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Berlin Germany 1909 stock footage and images

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King Edward VII, of Britain, on State Visit with his nephew Kaiser Wilhelm II, of Germany, in Berlin, February 1909

Film opens showing Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany, seated in a carriage outside a building covered with scaffolding. He is wearing a fur-collared great coat and a plumed hat. Several flags are decorated poles behind the carriage. His uncle, King Edward VII of the United Kingdom, steps into the carriage. King Edward VI is wearing an overcoat and top hat. As Edward VI settles into his seat, an attendant cover both men with a carriage robe. As the carriage pulls away, an honor guard in formation at attention is seen in the background. The carriage carrying the Kaiser and the King is seen ahead of another one in which a woman is riding, accompanied by a man in top hat and a military officer in uniform. Local spectators stand at the side of road and on hills overlooking the roadway. A third carriage, drawn by a pair of white horses, carries a woman accompanied by a man in a top hat and a military officer in an elaborate plumed hat. A fourth carriage follows with a military officer and two statesmen in top hats. Film ends as horses pulling another carriage.

Date: 1909, February
Duration: 28 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675027373
Numerous scenes showing evolution of mechanized warfare emphasizing World War I. but including footage as late as 1934

Montage of scenes illustrating development of mechanized warfare beginning with American Expeditionary Forces (AEF) engaged in World War I. U.S. Army infantry soldiers moving out of trenches going "over the top" into "no man's land" and advancing on battlefield. U.S. troops firing Browning M1917 machine gun,1903 Springfield rifles, and Stokes mortar from trench positions. Soldiers firing mortar are wearing gas masks. AEF trucks and other vehicles ostensibly an improvement over horses, but seen having difficulty in mud. A truck pulling a large artillery gun. A German 80cm K (E) rail gun (developed in 1934) shown at the Rugenwalde Test Range in Germany. It moves along curving rails and is elevated to its maximum elevation (65 degrees). Two World War 1 rail guns firing. An American World War I Naval 14-inch rail gun firing. Allied heavy howitzers firing in World War 1 (one with gun crew in gas masks). American gunners with a French 75 field piece and caisson. French soldier advancing in no-mans-land. The Wright brothers brought warfare into the air with their Wright Flyer airplane, seen being maneuvered on the ground by U.S. Army personnel at Fort Myer, Virginia in July 1909. A De Havilland DH-4 airplane taking off in World War I. A German Fokker D.VIII in flight.Three U.S. Army Air Service Curtiss P-1B Hawk pursuit aircraft in flight, circa 1926. Aerial dog fight scene including view from behind a pilot in open cockpit biplane (from feature film, circa 1927). Brief view of Renault FT tank maneuvering in World War I. Narrative and clips shift to historical perspective of warfare, showing use of horse and chariot,starting in ancient Assyria and use of elephants in later years by Hannibal.Pictures of mounted soldiers, in the middle ages, waging war in armor, and being transported in a wagon. Shift to World War I showing British Mark IV tanks maneuvering in a field.

Date: 1918
Duration: 3 min 16 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675073555
Social and Economic differences between West Berlin and East Berlin, Germany during communist rule of East Germany.

Communist threat to Berlin, Germany as the Soviet Union presses for a unified Communist Berlin. Traffic signal man demonstrates hand signals on street in West Berlin. View of citizens in West Berlin shopping, engaging in commerce, and going to and from work among newly constructed buildings, improved roads, and wearing new fashions. Sign near the Brandenburg Gate. Contrast is made with East Berlin, East Germany where buildings still in ruin from World War II are shown, including on the famous Unter den Linden Boulevard. Communist East German troops march on road. Woman enters a building and writes on a note pad. East German workers dig with spades at a construction site. The Western Powers get out of free Berlin uniting with the East Berlin under communist rule. Social and economic differences seen contrasting communist versus capitalist systems in Berlin. A woman working alongside men at a construction site.

