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Canada 1979 stock footage and images

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Brainwashing experiments conducted by Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron at Allan Memorial Institute in Canada.

View panning uphill to a Victorian mansion called "Ravenscrag"on Mount Royal in Montreal, Canada, housing the Allan Memorial Institute of Psychiatry, at McGill University. Camera pans across the front of the building. A photograph of Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron. Dr. Maurice Dongier,current head of the Institute, speaks about Dr. Cameron's so-called "Psychic Driving" therapy. He is being interviewed, and agrees that Dr. Cameron's work could by characterized as "brain washing." More views of the Allan Institute building. Val Orliknow,of Winnipeg, wife of a member of Canadian parliament, is seen seated, with the Allan Institute building visible through a window behind her.She describes her experience as a patient of Dr. Cameron. Scene shifts to Dr.Dongier, again, describing Cameron's methods. More views of the Institute building and of Mrs. Orliknow discussing her treatment. Street sign reading "Avenue McGregor and views of Heavy vehicle traffic on the Avenue, as Mrs. Orliknow describes her thoughts of committing suicide by throwing herself under a vehicle. Dr. Robert Cleghorn, who succeeded Dr. Cameron, upon his retirement, is seen being interviewed, and concluding that Dr. Cameron's work was not more successful than that achieved by more conservative methods. Scene shifts back and forth between Dr.Dongier,Dr.Cleghorn, and Mrs.Orliknow, interspersed with views of the Institute building, another building flying the American flag, and traffic on McGregor Avenue. Mrs.Orliknow expresses dismay at CIA involvement as the clip finishes with views of the institute and surroundings. [Note: Principals discuss attempted "brainwashing" by Dr. Ewen Cameron, who was funded by the CIA. He used drugs, including LSD, plus electric shock therapy, "sleep therapy," and "psychic driving," that he believed would allow him to make changes in a patient's` personality. His so-called "de-patterning" involved Electro-shock treatments for 30 days, and even 65 days for some subjects. ]

Date: 1979, July 10
Duration: 8 min 23 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675047235
Flashback scenes to Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979; the Refugee situation in Afghanistan in 1985.

Correspondent and host Harry Ellis in Washington DC broadcasts a bulletin about the refugee situation in Afghanistan. Report opens with flashback scenes from December 1979 as Soviet aircraft bomb Afghanistan territory. Soviet helicopter MI-24 flies overhead. Situation in Afghanistan over the years since the invasion forces its people to leave their country. Current day scenes of Afghan refugees camped on land in Pakistan. Doctor checks the Afghan patients. Epitaphs of Afghanis who could not survive. Afghan Refugees work in Pakistan. Afghan laborer breaks stones and another laborer fills grain into containers and then into sacks. Afghan Aid Medical Clinic where volunteer doctors give free treatment to Afghan Refugees. Doctor and nurses attend to the patients. Afghan Refugees camped in Afghanistan. Man watches over a grazing herd of sheep. Young Afghani children at a village school in Afghanistan.

Date: 1985
Duration: 6 min 31 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675022335
Safety measures and precautions which can be taken in the event of a tornado, in the United States.

A documentary on occurrence of a tornado in the United States. The aftermath of a tornado in Wichita Falls, Texas. A rubbled area. A man standing near the rubble. Dead bodies on the ground. Doctors treating wounded people. Red Cross workers and volunteers working to help the victims. Temporary housing facilities given to homeless people. Rebuilding work being undertaken. People standing outside a house. A doll on the ground. Disaster plans being worked upon. People discussing amongst themselves. Narrator outlines preventive measures, warnings, and emergency plans and Disaster Plans that should be in place to in the event of a tornado. Narrator discusses what to do, and what not to do in the event of a tornado. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) weather radio should be used. It gives warning about tornadoes. When a tornado hits people should take cover in basements. Weather clues should be noticed, warnings should not be ignored and people should not stay in mobile houses at the time of tornadoes. People can take shelter in a ditch. Matches should not be lit and people should not enter the disaster area. Views of the April 10, 1979 tornado in Wichita Falls, Texas as it hits the area.

Date: 1979
Duration: 4 min 44 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675076796
United States President Dwight D Eisenhower on a state visit to Ottawa, Canada.

