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Cape Zeitlin Mytilene Lesbos Greece 1922 stock footage and images

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United States Atlantic ship sailors save French destroyer HOVA that went aground at Cape Zeitlin in Mytilene, Lesbos, Greece.

United States Atlantic ship sailors save French destroyer HOVA. The ship went aground at Cape Zeitlin in Mytilene, Lesbos, Greece. Men go towards a ship on the boat. Sailors hold rope and work on the ship.

Date: 1922
Duration: 50 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675026003
United States Atlantic ship saves passengers of a French hospital ship Vinh-Long near Marmora in Paros, Greece.

United States Atlantic submarine chaser Bainbridge saves 482 passengers and crew of hospital ship Vinh-Long near Marmora in Paros, Greece. Smoke comes out of the ship. USS Bainbridge (DD-246) approaches the burning ship Vinh-Long. Smoke on ship. Passengers on ship brought to Constantinople, Turkey. Passengers stand on the ship as they dock in Constantinople.

Date: 1922, December 16
Duration: 1 min 47 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675026004
U.S. Destroyers of Naval Detachment in Turkish Waters, assist refugees from catastrophic fire at Smyrna, Turkey.

Destroyers of Squadron 14, U.S. Naval Detachment in Turkish Waters are deployed from Constantinople (Istanbul) By Detachment Commander, Rear Admiral, Mark Lambert Bristol, in response to emergency in city of Smyrna (Izmir). The Destroyer,USS Simpson (DD-221) is seen departing the harbor. Several destroyers of Squadron 14, viewed from one ahead of them, proceeding at high speed in Turkish waters. Background of a slate shows flames billowing over Smyrna at night. View from a U.S. Destroyer, of heavy smoke rising from the port area of Smyrna. Inhabitants are seen along the city pier. Nightime scenes of fires burning all along the waterfront. U.S. sailors are seen helping Greek and Armenian refugees from trucks on the quay, and guiding them across rail yards toward U.S. Destroyers at a dock.An injured refugee is carried on a stretcher by sailors. Aboard a destroyer, sailors assist refugees.One hands out chococlate Hershey bars. Several sailors entertain the refugees by playing banjos. A refugee man dances to the music. Refugees receiving food from an American sailor, on deck of a destroyer, as they approach Constantinople. Several men and women with a large group of Boy Scouts in uniforms on a pier. One Boy Scout carries a large American flag. Several U.S. sailors mingle with the group. The Ortakoy Mosque is seen in the background. The boys are helped from the pier and seated in a barge, which is then pulled by a tugboat, as their adult leaders stand and wave to people on shore. Refugees arriving at village of Bebek. Three Boy Scouts with a pet dog. Women and children being guided aboard a large open boat, flying the American flag. A sailor leads children in calisthenics at American Near East Relief orphanage, in ruins of ancient Temple of Jupiter at Athens, Greece. The children run in supervised exercises. The Acropolis seen in background. Sailors try to calm a crying baby with some candy, to no avail. But they successfully distract the child with pieces of fruit.

Date: 1922, September
Duration: 5 min 44 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675025989
People mourn the death of King George II of Greece

The funeral procession of King George II in Athens, Greece. Soldiers escort a truck carrying the casket. The Greek Royal Standard flag is draped over the casket. The Greek Royal Crown sat on the king’s coffin. Greek sailors unload the casket and carry it inside the Metropolitan Cathedral. The Greek Royal Family enter the Metropolitan Cathedral. King Paul of Greece stands near Crown Prince Constantine (future Constantine II of Greece). King Paul and Queen Frederica of Greece are joined by Crown Prince Constantine, Princess Sofia, and Princess Irene as well as Queen Helen of Romania, Princess Irene, Duchess of Aosta, Princess Katherine of Greece, Grand Duchess Elena Vladimirovna, Princess Alice of Greece, and Princess Francoise of Greece as they enter the Cathedral. Civilians come out of the building as they mourn the death. The soldiers escort a trailer carrying the casket.

Date: 1947, April 6
Duration: 2 min 9 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675050705
Axis forces conquer Greece and Yugoslavia during World War II.

Film opens showing Adolf Hitler shaking hands with Benito Mussolini of Italy. Next Mussolini is seen addressing a large crowd from the balcony of the Palazzo Venezia in Rome, Italy announcing plans to invade Greece. Views of Greek troops marching during the Greco-Italian War between the kingdoms of Italy and Greece from 28 October 1940 to 23 April 1941. Animated map depicts Italian advances into Greece with subsequent withdrawal as the Greeks drive them back and then invade Albania. Closeup of Hitler enraged about this turn of events, delaying his military Operation Barbarossa against the Soviet Union. Glimpse of Mussolini visiting his troops in the field. Newspaper headline reads: "Jugoslavia Gets Hitler Terms." A sub headline reads: "Nazi move in Greece Seen." Another view of Greek troops marching. A Junkers JU-87 Stuka dive bomber in flight, enters a steep dive to bomb a target. Bombs exploding in forest. Another Stuka diving and dropping bombs on a city building. Closeup glimpse of a Stuka speeding past the camera. View of a bombed out Yugoslavian building from German air attack on April 6, 1941. Animated map shows German and Italian forces attack paths from their bases in Italy, Hungary, Romania, and Hungary, vanquishing Yugoslavia. Map extends to Greece, where German forces overwhelm three defending Greek Divisions (aided by some British forces). Aerial view of a German Junkers Ju 52 transport plane flying over the Parthenon in Athens.

Date: 1941, April
Duration: 2 min 0 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675065790
Civilians at Constitution Square celebrate liberation of Greece, and Greece Premier Papandreou hoists flag in Athens, Greece.

People celebrate Liberation of Greece by Allied Forces in Athens, Greece during World War II. The British battleships underway. The British troops aboard a ship in the foreground. The troops disembark the ship at Athens port. The troops march in a squad. The troops marching. British troops greeted by civilians. The civilians crowd at Syntagma Square. The crowd cheer and hold banners. The troops celebrate liberation at Syntagma Square. The British troops lined up. The Greek Parliament Building. Premier of Greece Andreas Papandreou pays wreath to the unknown soldiers. The soldiers stand in formation. A view of the city. The soldiers holding flags of Greece, march. The soldiers stand in formation. Premier Papandreou hoists the flag. A soldier in the foreground salutes. The civilians salute as the flag is hoisted. A view of the city.

Date: 1944, November 2
Duration: 1 min 9 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675069631
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