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Côte d'Azur France 1943 stock footage and images

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Funeral services for Franklin D. Roosevelt in Washington DC and at Hyde Park, New York (WW2)

Funeral procession of President Franklin D. Roosevelt on the streets of Washington DC. Horse drawn carriage with casket escorted by men on motorcycles. Crowd lined up on sidewalks. Various U.S. military units march. Funeral procession arrives at White House. Casket is carried into building. Casket is placed in East Room, lying in state. Scene change to funeral services for FDR at Hyde Park, New York. President Truman and Franklin D Roosevelt's wife among the mourners. A volley is fired over the president's grave. Symphonic music track in background is interspersed with audio quotations from Roosevelt, including, from his State of the Union on January 7, 1943: "Therefore, let us all have confidence, let us redouble our efforts. A tremendous, costly, long-enduring task in peace as well as in war is still ahead of us. But, as we face that continuing task, we may know that the state of this Nation is good--the heart of this Nation is sound--the spirit of this Nation is strong--the faith of this Nation is eternal." Also heard at the beginning of the clip is Roosevelt saying, "American fighting men looked to the statesmen of the world to finish the work of peace for which they fought and suffered. We failed them then. We cannot fail them again, and expect the world again to survive," from his address to Congress on Yalta, March 1, 1945 (World War II).

Date: 1945, April 24
Duration: 3 min 32 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675051765
Montage of World War II images,covering Eastern Front, Pacific, and European theaters of operation

German troops advance on the Eastern Front during World War 2. Russians employ scorched earth policy . Oil tanks ablaze and dams and structures blown up. Germans lay siege to Stalingrad. A Soviet troops in urban combat in Stalingrad. A German soldier is shot and falls. Views of awful destruction. Animated map showing Leningrad and the Gulf of Finland and Lake Ladoga on either side. Views of Leningrad in snow. Citizens bundled against the cold, walk near historic structures. Food being distributed. Soviet troops in defensive positions. Animated map shows outbreak of Soviet forces in pincer movement that surrounds the German 6th Army. Two Soviet armies meet as they close the pincer. German Field Marshal Friedrich Paulus surrendering to Soviet forces on 31 January 1943. Troops of the German 6th Army make their way through the snow as they surrender. Battlefield cemetery, with markers of German soldier's graves. Numerous Soviet citizens, victims of the fighting, seen lying in the snow, as relatives grieve. Scene shifts to the Pacific theater with view of Japanese bombers flying over an installation flying the Rising Sun flag. Scenes of the Pearl Harbor attack. American workers fill yard near a war plant during shift change. Defense industry workers in the plants. Liberty ships being launched. American forces in amphibious assaults. U.S. forces engaged in North Africa and on Pacific islands. American soldiers at battlefield gravesite. General Dwight D. Eisenhower with General Omar Bradley and Allied military leaders, look over a map of Europe, following the June 6th invasion in Normandy. Fields filled with Sherman tanks and other war materiel, in England. The wing of an American airplane in D-day stripes as it takes off. Views from cockpit of an American bomber striking targets on D-day. B-17 bombers in formation at high altitude, leaving condensation trails in the sky. Pilots in cockpit of an American bomber, as they drop bombs. Allied fighters in D-day stripes peeling off to attack. Gun camera views of fighters strafing German targets. Explosions and fires.

Date: 1944
Duration: 4 min 41 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675051621
Leaders of U.S., Britain, and the Soviet Union meet in Teheran, Iran, to plan actions against Nazi Germany during World War II