United States President Dwight D Eisenhower and his wife, Mamie Doud Eisenhower, are welcomed and greeted by Governor General of Canada, Vincent Massey and Mr. and Mrs. Louis St. Laurent, the Prime Minister of Canada. Mrs. Eisenhower receives flowers from Mrs. Jeanne St. Laurent. The President places a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at the Canadian War Memorial (53 Elgin St, Ottawa, ON, Canada). The Dignitaries drive through cheering crowd of Ottawa residents. View of Rideau Hall (1 Sussex Dr, Ottawa, ON K1A 0A1, Canada), the Canadian Governor General's residence. President Eisenhower and Mrs. Eisenhower participate in the guest tradition of planting a Maple tree. View of Canadian Parliament buildings and the Peace Tower on Parliament Hill (Wellington St, Ottawa, ON K1A 0A9, Canada). Inside Parliament, the President Eisenhower addresses the Canadian Parliament and talks about relations between the United States and Canada.

Date: 1953, November 16
Duration: 2 min 2 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675023019
Volcanic eruptions of Mount St. Helens in Washington State, United States, in 1980

Film begins showing pristine snow-covered Mount St. Helens in Washington State, U.S.A. View on March 20, 1980, the mountain appears to have less snow on it. Camera pans over the Cascade mountains. Still picture (illustration) of Mount St. Helens erupting in the past. Several hikers are seen sitting on the peak of the mountain. Camera pans over the view, showing Spirit Lake below and, in the distance, Mount Rainier. Slate reads: "Camp Mehan 1959."View of Mount St. Helens overlooking the Y.M.C.A. Boys try rowing a boat with one oar lock unfastened to the gunnel. one boy sailing alone in a small sail boat. Boys playing volleyball. Boys diving from a dock. A camper speaking with a Forest Ranger in the Gifford Pinchot National Forest. Campers in the park at places such as Bear Cove, Cedar Brook, and Donnie Brook. Hikers with full back packs exploring the forest. Campers cooking over a charcoal grill. A man with a fishing rod casting into a lake. Interior of a lodge at the end of a trail. View of Mt. St. Helens in 1979. View of a seismograph recording a moderate earthquake of 4.1 on the Richter Scale, beneath the mountain on March 20, 1980. View of smoke and ash rising from the mountain on March 27, 1980. Forest service vehicles closing roads and access to the Gifford Pinchot National Forest. View from the air, of a newly opened crater on Mount St. Helens. Forest Service workers and cooperating scientists setting up their gear to study the phenomenon. Nearby Ranger stations, such as Pine Creek are seen after being evacuated by the Forest Service. On March 29th, a second crater is seen on the Mountain. Explosive eruptions seen on March 31st. Camera captures these. A bulge in the mountain at Goat Rocks, is show. Narrator states that it is moving at 5 ft. per day. Another view of smoke and ash rising from the mountain. Scientist David Johnson is seen as he describes how the symmetry of the mountain means that volcanic outflows would come down on all sides of Mount St. Helens. A helicopter lowers a large refuse bin to help Spirit Lake youth camp operators hauling out. Outdoor shops are seen hawking Mt. St. Helen souvenirs. On May 18, 1980, a Forest Service tree planting crew is seen at work in a field. Rumbling sounds. A mountain lion is seen running. Tree planters look up as Mt. St. Helens has a violent eruption, which is seen on film, as the field workers run to escape. Narrator states the cloud reached nearly 14 miles into the sky. The cloud and internal bolts of lightning are seen. View of daylight obscured in Eastern Washington. Policeman wearing a face mask, stops a car from proceeding eastward. A helicopter of the 304th Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron depart their Portland Air Base, to search for Geologist David Johnson, who was manning a scientific lookout above Cold Water Creek. View from inside the helicopter in flight. Narrator notes they failed to find him.

Date: 1980
Duration: 8 min 36 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675037860
Life story of George Herbert Walker Bush, Vice-President and later President of the United States.

George Herbert Walker Bush speaks to the 1984 Republican National Convention as the nominee for Vice President. Supporters cheer holding banners. Childhood pictures of George W. Bush with his family. He is shown as a fighter in a squadron in the U.S. Navy in World War II. Footage of his rescue by submarine after he is shot down. Footage of Yale University and a photo of Bush wearing a Yale sweatshirt. George H W Bush starting in the oil business in Texas. Shots of oil workers drilling for oil and an offshore platform. A reporter interviews Bush in the 1960's in front of the U.S. Capitol building in the background. Footage of Bush speaking before the United Nations in his role as U.N. Ambassador. Vice President Bush meets Chinese officials. George H. W. Bush with Barbara Bush and their five children, including George W. Bush, as he announces his candidacy for President in 1979. Bush during his campaign, before abandoning it to join the Republican ticket as Vice President with Ronald Reagan for President. The Vice President circa 1983 with U.S. President Ronald Reagan at Reagan's ranch, in a meeting with Tip O'Neill, and on the steps of United States Capitol building, as George Bush was on the campaign trail with President Reagan running on the Reagan/Bush ticket for 1984.

Date: 1984
Duration: 7 min 12 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675044173
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