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Arenshorst Germany 1929 stock footage and images

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Japanese actions leading to 2nd Sino-Japanese war and attack on United States at Pearl Harbor in World War II

Japanese army officers examining foreign military equipment. A Japanese worker employing electric drill developed in a Western country. The Japanese freighter, Tatsuno Maru, loading scrap iron at a port in the United States. Other Japanese freighters loading coal and oil for shipment back to Japan. View of the Washington Naval Conference in Memorial Continental Hall, Washington, DC, held in 1921-22 and again in 1927 and 1930, to deal with several lingering issues. Glimpse of Japanese people holding flags while gathered near the Imperial Palace in Tokyo. Glimpse of Japanese army troops on parade. Japanese Navy warships at sea. A fleet of Japanese Mitsubishi G3M bombers and Nakajima Ki-27 pursuit planes, parked on an airfield. A loose formation of Ki-27s airborne. Animated map illustrates Japanese fortification of Mariana, Caroline, and Marshall islands in the Pacific. Animated map illustrating China's greater size and population vis-a-vis Japan. Animated map illustrating Japanese occupation of Manchuria in 1931. New York Times newspaper with headline "Japs Seize Manchuria" hovers over fires burning in Manchuria. Other newspaper headlines reporting on Mussolini's invasion of Ethiopia; the Spanish civil war; surrender of Czechoslovakia; invasion of Poland; assaults on France, Belgium, and the Netherlands by Nazi Germany; the London Blitz; and Nazi advances against Russia on the Eastern Front. Fnally, a Boston Hearald extra edition headline reports: "Pearl Harbor Bombed." A still photograph of Japanese Baron Tanaka Giichi (on left) with two other dignitaries, circa 1929. Japanese infantry streaming into Manchuria and then celebrating as they walk into local town. A busy street in a Chinese city. Japanese soldiers in Manchuria escorting local prisoners along a street. Animated map illustrating Japananese warships surrounding harbor of Shanghai, China. View from a Japanese ship bombarding Shanghai. Smoke rising from shell striking on Shanghai waterfront. View from land of severely damaged buildings on a street, and a shell exploding in background, as Chinese defenders move to successfully repel the Japanese forces. New map illustrates subsequent Japanese move, annexing Jehol, from occupied Manchukuo, and Korea. Japanese troops entering a town in Jehol. Sun newspaper headline: "League Censures Japan." Chinese diplomat protesting at League of Nations. Japanese troops exiting railroad trains in Jehol. Aisin Gioro Puyi aka Henry Pu Yi, Kangde Emperor (Kang-te Emperor) of the Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo, is seen saluting Japanese troops on parade. Closeup of Puyi wearing shaded glasses, looking directly into the camera. chiang Kai-shek, with other Chinese officers. Reenactment of barbarian forces riding against China and thwarted by the Great Wall. Many Chinese walking in a long line along the Great Wall. Map tracing the Great Wall across China. Aerial view of the Great Wall from overflying airplane. Japanese troops marching through a city gate; infantry climbing a sheer cliff; and helmeted Japanese soldiers marching past civilians in a city. Map illustrated progress of Chinese unification by year 1937. Japanese officers conferring during occupation. Japanese troops leave a barracks, riding in open trucks. A line of the troop trucks moving along the dirt street of a town. The troops climb from their trucks in the town.

Date: 1941
Duration: 3 min 59 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675025181
Images of signed affidavits by U.S. military personnel verifying authenticity of images of German Concentration camp scenes

Camera shows close up of two certificates of affidavit signed by Lieutenant Colonel George Stevens and Lieutenant Kellogg. The first affidavit by U.S. Army Signal Corps Colonel Stevens cites Stevens' work from 1 March 1945 to 8 May 1945 photographing concentration camps and prison camps liberated by Allied forces. It is read aloud by George Stevens (or by a narrator reading the text of the affadavit). The second affidavit, signed by U.S. Navy Lieutenant E.R. Kellogg, and witnessed by Captain John Ford, is also read aloud. It cites Kellogg's expertise in motion picture and photographic techniques through his employment with Twentieth Century Fox Studios in California from 1929 to 1941. He attests that he has thoroughly examined the concentration camp liberation films of the Army Signal Corps and found them to be unaltered, genuine, and true copies of the originals in the U.S. Army Signal Corps vaults. A map shows the location of concentration camps in Germany and other parts of occupied Europe under Nazi control. (World War II period).

