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Bratislava Czechoslovakia 1946 stock footage and images

- Showing 1441 to 1446 of 1450 results
WWII refugees arrive in New York City Harbor aboard the SS Marine Flasher.

Former Nazi German concentration camp victims and refugees arrive in New York City from Europe after World War 2. Refugees wave and cheer in excitement as the SS Marine Flasher approach New York City, with the Statue of Liberty and the New York City skyscrapers seen from the ship. Refugees waving from deck. A little girl standing beside two women waves in front of the camera. Relatives of refugees waving from harbor upon the ship’s arrival. From the ship, a woman tries to reach out her arm to her relative. Happy male refugees waving at the camera. Two Jewish women show cameramen and reporters their arms with tattoo entry numbers from Auschwitz Concentration Camp. A Jewish woman with child. Entry numbers tattooed in arms of two Jewish women. Polish Catholic priests previously imprisoned in Dachau Concentration Camp. A Jewish military chaplain poses with his Torah. An orphaned girl eats a bar of Hershey’s chocolate. Orphaned children and infants onboard. Mothers holding their babies. Refugees rush to hug relatives and friends upon disembarking. Man kisses a woman. An old woman kisses man on the cheeks. Two women hugging each other. Woman hugging her relatives during their reunion after World War 2.

Date: 1946, May 20
Duration: 1 min 53 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675078848
General MacArthur speaks on Philippine Independence Day

Filipinos attend the proclamation of Philippine independence ceremony in Manila as the United States grants independence after World War 2. Smiling crowds of Filipinos in attendance. A Filipino boy watches the ceremony while holding a hotdog on a stick, a common snack brought under American influence in the Philippines. View of the Independence Grandstand (a temporary structure built in front of the Rizal Monument) in Manila with American flag and Philippine flags on tall flag poles. United States General of the Army Douglas MacArthur gives a speech during the Philippine Independence ceremony. “with this ceremony, a new nation is born. A nation conceived in the centuries-old struggles of people to attain the political liberty to embark upon its own national destiny.” Says General Douglas MacArthur. Filipino women with umbrellas watching MacArthur’s speech. Map of the Philippines. Filipinos smiling. View of Jones Bridge, on the riverbanks of the Pasig River, connecting to the Binondo Chinatown district in Manila. The Philippine National Bank (PNB) in Escolta Street, the historic financial district of Manila. Heacock’s Department Store, selling American appliances such as Remington, with various Manila billboards such as “ASIA LIFE”, “Elizade & Co Inc. Tanduay Distillery” and “Goodrich”. The old Legislative Building (now the National Museum of the Philippines). View of the Port of Manila. Men offloading crates of sugar and hemp to be exported to markets abroad, particularly in the United States. A ship sailing away from the Port of Manila. Factory smokestacks emitting smoke. Filipinos in steel and petroleum plants. Filipinos building a vehicle on an assembly plant. People at the Philippine Legislative Building entrance. Filipinos in panic, running for shelter, after air raid siren sounds. Evacuating people board a crowded bus. Japanese bombing of Manila. Japanese tanks with soldiers enter into Manila, prominently flying the Japanese flag. Japanese soldiers wade through water on a coast, climb a steep hill. Smoke in battlefield.

Date: 1946, July 4
Duration: 2 min 39 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675079149
Yugoslav communist leader Josip Broz Tito, also known as Marshal Tito, talks with fellow officer at his mountain headquarters (WW2)

A female host wearing an army uniform, reads a letter from a sergeant. Yugoslav communist revolutionary and President Josip Broz Tito, also known as Marshal Tito, with his retinue during World War II. Josip Broz Tito with his loyal partisans at his mountain headquarters in Yugoslavia. One of the few early footage segments of Josip Broz Tito. A cameraman walks away as Josip Tito talks with others.

Date: 1946
Duration: 1 min 12 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675079161
Wilhelm Keitel swears under oath during the Nuremberg trials (WW2)

Indictment of German field marshal and war criminal Wilhelm Keitel during the Nuremberg trials after World War II. A pair of Military Policemen escort Keitel to his seat. A man adjusts the microphone and places a glass of water on Keitel’s podium. Keitel puts on his headphones. Keitel swears under oath in before he sits down. Keitel answers the jury in German. Visitors sitting in the gallery of the Nuremberg Palace of Justice (Fürther Str. 110, 90429 Nürnberg, Germany). General Geoffrey Keyes (Former Commanding General, Seventh United States Army), Commanding General LeRoy Watson, and several Russian military officials watch the tribunal from the gallery. Dr. Otto Nelte, Counsel for Defendant Wilhelm Keitel, interrogates Keitel in German. Keitel provides the court with information about his family background. Court stenographers taking down notes. Nuremberg Trial judges listen to the testimony from Wilhelm Keitel.

Date: 1946, April 3
Duration: 4 min 4 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: German
Clip: 65675080146
German defendants in the prisoner’s dock during the Nuremberg Trials (WW2)

People attend the Nuremberg trials at the Nuremberg Palace of Justice (Fürther Str. 110, 90429 Nürnberg, Germany) after World War II. Spectators, justices, and other staff stand up from their seats and began to leave the courtroom after the session. Some court stenographers stay in their seats and chat among themselves. Military Police personnel group around defendants such as Wilhelm Keitel just prior to the end of the session. Spectators such as United States Secretary of War Kenneth Claiborne Royall watch the tribunal from the gallery. German defense attorneys speak inside the courtroom. Nuremberg trials justices Francis Biddle, John J. Parker, Henri Donnedieu de Vabre, and Robert Falco sit on bench during the proceedings. Camera moves to Nazi defendants Hermann Göring, Rudolf Hess, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Wilhelm Keitel, Karl Dönitz, Erich Raeder, Baldur von Schirach, and Fritz Sauckel are sitting in the prisoner’s dock. The testimony of Joachim von Ribbentrop is heard off-screen.

Date: 1946, April 3
Duration: 4 min 13 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: German
Clip: 65675080147
Abraham Sutzkever recounts his experience living in Vilna Ghetto to the tribunal during the Nuremberg trials

Jewish testimony at the Nuremberg trials at the Nuremberg Palace of Justice (Fürther Str. 110, 90429 Nürnberg, Germany) after World War II. Famous Lithuanian Jewish poet and witness Abraham Sutzkever (Avrom Sutzkever) gives his Holocaust testimony to the tribunal. Sutzkever testifies against Franz Murer (also known as the “Butcher of Vilnius”), for murdering his mother Rayne Sutzkever and infant son. He recounts his experience living in Vilna Ghetto for two years before escaping with his wife to join the partisans in Lithuania. Chief Justice Sir Geoffrey Lawrence and Justice Francis Biddle taking down notes at their bench. Justices, court stenographers and other personnel listen to the testimony. A Military Police personnel walks across the room. Justice Lawrence question Sutzkever while the latter is on the witness stand. Sutzkever replies in Russian.

Date: 1946, February 27
Duration: 3 min 34 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: Russian
Clip: 65675080148