ice drifts away.

Date: 1921
Duration: 3 min 31 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675065868
Crew members aboard Quest remove ice from the rails of the ship in the Antarctic Ocean during an expedition to Antarctica.

A film about Sir Ernest Shackleton's last expedition to Antarctica. Ship Quest sails through ice in the Antarctic Ocean. Crew members remove ice from the rails of the ship. Men use sharp tools to remove ice from the rails.

Date: 1921
Duration: 1 min 16 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675065869
Scott Island in the Antarctic Ocean during Operation High Jump.

General views of Scott Island in the Antarctic Ocean during Operation High Jump. Views of Scott island. Boat at sea. Scott island in the background.

Date: 1947, February 13
Duration: 1 min 14 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675071019
Men clean floors and fish are fed to penguins aboard a ship in the Antarctic Ocean.

Penguins are fed aboard ship in the Antarctic Ocean. Two penguins in a cage. A photographers standing beside cage. A man sprays water using water hose. Men clean floor of deck as water hose is sprayed. The man sprays water hose on the cage. Two men sitting with bucket. Men place tablets into mouths of fish. Men carry penguins out from the cage. Fish are fed to penguins.

Date: 1947
Duration: 2 min 32 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675071021
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