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Bitburg Germany 1955 stock footage and images

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Views of emaciated survivors and victims from a variety of German concentration camps immediately after their liberation

During World War II, scene of a few women with terrible wounds at a German concentration camp near Ramsdorf after being liberated. Physicians attend to the atrocity victims. View of children who managed to survive at Auschwitz camp even after losing their families. The children show their tattoos on their hands that are marks for their identification. Two men who were survivors, one man whose eyes were gouged out by his captors. Men behind barbed wires. Inmate victims who could not walk or crawl being helped by soldiers. Nude men who were starved stand in a group at Ebensee Concentration Camp. Man helps a starved, emaciated man to walk. A man crawls. Bodies of prisoners who died without getting medical aid. Officials beside the bodies. Scenes are from a variety of camps including Ramsdorf, Auschwitz, Aschaffenburg, Bergen-Belsen, and some others that are not clear from the narration.

Date: 1945, April
Duration: 2 min 18 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675054791
Mob uprisings against Fascists in Europe, during the end of World War II. The Third Moscow Conference of the Allied occupying powers. The Belsen trials.

A mob, seeking revenge against Fascist leaders, fills a city square. They pound on steel gates of a government building. Soldiers and police attempt to protect various persons from the mobs. Others are unprotected and suffer beatings and death. Bodies of Benito Mussolini and his Mistress Clara Petacci are seen hung upside down by Italian Partisans in Milan, Italy, on 28 April 1945. Scene shifts to image of postwar occupying powers, United States, Soviet Union, and Great Britain, whose flags are displayed in the center of a conference table during the Third Moscow Conference. Principals signing agreements, in November, 1943, providing, among other things, for lawful and orderly trials of war criminals, following World War 2. Seen signing are: Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov; U.S. Secretary of State, Cordell Hull; and British foreign Secretary, Sir Anthony Eden. View of General Dwight D. Eisenhower, leading a contingent of American wartime Generals on a mission to document Nazi atrocities at liberated German concentration camps. Closeup of a man directing local German citizens who were forced to observe the horrors of the camp. Closeup of an oven used to dispose of bodies of victims. Dead bodies of concentration camp victims strewn in a heap. A room filled with documentary evidence to be analyzed and used in war crimes trials. the body of German General Admiral Hans-Georg von Friedeburg , and of Heinrich Himmler, both of whom committed suicide. A hand holding cyanide capsules. Body of Leipzig City Council deputy mayor Dr. Ernst Kurt Lisso slumped over his desk, following suicide. Body of his daughter, Regina Lisso also a suicide victim. Nazi war criminals being rounded up by Allied military.One being carried on a stretcher. Another, a German officer, is taken into custody. Next, Josef Kramer, the Commandant of Bergen-Belsen concentration camp is seen under guard by a British soldier. British soldiers guarding the court room of the second Belsen trial, convened by the Allied occupational forces, in the Gymnasium building of Luneburg. View of the courtroom with defendants wearing numbers. Closeup of numbers 1 and 2, Josef Kramer, and Fritz Klein, respectively. View of Allied military officers sitting in judgment. Closeups of women defendants, including Irma Grese (number 9) and Elisabeth Volkenrath (number 11). Camera pans around the courtroom.

Date: 1945
Duration: 2 min 40 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675055475
Scenes in a German city as World War II in Europe ends on VE-Day, May 8, 1945

Opening scene shows local German citizens chatting in small groups near a city street on the day World War 2, in Europe, ends. Next, American soldiers are seen standing beside a road as a German soldier on a motorcycle leads a truck filled with unarmed German soldiers. Another truck drives behind. Scene shifts to a long line of such trucks carrying German soldiers. Several open trucks, filled with German soldiers, ride past the camera. A Sd.Kfz. 8 halftrack filled with German soldiers pauses a while in front of the camera. Several other vehicles pass, followed a pair of German soldiers driving by a horse-drawn covered wagon. German soldiers assembled in loose formation on the edge of a large lawn. Discarded military equipment is on the ground nearby. Two German officers stand in front of the formation. One is giving instructions. Meanwhile, American soldiers begin to examine the arms and equipment on the ground nearby. Closeup of the German officers as the one is giving instructions to the formation of troops.

Date: 1945, May 8
Duration: 1 min 27 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675055931
Strafing German factories and motor trucks driving on highways by Allied bombers, during World War II.

Strafing German factories and motor trucks driving on highways by Allied bombers, during World War II. A bomber plane dives down and drops bomb targeted at a German factory. The plane points upwards after dropping bomb. Agricultural farms and highways as seen from the flying bomber. Allied bombers strafe German trucks on highways. The trucks drive fast on the highway. Explosion and smoke rises from a truck struck on the highway by Allied bombers.

Date: 1945, April 16
Duration: 1 min 20 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675056449
Strafing German factories and vehicles on highways by Allied bombers and explosion on targets, during World War II.

Strafing German factories and motor trucks driving on highways by Allied bombers, during World War II. A bomber plane dives down and drops bomb targeted at factories in an industrial area. Bombers fly over a city and drop bombs on a highway. Smoke arises from explosion on a vehicle bombed by Allied bombers. Agricultural farms and highways as seen from the flying bomber.

Date: 1945, February 24
Duration: 2 min 5 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675056450
Immense smoke from strafed German factories and houses in a village by Allied bombers, during World War II.

Strafing German factories and motor trucks driving on highways by Allied bombers, during World War II. Large explosion results by bombing at a small village. Bombers strafe a large German factory amidst agricultural farms. Smoke arises from houses near a river strafed by Allied bombers. Immense smoke and flames arise in the area due to explosion.

Date: 1945, April 16
Duration: 2 min 43 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675056451