Film begins showing a U.S. Army Air Forces C-47 transport plane in flight over the city of Cairo and Pyramids, in Egypt during World War 2. U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt's voice is heard speaking in his 1943 Christmas report to the Armed Forces. He states that following the Cairo Conference, he and Prime Minister Winston Churchill flew to Teheran, Iran. View of city of Teheran from an airplane overhead. View of front of the Soviet Embassy building there. Wider view showing conference principals on the porch with reporters and photographers below the steps. Next, a closer look with Soviet Marshal Stalin, President Roosevelt, and Prime Minister Churchill, seated on chairs, conversing. Closeup of the Big Three with their military commanders standing behind them. Views of ongoing Soviet operations on the Eastern Front. Russian troops firing field artillery from a snowy field. (A transport airplane is in the far background.) Shells bursting on snowy hillside. Soviet soldiers training in white arctic clothing rush through toward tanks and lie down in the snow. Three Soviet aircraft buzz a snow covered field. A huge explosion is seen and then Soviet cavalry charge across snow. View shifts to U.S. Army troops operating in Italy. A jeep filled with soldiers tows an artillery field piece across a shallow river. U.S. soldiers ride across a stream in a truck. Rear view of artillery piece being towed toward an italian town. Glimpses of aerial combat between Allied and German aircraft. General Dwight D. Eisenhower and General Mark Clark are seen riding in a jeep across a bridge in Italy. Glimpse of Italian people trying to clean up destroyed section of a town. Portrait of Benito Mussolini in the debris. General Eisenhower walking with a local British commanding officer and General Mark Clark, in Italy. Eisenhower and Clark at an outdoor briefing by British officers. Eisenhower pinning the Legion of Merit medal on U.S. Army Air Forces Lieutenant General Carl Spaatz, deputy commander of the Mediterranean Allied Air Forces who President Roosevelt says has been selected to be commander of Strategic Air Forces in Europe. Glimpse of B-24 Liberator bombers dropping bombs in Europe. Film shifts back to Teheran and the Big Three Leaders sitting in chairs. Closeups of them. Then their foreign secretaries step being them (Molotov, Hull, and Eden.) Nazi swastika flag. German armed forces marching on parade. German boys playing on artillery pieces under watchful eyes of German soldiers. Children at a playground. European farmers harvesting grain by hand. German troops in black parading. Glimpse of Adolf Hitler giving impassioned speech. Several views of Teheran conferees. President Roosevelt holding a ceremonial sword. Scenes of good will with hand shakes among conferees. Glimpses of British, Soviet, and Chinese troops attacking. Massed flags of the Allies.

Date: 1943, November
Duration: 4 min 40 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675033720
British Prime Minister Winston Churchill in many meetings before and after America's entry into World War II

Opening slate reads: "Quebec Conference August 1943." The English battleship, Prince of Wales, is seen in fog off the Coast of Newfoundland, in August 1941. View of sailor on fore-deck of the British ship. View inside engine room of the ship where sailor manipulates her power. Closeup of engine crankshaft stopping as she drops anchor in Placentia Bay. View of Prime Minister Winston Churchill, greeting U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt aboard the Prince of Wales. He proffers a letter to the President, from the King of England. View of Roosevelt and Churchill seated on deck with their respective military leaders standing behind them. Admiral Ernest King, U.S. Chief of Naval Operations converses with U.S. Army Chief of Staff, George Marshall, as they stand behind Churchill and Roosevelt. Wider camera view shows the larger military entourage accompanying the Prime Minister and the President. Glimpse of prisoners and enslaved workers taken by Nazi Germans in Europe. Glimpse of bombs falling from an airplane. Classic film views of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in December 7, 1941. Bombs exploding along "Battleship Row." Heavy smoke rising from the bombed ships. The USS Arizona tilted heavily and burning. Camera pans along the path of destruction, as the voice of President Roosevelt is heard in the background, asking the Congress to declare that the Japanese attack created a state of War between the United States and the Japanese Empire. View of President Roosevelt speaking to the U.S. Congress. Seated behind him are Vice-President Henry Wallace and Speaker of the House, Sam Rayburn. Glimpse of Congress members applauding. Change of scene shows President Roosevelt and Winston Churchill meeting in Washington, DC, in December of 1941, during World War 2. Views of war preparations in the United States, including the building of new war production plants and facilities. A large steel ingot being forged into an artillery gun barrel. Machinist at work turning a gun barrel on a lathe in a munitions factory. Views of manufacturing plants in operation and steel being made. A railroad train carrying new Army trucks. Another meeting of Churchill and Roosevelt in Washington, D.C. June, 1942. Standing behind them is President Roosevelt's special assistant, Harry Hopkins, a British naval officer, and an American navy Captain. American soldiers boarding a troop ship, and closeups of them as they enter the ship, looking out of portholes, and waving from the ship's deck. Glimpse of Washington Monument and its image in the reflecting pool in Washington DC. Closeup of a book entitled, "Time Table for Invasion." General George Marshall with several of his generals doing preliminary planning. Series of scenes involving senior military officers engaged in war planning. A convoy of warships is seen at sea during the Operation Torch Allied invasion of French North Africa during 8–16 November, 1942. Views of Allied Navy ship guns firing. Allied troops riding in landing craft, and advancing from beached craft on shore of Algiers. Aerial view of a flight of Douglas Dauntless bombers in formation. "Bombs away" view from Allied airplane dropping bombs. Allied troops firing camouflaged antiaircraft guns from sandy positions near shore. Enemy shells or bombs exploding nearby. Two U.S. Army soldiers holding a document in French entitled, "Message from the President of the United States.

