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Caribbean Islands 1942 stock footage and images

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Role of the Jeep in U.S. military operations during World War II.

A U.S. Army Air Forces (USAAF) Waco CG-4A-WO glider is seen descending and landing in a grass field. Upon touchdown, its front pops open and and an army jeep drives out. USAAF C-47 aircraft are seen next, offloading jeeps pulling small artillery pieces, and infantry who move rapidly from the parked aircraft. Jeeps traversing a high hump in a dirt road. A jeep towing an M-3 Antitank Gun 37mm, and others driving through underbrush and bouncing over rough road while towing 37mm guns and trailers. Soldiers stepping from jeeps to set up machine guns. American soldiers playing a game of horse and rider, during a break in duties. Soldiers setting up mortars. Jeeps driving through bodies of water. Two M4A1 (76)W Sherman tanks, with cast steel hulls, drive into a stream. Troops setting up several 37mm guns on a river bank. Two soldiers in a communications jeep. Army officers perusing a map laid out on the hood of a jeep. U.S. field artillerymen using periscopic binoculars on tripods, to spot and direct gunfire. Military vehicles, including jeeps, moving across desert terrain. Artillery crews firing M59 (M2 Long Tom) 155mm guns. A Douglas A-26 Invader aircraft flying overhead. Jeeps in various roles, bouncing along in the desert and laying smoke screens. Jeeps equipped with M3 anti-aircraft guns and others with stretchers for wounded affixed to their sides. U.S. Army Ford GPA "Seep" amphibious jeeps plunging into water and continuing on as boats. A jeep production and assembly line in a U.S. factory showing stages of assembly and finished jeeps driving out of the plant into yards containing hundreds of them. A convoy of jeeps driving over a bridge, and others carrying a U.S. military brass band in a parade in England. A Hollywood actress (Gloria Swanson?) being lifted into a jeep by several men. Glimpse of an unidentified actress with an American soldier, in a jeep. Hollywood stars, Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy clowning in the front seat of a jeep with Desi Arnaz and two women riding in the back. Several jeeps carrying these and other Hollywood personalities during a war bond parade in Washington DC. The Capitol looming in the background as the jeeps move away from it toward the camera. Jeeps being prepared for transport to overseas destinations. Some being enclosed in wooden crates and placed on rail cars. Jeeps being hauled by cranes and placed aboard ships. Landing crafts mechanized (LCMs) transporting infantry and vehicles, including jeeps. An M4A1 Sherman tank driving out of a landing craft into surf. A jeep being driven onto beach at Adak,in the Aleutians,from a landing craft of the USS J.Franklin Bell (AP-34), in 1942. In 1943, this transport ship was reclassified as APA-16.) American troops with jeep on a South Pacific island in World War 2. A soldier on motorcycle, skids in mud on road in North Africa, and jeeps drive past him. American soldiers ride camels and some drive in a jeep near the Great pyramid and Sphinx in Egypt. Jeeps seen in China, with Generals Joseph Stilwell and Claire Chennault. One parked next to a Flying Tiger P-40 airplane. Soldiers in a jeep in Alaska, next to a tent and sign pointing to "Tokyo." Local tribesmen literally carrying a jeep, on long poles, across a river in Timor. General Douglas MacArthur, accompanied by staff officers, being driven in a jeep along a jungle road in New Guinea, past a line of local tribesmen. Wendell Wilkie, serving as Ambassador-at-large, during the war, speaks to U.S. officers in a jeep. Britain's King George VI in a jeep followed by another carrying Queen Elizabeth. President Franklin D. Roosevelt riding in a jeep to review troops. He removes his hat as they pass the American flag. Sign on a building in North Africa reads "Bizerte." General George S. Patton, standing in a jeep during a victory parade in North Africa. Soldiers at an outdoor religious service during the war with the hood of a jeep serving as a make shift altar.Various views of jeeps driving with soldiers in them.

Date: 1943
Duration: 4 min 42 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675042283
Role of American women in the military; WACS, nurses, and other military roles for women in World War 1 and World War 2

