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Brandeis California USA 1977 stock footage and images

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Scientists conduct safety tests ensure the durability of the Sodium Reactor Experiment (SRE) nuclear power plant

Scenes in Brandeis California at the Sodium Reactor Experiment site. A man removes and washes solid uranium slugs contained in rod clusters. The slugs are put on paper towel to dry. Men inspect the rod clusters. A man inserts the slug into the rod. A thin-walled stainless steel jacket encloses the slugs. Chemical compounds travel through glass tubes. Chemicals pour into a retort flask. Sodium potassium medium is used for heat transfer from the fuel slug to the jacket. The bonding material were admitted under an inert atmosphere. A jacket is sealed on each end by a welded stainless-steel plug. Scientists employ ultrasonic inspection. A scientist takes off welding mask. The six outside rods are spirally wrapped with stainless steel wire to prevent the fuel rods from touching each other or the coolant channel. Scientist pulls out a rod wrapped in stainless steel wire. The rod is inserted into the sodium cooler. A man in white inspects the moderator assemblies. Reactor grade graphite is machined into a hexagonal shape before being sealed into the zirconium cans. A machine presses panels of zirconium before the panels are machined into the specified width. A Heliarc welding is used for longitudinal welding. Scientists pull out the filler rod so the seams could fuse together. They carry the rod away. Scientist leak test a moderator can. A scientist inserts a well into an x-ray to check for porosity and contamination. They insert three graphite blocks to comprise the moderator element for each can. Short sections of moderator cans are tested for durability of welded head assemblies. Scientists conduct further safety tests to ensure the durability of the Sodium Reactor Experiment (SRE) nuclear power plant. A scientist uses a wrench. A stainless-steel grid plate near the bottom of the core tank supports and locates the moderator assemblies. The holes space the lower ends of the moderator cans and fuel elements on a triangular lattice. Stainless steel core tank contains the core. A welder welding bottom head. The side of the tank with 3 ring section. The animation shows the layers of the core tank of the Sodium Reactor Experiment. Casting of low carbon steel to form seven rings that comprise the thermal shield. View of the thermal shield of the sodium reactor core tank. Animation shows the rotatable top shield on top of the core tank. Man installs moderator assembly on top of the rotatable top shield. The top shield is filled with dense concrete. Man with sodium pump or modified hot oil pumps. The pump rotates.

Date: 1977
Duration: 6 min 25 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675080616
Generators and tubes at the Sodium Reactor Experiment nuclear power plant

The Sodium Reactor Experiment nuclear power plant at the Santa Susana Field Laboratory in Southern California. Air blast heat exchangers where hot sodium is cooled at the power plant. Tubes located in the air stream of electrically driven fans in the facility. Tubes where sodium flows directly to the steam plant through the secondary non-radioactive sodium loop. Loops and tubes of the Sodium Reactor Experiment plant. The Southern California Edison Company run electrical generating plant used in conjunction with the Sodium Reactor Experiment. A steam generator inside the electrical generating plant. A steam condenser. Water pipes supplying the steam condenser with water. Induced draught cooling water tower. Conventional turbine generator feeding a step-up transformer. A generator in power plant. Powerlines in Southern California. The Sodium Reactor Experiment nuclear power plant with the Santa Susana Mountains in the background. Scientists working at a control center. Aerial view of the the Sodium Reactor Experiment nuclear power plant.

Date: 1977, October
Duration: 3 min 17 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675080619
Animation shows the mechanism of the core tank in the Sodium Reactor Experiment nuclear power plant

The Santa Susana Mountains in Southern California. The Sodium Reactor Experiment nuclear power plant at the Santa Susana Field Laboratory near Simi Valley, California. Facilities inside the Sodium Reactor Experiment also known as the SRE. A miniature model of the SRE showing its sodium graphite reactor. Miniature pipes show the movement of liquid sodium into the reactor. Animation shows the core tank and the reactor fuel is metallic uranium contained in clusters suspended within the core of the reactor. The animation shows the layers of the core tank, the flow of liquid sodium into the core tank, and a diagram showing the transfer of energy from the core tank to steam plant that produces electricity.

