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California United States USA 1971 stock footage and images

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President Reagan speaks about the development of Berlin, the 1988 Olympics, and the Berlin Wall between East and West.

President Ronald Reagan addressing people at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, Germany. Large crowd gathers. People stand with the United States flags. Dignitaries on the platform. The flags on the platform. President comes at the podium to give a speech in front of the crowd. Crowd applauds. He talks about the 1971 agreement and that the Eastern and Western part of the city should work together for its overall development. He talks about the removal of the wall, International cooperation and about the air service to Berlin to be made more commercial and easier. He also says that the U.S. is always ready to help Berlin. He suggests programs to be organized for the young citizens of Berlin and that the 1988 Olympics should be organized in Berlin.

Date: 1987, June 12
Duration: 3 min 29 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675028313
U.S. Army Air Service Fokker T-2 flown coast to coast nonstop by Lieutenant John A Macready and Lieutenant Oakley G Kelly.

On May 2, 1923, scenes of the first successful non stop flight across USA. Men open accordian doors to large hangar, revealing a specially modified Fokker T-2 airplane. Lieutenant Kelly and Lieutenant Macready, on the field, pose with Orville Wright. United States Army Air Service Fokker T-2 plane is pushed out of hangar by men. Painted on side of the plane is: 'Army Air Service Non Stop Coast to Coast'. Pilot gets ready as the airplane is fueled. Pilots and other Army officers on airfield. Animated map of the United States map illustrates course the flyers will take. Plane taxis on airfield. The Plane in flight and over Rockwell field, San Diego, California, and making a landing. Spectators on field greet the pilots as they climb down from the airplane.

Date: 1923, May 2
Duration: 2 min 12 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675051730
Soviet flyers who flew from Moscow, Russia, to Vancover Washington, begin journey back to Russia

United Airlines DC-3 Mainliner aircraft lands and taxis to the airfield ramp,at Oakland, California. U.S. military and civilian officials, and newsmen gather around the airplane as its doors open. A crowd of spectators and well-wishers fill an area at the airfield terminal. Closeup of three Soviet flyers, standing and waving from the top of stairs at the plane's door. They are Pilot Valery Chkalov; Co-pilot Georgy Baydukov and Navigator Alexander Belyakov. They left Moscow, Russia, June 18, 1937 in a single-engine Soviet Tupolev ANT-25 aircraft on a flight over the North Pole and finally landed after 63 hours and 25 minutes, at. the U.S. Army Pearson Field in Fort Vancouver Barracks (Washington State, USA). Scene shifts to Pearson Field, where their airplane is being prepared for shipment back to Russia. U.S. Army soldiers package up recording instruments preserving evidence of the flight necessary to document their accomplishment. They remove and package loose articles, such as parachutes. View of the airplane being completely covered in protective tarp wrappings.

Date: 1937, June
Duration: 30 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675070572
An aircraft comes in and lands aboard United States aircraft carrier Langley off the coast of California, United States.

United States aircraft lands aboard the U.S. aircraft carrier Langley off the coast of California, United States. A signal man on the deck of United States aircraft carrier Langley waves signal flags as an aircraft comes in for landing on May 14, 1924. Aircraft piloted by Lieutenant Commander Mason lands on the deck and taxis along. Men in the foreground as the plane taxis. Men rush towards the plane.

Date: 1925, May 20
Duration: 1 min 2 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675051285
An aircraft marked 2F-10 lands aboard United States aircraft carrier Langley off the coast of California, United States.

United States aircraft land aboard the aircraft carrier Langley off the coast of California, United States. An aircraft marked 2F-10 after landing aboard the United States aircraft carrier Langley on May, 20th 1925. Aircraft piloted by Lieutenant Buse taxis along the flight deck.

Date: 1925, May 20
Duration: 34 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675051286
An aircraft lands aboard United States aircraft carrier Langley off the coast of California, United States.

United States aircraft land aboard the aircraft carrier Langley off the coast of California, United States. An aircraft piloted by Lieutenant H.J. Brow comes in for landing aboard the United States aircraft carrier Langley on March, 25th 1925. A man on the edge of the deck waves signal flags as the aircraft lands. Aircraft taxis along the flight deck.

Date: 1925, May 20
Duration: 1 min 5 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675051287