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Arabian Peninsula 1991 stock footage and images

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United States Coast Guard in Operation Desert Storm against Iraq in Arabian Peninsula

Highlights the role of United States Coast Guard in Operation Desert Storm against Iraqi occupation of Kuwait in Arabian Peninsula. A poster of Saddam Hussein. Men of United States Coast Guard on duty during the Operation Desert storm as men send message on wireless, looks through binoculars. A plane at an airbase, rifles arranged, good luck posters and 9th United States Coast Guard insignia. Plane takes off, coast guard fires, plane in flight. A sign reads Baghdad and coast guards in a boat underway at sea.

Date: 1991
Duration: 1 min 56 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675048320
United States Coast Guard inspect loading of explosives during Operation Desert Storm in Arabian Peninsula

Highlights the role of United States Coast Guard in Operation Desert Storm against Iraqi occupation of Kuwait in Arabian Peninsula. Coast Guard flag. Operations of Port security and Harbor Defense Team, Maritime Interception Forces. United States Port Operation supervises loading of explosive material for the operation. Coast guard set and maintain security zones in ports and harbors for supply ships. Coast guard men in a rubber boat with life jackets on. They inspect load outs at the ports. FS1 Rich Whitney speaks about the inspection of materials being loaded at the ports.

Date: 1991
Duration: 1 min 51 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675048321
United States Coast Guard embargo merchant ships during Operation Desert Storm in Arabian Peninsula

Highlights the role of United States Coast Guard in Operation Desert Storm against Iraqi occupation of Kuwait in Arabian Peninsula. Helicopters in flight. Ships underway in sea. American President George H. W. Bush orders the embargo of merchant ships of Iraq. Maritime Interception Forces check merchant ships. United States Coast Guard train men of multinational forces for embargo of ship. Lieutenant Bob Atkin explains the role played by coast guard in inspection of ships during the operation. American flag on a ship and men on the flight deck. United States Navy Captain Dick Reass appreciates the efforts of coast guard during the Gulf War.

Date: 1991
Duration: 1 min 39 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675048322
Port Security and Harbor Defense patrol during Operation Desert Storm in Arabian Peninsula

Highlights the role of United States Coast Guard in Operation Desert Storm against Iraqi occupation of Kuwait in Arabian Peninsula. Men of Port Security and Harbor Defense on duty as they ensure safety of cargo on ports. PS3 Pete Grim explains the role of Port Security and Harbor Defense as a man checks for explosives with a detector. A fully armored patrol boat underway at sea. Commander Tom Johnson appreciates the role of Port security and Harbor Defense forces. Men on guard even under tough conditions. MK1 John Gaida narrates a personal experience how he did performed his duty even under a missile attack.

Date: 1991
Duration: 2 min 13 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675048323
United States Coast Guard returns home after Operation Desert Storm in Arabian Peninsula

Highlights the role of United States Coast Guard in Operation Desert Storm against Iraqi occupation of Kuwait in Arabian Peninsula. Men on duty during the operation. They relax, peel vegetable, on board a boat underway at sea, carry baggage and sort out files. A United States plane lands at an air base and Coast Guards return home after the Gulf War. They meet their families and hug their dear ones.

Date: 1991
Duration: 2 min 49 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675048324
United States Coast Guard inspects merchant ships off the coast of Saudi Arabia

Highlights the role of United States Coast Guard in Operation Shield, Saudi Arabia. A military cargo shipment leaves for Saudi Arabia from United States. Boarding teams of Maritime Interception Forces inspects merchant ships off the coast of Saudi Arabia. Lieutenant Bob Atkin, Coast Guard boarding officer, explains the process of inspecting merchant ships. CPO Bill Clifford states how explosives were found on board a merchant ship. Captain Dick Reass explains the nature and the importance of inspecting job done by the boarding teams. CPO John Hagy explains that the job of inspecting ships is tedious. A member of the boarding team climbs down a ladder to inspect ships in the sea.

Date: 1991
Duration: 4 min 44 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675048326
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