Date: 1977, October
Duration: 4 min 35 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675080614
Scientists study and change fuel elements in core reactor of the Sodium Reactor Experiment nuclear power plant

Scientists working in control room of Sodium Reactor Experiment nuclear power plant at the Santa Susana Field Laboratory in Southern California. Fuel elements made from special uranium alloys, thorium uranium, and high temperature ceramic fuels. A scientist in white protective suit rides and operates bridge train. Fuel elements are removed from the core by the shielded fuel handling cast. The operator positions the cast in the general area over the used fuel element to be withdrawn. An indexing mechanism guides the cast to a preset position. Pneumatic mechanism forces an LED radiation shield down onto the surface of the loading face. Animation depicts a pickup device within the cast is lowered to engage the shielding plug of the used fuel element, with the shielding plug hanger rod and radioactive fuel element as one complete unit. Revolving fuel support plate at the top of the cast rotates to position new fuel element over empty fuel channel. The new fuel element is lowered into the core and shielding mechanisms are raised. The used fuel element is taken to underground cleaning cells where it is washed in a water bath. The fuel element is transferred into a storage cell after cleaning to permit reprocessing. Scientists use the hot cells for disassembly and study of experimental fuel elements. A scientist uses a robotic arms to handle irradiated material in another room.

Date: 1977, October
Duration: 3 min 10 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675080618
CIA and other U.S. sponsored experiments dealing with control of animals and people using various techniques during the 1960s and 70s.

In 1964, Professor Jose M.R. Delgado, of Yale University's School of Medicine, invented a device he called a stimoceiver. It was a chip that could alter the brain’s electrical impulses via radio signal. In tests sponsored by the U.S. Office of Naval Research, he implanted the device in the brain of a bull. This film opens shows that experiment and its results. A man in Cordova, Spain, opens a bull ring door to allow a fighting bull to enter. It charges a man holding a cape. Another man fires a dart to sedate the bull. Several men plant a stimorecever in the bull's brain. Next, the bull charges a man holding a cape, but pulls up short before hurting him. The bull chases the cape but never attacks the man. The bull charges around in a circle. Scene shifts to Dolley Madison Parkway (Route 123 in Mclean, Virginia, where sign points toward the CIA headquarters at Langley, Virginia. Narrator lists various techniques examined in the 60s and 70s, including brain surgery; psychosurgery; creation of amnesia; parapsychology; and manipulation of genes. Glimpse of some facilities at CIA headquarters. Change of scene to hearing of the Senate Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research on September 20, 1977. Chaired by Senator Edward M. Kennedy, the Committee sought information about these activities by the CIA. Narrator says witnesses had agreed to limit information they would provide the Subcommittee. Former narcotics officer Charles Siragusa is seen on camera admitting that the man he reported to at the CIA wanted him not to say anything. Former CIA chemist Robert V. Lashbrook is seen testifying that he has no knowledge about the CIA running safe houses. (Narrator states he ran one of them and that a "surprise LSD experiment" was conducted there.) Scene shifts to a California tennis court, where Dr. Sidney Gottlieb is playing doubles tennis, Narrator says he oversaw those activities at the CIA but destroyed all his records when he retired in 1973. View of a letter he wrote at that time, in which he states he and his colleagues had been able to maintain contact with the leading edge of chemical and biological developments in the field of biological and chemical control of human behavior. View of Dr. Gottlieb entering an ante room where he testified before the Senate Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research without being filmed because of what his lawyer claimed were health and cardiac problems. View of him on the tennis courts as Narrator states he declined ABC News requests for an interview. Change of scene to George White who retired from the CIA and lives in Stinson Beach, California. View of Stinson Beach from high overlooking vantage point. People jogging on the beach. Narrator states he wrote to Dr. Gottlieb summing up his career saying it was fun fun fun, and. where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill, and cheat, steal, deceive, rape, and pillage, with the sanction and blessing of the All Highest. Narrator strolls on lawn near the U.S. Capitol building and says it appears doubtful that mind control has been achieved. But work, that we don't know very much about, is continuing in this field. He asks how deeply are the Russians and other dictatorships into this. We really can't say. (Slate identifies him as Paul Altmeyer, ABC News.) He continues, the CIA is reluctant to give information about it. He asks what place does this have in a Democracy? He notes one person working on these projects told him they are capable, conscientious, and very capable scientists working for our country.

Date: 1979, July 10
Duration: 5 min 11 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675047246
A large crowd of spectators gathered at the Rose Bowl Stadium in California to watch the Frisbee World Championship.

Various views of a man jumping and catching frisbee People play Frisbee at a beach near San Francisco, California. View of Golden Gate Bridge in background. Frisbee champion Peter Blerm takes a frisbee from a bag in a park. He and champion, Monica Lu, demonstrate their skills handling the frisbee, rolling it over their necks and spinning it on their fingers. They demonstrate tricks as they toss the frisbee back and forth. Trees in the background. A large crowd of spectators gathered at the Rose Bowl Stadium in California to watch the Frisbee World Championship. Players prepare and warm up for the game. The team events begin. Spectators cheer the players. A player spins a disc.

Date: 1977
Duration: 4 min 25 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675056208
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