Date: 1958, November 14
Duration: 1 min 10 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675043357
Berliner Dom, Altes Museum, Imperial Palace, Reichstag Building, University Of Berlin and Unter Den Linden in Berlin, Germany

Scenes of famous tourist destinations and architecture in Berlin, Germany. Views of Berliner Dom also known as the Berlin Cathedral (Am Lustgarten, 10178 Berlin, Germany), and the Altes Museum (Bodestraße 1-3, 10178 Berlin, Germany), also known as the Old Museum in Museumsinsel (Museum Island) Berlin, Germany. The Löwenkämpfer (English: The Lion Fighter) bronze equestrian statue by Albert Wolff in front of the Altes Museum. Double decker buses move in front of the Former Imperial Castle, also known as the Berlin Imperial Palace or City Palace Berlin (Stadtschloss Berliner, Schloßpl., 10178 Berlin, Germany). View of the Reichstag (Platz der Republik 1, 11011 Berlin, Germany). Trams pass by in front of the Brandenburg Gate (Pariser Platz, 10117 Berlin, Germany). A crowd around the statue in front of the Humboldt University of Berlin (Unter den Linden 6, 10117 Berlin, Germany). Police officers stand near cars on Unter Den Linden boulevard. Trams, vehicles and people on the streets of Berlin.

Date: 1937
Duration: 1 min 33 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675055454
U.S. president John F Kennedy visits Berlin Germany and gives "Ich Bin Ein Berliner" speech

A crowd of 300, 000 West Germans cheering for United States President John F. Kennedy before delivering a speech in West Berlin. At a podium flanked by American and Berlin City flags, Kennedy begins his speech referring to ancient Roman declaration: "cīvis rōmānus sum" ( I am (a) Roman citizen). President Kennedy goes on to say that today the best boast is: "Ich bin ein Berliner." Crowded streets of West Berlin during President John F Kennedy's visit. Music played by the band as song lyrics contain name of President Kennedy (his Presidential campaign song). Presidential motorcade on the outskirts of West Berlin. Enthusiasm shown by West Berlin people is more than that shown by the people of Frankfurt, Cologne and Bonn. Robert Kennedy and Vice President Johnson were prior visitors to West Berlin after the Wall was built in 1961. Large crowds cheering for Kennedy along the Kurfurstendamm, the main shopping boulevard of West Berlin. The Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church (Breitscheidplatz, 10789 Berlin, Germany) can be seen on the background. Boys and girls ride scooters and bicycles trying to keep pace with the entourage. Bricked up windows in buildings from East Berlin as seen from West Berlin in the Bernauer Straße. A woman walks her dog along the Berlin Wall. Two women stop to reflect at a memorial for Ida Siekmann, the first victim killed by East German police while trying to cross over "no man's land" between the two sides. Views of the Berlin Wall and surrounding anti-tank barriers and barbed wire in no man's land. The Quadriga on the Brandenburger Tor as seen from West Berlin. Street sign “Straße des 17. Juni”. Presidential motorcade turns to onto 17th June Street. President Kennedy takes a look at East Berlin side. Red flags draped on the Brandenbuger Tor by East German police. Communists display anti-American propaganda in English facing West Berlin. English propaganda by East Germany says “These pledges have been fulfilled in the German Democratic Republic. When will these pledges be fulfilled in West Germany and West Berlin, President Kennedy?”, pertaining to the Yalta and Potsdam Agreements from World War 2. East Germans set up a camera facing West Berlin. East German photographer capturing President Kennedy’s visit on film. President Kennedy stands before the Wall accompanied by Chancellor of West Germany Konrad Adenauer. Motorcade leaves Brandenburg Gate and crosses 17th June Street. President's car is preceded by a truck with American and German photographers. President Kennedy’s entourage pass by the Berlin Victory Column (Siegessäule, Großer Stern, 10557 Berlin, Germany). Street signs saying “Friedrichstraße” and “Zimmerstr.”. The entourage stops at the Allied Checkpoint Charlie. President John F. Kennedy views the East German side from a platform near Checkpoint Charlie with German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer.

Date: 1963, June 26
Duration: 6 min 17 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: English
Clip: 65675034075
Aerial views of important monuments and buildings in Berlin, Germany, eight years after end of World War 2.

Aerial views of Berlin, Germany, 8 years after the end of World War II in Europe. Aerial views of wrecked buildings and cleared areas in Berlin. View of the Soviet War Memorial, the Reichstag, the Brandenburg Gate or Brandenburger Tor, the 1870 monument, a huge bunker, Berlin Victory Column (Siegessäule, Großer Stern, 10557 Berlin, Germany), the destroyed belltower of the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church (Breitscheidplatz, 10789 Berlin, Germany), the Funkturm Berlin in Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf (Hammarskjöldpl., 14055 Berlin, Germany), and the Olympic Stadium (Olympischer Platz 3, 14053 Berlin, Germany).

Date: 1953, June
Duration: 2 min 17 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675065729
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