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Bay of Pigs Cuba 1961 stock footage and images

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Battle between exile guerrillas and Cuban soldiers in jungle, during Bay of Pigs invasion to overthrow Fidel Castro in Cuba.

Bay of Pigs invasion to overthrow the government of Fidel Castro in Cuba, by armed Cuban exiles. Machine fires underway during a fierce battle between exile guerrillas and Cuban soldiers. Soldiers at position in a trench. A rifleman and mortar man fires at enemy position. An exile guerrilla shot by a bullet in heart lies flat in battle field. A soldier removes pin of a grenade and explodes himself to avoid being captured. Soldiers and riflemen smoke after the battle gets over.

Date: 1961
Duration: 3 min 4 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: Spanish
Clip: 65675036877
A man recalls a battle between Cuban Army and exile guerrillas, during Bay of Pigs invasion to overthrow Fidel Castro in Cuba.

Bay of Pigs invasion to overthrow the government of Fidel Castro in Cuba, by armed Cuban exiles. A man Roberto De La Pez recalls his experiences during a battle between Cuaban Army and exile guerrillas. Firing and explosion in jungle. Soldiers of Cuban Army move cautiously in jungle.

Date: 1961
Duration: 3 min 23 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: Spanish
Clip: 65675036880
Cuban Army on a mission captures exile guerrillas in a battle, during Bay of Pigs invasion to overthrow Fidel Castro in Cuba.

Bay of Pigs invasion to overthrow the government of Fidel Castro in Cuba, by armed Cuban exiles. Cuban soldiers on move for a mission on exile guerrillas. Arrested guerrillas march with their hands raised, guarded by armed Cuban soldiers. Commander of Cuban forces talks about the mission. Civilians try to safeguard themselves from firing between guerrillas and soldiers. Captured guerrillas checked for weapons. Bomber plane bombs soldiers. Soldiers try to escape in a jeep. One soldier falls off the jeep. Tanks fire at the guerrillas. Tanks and infantry advance.

Date: 1961
Duration: 3 min 58 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: Spanish
Clip: 65675036884
A bomber takes off for mission on exiles during Bay of Pigs invasion to overthrow Fidel Castro government in Cuba.

Bay of Pigs invasion to overthrow the government of Fidel Castro in Cuba, by armed Cuban exiles. A Cuban government bomber plane takes off from a runway for a mission on exile guerrillas. Fire in jungle by bombing. Cuban government soldiers on move in the jungle. Cannons fire projectiles and explosion in jungle. The bomber makes a landing on runway after its mission.

Date: 1961
Duration: 1 min 29 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: Spanish
Clip: 65675036875
A woman Martha Chang talks about her experiences, during Bay of Pigs invasion to overthrow Fidel Castro in Cuba.

Bay of Pigs invasion to overthrow the government of Fidel Castro in Cuba, by armed Cuban exiles. A woman Martha Chang talks about her experiences on sandy beaches. A ship explodes in sea. Martha Chang and some soldiers safeguard behind a boat while some soldiers run for shelter. She recalls walk on beach with a man. The two walk on lonely sandy beach.

Date: 1961
Duration: 3 min 42 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: Spanish
Clip: 65675036878
Fierce battle on ground, sea and air between Cuban Army and exile guerrillas, during Bay of Pigs invasion in Cuba.

Bay of Pigs invasion to overthrow the government of Fidel Castro in Cuba, by armed Cuban exiles. Warships in Cuban sea. Sailor keeps a watch with binoculars. Tanks and artillery cannons on alert. Exile guerrillas on boats move to raid on sea shore while Cuban bombers target them from sky. Geysers in sea water. Battle on sea and on shore with infantry, tanks, warships and bombers. Guerrillas run on a bridge to escape intense bombing by bombers. A bomber pilot talks about the event. Soldiers sit in boats and rush for a mission.

Date: 1961
Duration: 6 min 20 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: Spanish
Clip: 65675036885