Date: 1943, August
Duration: 4 min 5 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675051795
Montage of World War I scenes. Postwar French military preparedness. Tensions between Germany and France early in World War II.

German cavalry on horseback entering Belgium and Berman infantry marching in France, at the start of World War 1 (1914). The famed Taxicab army is seen carrying French soldiers in Paris. General Ferdinand Foch reviewing elements of the French 9th Army. French and British troops firing a British BL 8-inch howitzer. French troops rushing across no-man's land of trenches and barbed wire, as shells burst. German soldiers taken prisoners in trench. General Foch shaking hands with U.S. General Pershing, aboard a U.S. warship. Sketch of signing of the armistice, November 1, 1918 on a railway carriage at Compiegne. Monument to Marshal Foch. Monument to Minister of War, Andre Maginot. concrete being poured. French construction of the Maginot Line. Animated illustrated cross-section of the line.View of troops moving on rail cars in the Maginot line. Glimpse of Maginot line guns on surface. At outbreak of World War 2, French troops deploy to the Maginot line. French troops inside bunkers and tunnels of Maginot Line. Marshal Petain reviewing the troops as they deploy. Muzzle of a Maginot line gun. Hitler with Military Chiefs planning. View of French Foreign Minsister, Aristide Briand,during signing of the 1928 Kellogg-Briand antiwar pact in Paris.Frank R. Kellogg, U.S. Secretary of State at the table to Briand's left. His signature on the document. A field full of French Morane 406 airplanes. French airman poses with Potez 58 airplane. French AMC 34 tanks. Crowd milling about at Renault Building and unrest elswhere in Paris, France. Newspapers chronicle failure of the League of Nations. Movie cartoon about weakening of France by Nazi inspired social strife and sabotage. French Army troops in mess hall eat at long tables and pour wine with meal. Idle French troops across the Rhine River targeted by German propaganda and psychological warfare including banners; messages by balloons;German bands playing French tunes; large loudspeakers broadcasting in French.

Date: 1943
Duration: 5 min 51 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675038487
Montage of scenes depicting America in World War I, from 1917 to 1919.

U.S. President Thomas Woodrow Wilson signs the declaration of war during World War I. U.S. ships sink after torpedo attacks. United States troops aboard a troop carrier ship bound tor France. Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Franklin D. Roosevelt. U.S. troops disembarking on docks in France. Navy ships being built in U.S. shipyard. Allied troops attack across no man's land. Allied rail gun firing. U.S.Soldiers fire howitzers. Smoke pours out of Allied biplane aircraft after being shot down. German troops fighting in trenches. A horse falls into a trench after being shot. Tanks in action. Tanks advance and fire. German machine gunners. German prisoners walk in a line. American troops in France celebrate the end of hostilities with the Armistice on the 11th hour of 11th day of 11th month, 1918. The American flag flies on a pole as a symbol of victory. Huge crowds of Americans celebrate in Manhattan, New York city, waving newspapers with headlines announcing German surrender. In 1919, President Wilson and General John (Black Jack) Pershing review victorious American troops marching in Chaumont, France (Pershing's headquarters). Franklin D. Roosevelt, Assistant Secretary of the Navy with Secretary of the Navy, Daniels, in France. U.S. troops board transport ships to return home after war. Returning U.S. Armies hold a victory parade in Manhattan, New York City, where they parade through a temporary Victory Arch constructed expressly for the purpose in Madison Square. Hydrogen balloons decorate the Arch. New York City mounted police monitor the crowds.

Date: 1917
Duration: 4 min 46 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675044334