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Austria-Hungary 1909 stock footage and images

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Scenes showing some of the earliest aircraft in the first decade of human heavier-than-air flight

Mankind's earliest attempts at achieving heavier-than-air flight, and footage of early and historic flight and aircraft. Animated film clip showing imaginary rocket in flight. View from an airplane taking off with other aircraft and terminal buildings seen outside. A caption reading "We can fly." Views from airplane windows of scenes below, including a town, bodies of water, Alpine lodges, and snow-covered mountains. (Views are from a Ju52 passenger plane, the corrugated wings, of which are seen.) Some views are out of the small round port window of the airplane. Sequence shifts to film reenactment of Otto Lilienthal setting up one of his early ornithopter-like gliders (looks like early hang glider), and running downhill to launch it (circa 1895). A still photo of Lilienthal aloft in one of his gliders. View of German Karl Jatho's airplane, circa 1903. The American Wright brothers airplane being started and taking off. The Wright Flyer airplane in flight. The Voisin-Farman I airplane in flight. it was built by Frenchman Gabriel Voisin and flown by aviator Henri Farman in 1907. Danish inventor-engineer,Jacob Christian Hansen-Ellehammer, in his airplane, 1906. Louis Bleriot inspects his airplane, circa 1909. A pilot (not Bleriot) sits cockpit of a Bleriot airplane with engine running. He taxis and takes off.A biplane built by Gabriel Voisin in flight, circa 1909. A light monoplane built by German aviator,Hans Grade,takes off, flies a while, and lands again,at an air show in 1909. The pilot crawls out of the airplane.Photograph of The Etrich Taube (AKA Rumpler Taube) monoplane,in flight. It was designed in 1909 by Igo Etrich of Austria-Hungary, and first flown in 1910.

Date: 1909
Duration: 5 min 7 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: German
Clip: 65675024360
Scenes depicting social activities in Germany, Hungary, and Austria, before World War I.

Kaiser Whilhelm II of Germany and his wife, Empress Augusta, in Berlin. The Empress The enters their open back limousine, followed by the Kaiser, who is dressed in military uniform with Prussian style helmet. They drive off while German Officer salutes. Complete change of scene shows well-dressed crowd of spectators gathered in Budapest, Hungary, to watch a horse race. Some spectators use binoculars. View of horses in final stretch and crossing finish line. Next scene shows "Flower Day" in Vienna Austria. Wealthy citizens crowd shopping area and contribute to help the poor. They receive flowers as token of contribution. Some men wear flowers in their lapels. Little girls with baskets of flowers participate in the activities, standing in front of the Cafe Scheidl and "Zum Fenstergucker" house near corner of Kaerntner Strasse and Walfischgasse next to the Opera House. A street car decorated with garlands of flowers is a center of the activity. Women on the top deck of the street car reach down with small nets on long poles to retrieve contributions from passersby.

Date: 1909
Duration: 1 min 54 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: German
Clip: 65675024166
Coronation of Emperor Karl IV (Charles IV) of Austria-Hungary

Coronation procession of Emperor Karl I (Charles I) of Austria, who, as Emperor of Austria-Hungary, is now also being crowned Karl V (Charles IV) of Hungary. The procession arrives at Mathias Cathedral (Mátyás Templom Budapest, Szentháromság tér 2, 1014 Hungary) on Holy Trinity Square, Budapest, Hungary. Guests arrive to attend the ceremony. Through the dense crowd, Emperor Karl walks behind the Crucifer toward the Cathedral entrance, followed by Cardinal Prince Primate of Hungary János Csernoch, a Bishop, and nobles. After the coronation, a great celebratory parade ensues. The Emperor rides on horseback wearing the Crown and cloak of St. Stephen, and rides up a ramp to a landing where he can be seen by all in attendance.

Date: 1916, December 30
Duration: 2 min 32 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675040059
Wedding of Archduke Charles of Austria-Hungary and Princess Zita of Bourbon Parma at Schwarzau Palace 1911

Archduke Charles of Austria-Hungary marries Princess Zita of Bourbon-Parma on 21 October 1911 at Schwarzau Palace in Lower Austria. In attendance is Charles's 81-year-old great uncle, Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria-Hungary. Archduke Charles and Princess Zita speaks to Emperor Franz Joseph. Prince Gaëtan of Bourbon-Parma, the 6-year-old younger brother of the bride, joins his sister. Bridesmaids follow Princess Zita. Wedding guests Archduke Franz Ferdinand (the heir to the throne), Infanta Maria Antónia of Portugal (mother of Princess Zita), and Emperor Franz Joseph, in the wedding party.

Date: 1911, October 21
Duration: 48 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675072171
Hungarian patriots fight against the Russians and refugees fleeing from Budapest, Hungary.

Hungarian civilians confront Soviet tanks during the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 in Budapest, Hungary. Crowds stand outside a burning building. Snipers shoot at Russians from behind doors and windows. Soviet tank firing in a park. Hungarian rebels shoot behind a building between Károlyi and Cukor street (Budapest, Károlyi utca 9, 1053 Hungary) in Inner City, Budapest. Hungarians burning Soviet books and flags in defiance to Soviet forces. Hungarians burning Soviet flags. Hungarian refugees cross to the Austrian border. A refugee man holding a baby flees to Austria. Crying Hungarian women cross the border to Austria. White geese in Hungary. Russian tanks block the Hungarian border.

Date: 1956, November 8
Duration: 56 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675064659
Review of the Austrian troops by Emperor Karl I of Austria-Hungary along a mountain side in Austria-Hungary.

Emperor Karl I (Emperor Charles I) of Austro-Hungarian empire reviews Austrian troops in Austria-Hungary during World War I. Soldiers stand in a line along the mountain side. Emperor Karl I discusses with them. A woman stands along with the soldiers.

Date: 1918
Duration: 13 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675028087
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