Date: 1945
Duration: 3 min 53 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675058577
German rocket developments during 1930s

A man holds two rockets. The one shown on the left with the white nose is a double rocket. (These were demonstrated for the Navy at Meppen.) Flag flying over a cabin (named "Arenshorst," by Reinhard Tiling) as rocket firing trials get underway on the island of Wangerooge in the North Sea,during December 1930. Reinhard Tiling emergea from the cabin, carrying a long slender rocket . His assistant Angela Buddenboehmer, and another man (possibly Richard Tiling) follow him across the sand dunes. Two photographers are present and several other men. Tiling inserts the rocket into a launch frame already set up. The team elevates the launcher and Tiling makes some adjustment. At a signal from Tiling, Angela Buddenboehmer pushes a plunger on the ignition control box and the rocket fires and rises. Reinhard Tiling, Buddenboehmer, and Richard Tiling watch it in the sky. Several more launches are shown. Pictures of rocket projectile missiles being launched at Dummersee on April 15, 1931, and of larger missiles at later times.

Date: 1931
Duration: 3 min 22 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: German
Clip: 65675024391
The U.S. Army Air Service Fokker C-2A named "Question Mark" being refueled in midair from a Douglas C-1, in 1929.

Mid air refueling experiments in January, 1929. A U.S. Army Air Service Douglas C-1 tanker plane, with hose trailing below it, flies above a modified Atlantic-Fokker C-2A named "Question Mark." The hose is let down to the Question Mark, where a crew member seizes it and makes a connection for fuel transfer. After transfer of fuel is complete, the crew member throws the fuel line off and it is retrieved by the tanker plane. The Question Mark lands at Metropolitan Airport, Van Nuys, California on January 7, 1929, and taxiis in to park. The crew members, including Major Carl A. Spaatz, Captain Ira C. Eaker, Lieutenant Harry A. Halverson, Lieutenant Elwood R.(Pete) Quesada, and Staff Sergeant Roy W. Hooe, all exit the airplane and gather under the wing with well wishers. The five crew members pose for photographs beside their airplane, the "Question Mark." Ground crew tows the aircraft with a tractor.

Date: 1929
Duration: 2 min 11 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675051736
Byrd Antarctic Expedition of 1929. A flock of Snow Petrels in Antarctica.

Wildlife photographed by members of Admiral Byrd's Antarctic Expedition in 1929. A flock of Snow Petrels in Antarctica. The birds sit on the ice sheet. Clouds overhead. Birds take flight.

Date: 1929
Duration: 38 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675020813
Philadelphia Athletics vs. Chicago Cubs in game one of the 1929 Baseball World Series

1929 baseball newsreel, entitled, "Athletics and Cubs Clash in World's Series." Long-distance aerial shot of Wrigley Field, Chicago. A's starter Howard Ehmke warms up (with submarine motion) before the game. Title card notes he struck out 13 Cubs. A's manager Connie Mack and Cubs manager Joe McCarthy (both Hall of Famers) shake hands before game. Title card says 51,000 spectators in attendance. A's first baseman and Hall of Fame slugger Jimmie Foxx seen rounding third, touching home after hitting home run to give A's 1-0 lead. A's outfielder Bing Miller singles to score Mickey Cochrane. Fans exit ballpark across the field after A's win. Shots of packed Wrigley Field stands. Camera pans across part of ballpark during game; note absence of famous ivy on Wrigley Field outfield walls..

Date: 1929, October 8
Duration: 2 min 13 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675041239