The role of women in the armed forces in the United States. A U.S. Army sniper fires a 1903 Springfield rifle on the Korean front during the Korean War. A woman in the Women's Army Corps (WAC) inspecting such a rifle in the U.S. Several Patton Tanks moving up a hilly road in Korean War. A WAC testing the turret of a Patton tank. U.S. Army women at desks as they work with Army men in an office. Picture depicts Molly Pitcher, wife of a fallen U.S. Revolutionary War artilleryman. Depiction of George Washington at desk. Depiction of Clara Barton, an American nurse with a wounded soldier. Reenactment of Clara Barton working with another women. A man holds the flag of the American red cross. Actual footage of a Wright Brothers aircraft in flight. Women in long dresses pushing an early model of car. A group of American soldiers in World War I running on a battlefield.. U.S. Army troops wearing gas masks and firing rifles from trench in World War I. American women war production workers assembling belts of machine gun bullets during World War I in a munitions factory in the United States. A nurse tending a wounded soldier. A woman nurse helping place a wounded soldiers into an ambulance in Europe, in World War I. Nurses in an operating theater in a hospital during World War I. Women march in victory parade at end of World War I. Women's suffrage demonstration by suffragettes in front of the White House and then women and men entering a polling place to vote around time of of 19th amendment giving women the right to vote in 1920. Aviatrix Amelia Earhart climbing down from an airplane. Swimmer Gertrude Ederle on an award stand. U.S. Navy Vought SB2U-2 planes in flight as they drop bombs. Scene of Pearl Harbor attack by Japanese during World War 2. Army nurses look out from deck of ship in World War II. Soldiers fire artillery. View of mountains and scenes of combat on islands in the Pacific during WWII. General Mark Clark awards nurse Silver Star medal. Repatriated Army nurses, who were prisoners, are loaded onto an aircraft by means of a fork lift. In 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs legislation establishing the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC). Secretary of State George Marshall and others witness the signing. Depiction of Godess Athena. Women volunteering for WAAC move in a line carrying bags. American women in military uniform marching. WAAC volunteers being processed. Women receive physical exams and receive inoculations. WAAC personnel being trained: working on X rays, in medical pharmacy laboratories, food service, and radio work. Women on board warships in World War 2.

Date: 1945
Duration: 5 min 17 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675032209
U.S. prisoners of war rescued in the Philippines and returning home to the United States at end of World War 2

Families at harbor waiting for the troop transport ships. United States soldiers and liberated prisoners of war on ship. San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge and harbor in background with Coit Tower atop Telegraph Hill. Troop ships arrive and crowd cheers. Japanese soldiers bonzai cheer and Japanese forces bomb and take control of Corregidor. Japanese planes bombing. Ambulance carries wounded. United States soldier loses his arm during a Japanese aerial attack on Corregidor. General Wainwright surrendering in Corregidor in May 1942. United States flag lowered by Japanese and Japanese flag is hoisted. Wreckage of bombed U.S. facilites. Japanese propaganda film showing care for wounded American soldiers on hospital beds. Prisoners eat food. Wounded American soldiers walk with crutches on the grounds of the prison camp. Bataan Death March of the emaciated prisoners. American military prisoners at Cabanatuan labor and sleep on open air bunks. Scene of U.S. Army training early in World War 2 with troops in a field setting a machine gun emplacement to fire at rolling trucks relabeled as "Tank". Japanese propaganda newsreels showing Japanese military success in Philippines and Japanese forces in the Aleutian Islands. Aerial view formation of U.S. Army Air Force B-25 bombers in the sky. Aerial side view of American bomber aircraft and bombs away view. Navy bombing from ships. General MacArthur returns to Philippines and wades ashore. Philippine guerrillas and U.S. troops in battle to retake Philippines. U.S. prisoners of war liberated and freed and at 92nd Evacuation Hospital Cebu. Released prisoners on ships to America. WAC women hand out mail. Soldiers write telegram wires announcing arrival. Ship docks in San Francisco. Prisoners reunite with happy families and crowds on streets cheer their arrival. Soldiers and civilians walk on Market Street in San Francisco. Welcome home parade for San Francisco soldiers during WWII. Soldiers waving from buses in parade. Soldier in front of Marina Junior High School, 3500 Fillmore Street. One armed, disabled soldier with parents views photo album.

Date: 1945
Duration: 9 min 6 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675028196
African American soldiers engaged on all fronts in World War 2

Film opens with map of the world showing the various theaters of operation in World War II. Narrator refers to Allies liberating town after town, as they advance. View of American troops being welcomed in a European town during an advance (probably Italy in 1944). Next, African American troops are seen boarding troop transport ships. A huge convoy of ships is seen from the air. Huge piles of war materiel on a dock. Ammunition being delivered by landing craft from the transport ship USS Hunter Liggett (APA-14) to American troops at a beachhead in the Pacific. An African American sailors directs the lowering of a piece of artillery from a ship into a landing craft. Construction equipment being used to clear the way for a new landing field. Docks, roads, and bridges being built as the Allies advance. American troops in the swamps of the South Pacific. American Army engineers clearing trees to build the Alaska Highway (ALCAN Highway) in 1942. Corps of Engineers building the Ledo Road (from India to China) during the war. African American soldiers building a bridge across a river in Europe. A U.S. Army truck under fire, driving along a dirt road in Europe as shells burst all around it. U.S. troops firing various kinds of field artillery and tank guns. U.S. infantryman using a flame thrower. Closeup of African American soldier using a bayonet and others firing small arms. A tank being blown up by artillery fire. A Japanese Mitsubishi A6M3 Zero aircraft maneuvers overhead in the Pacific theater. An African American soldier runs to man his Browning .50-caliber, water-cooled antiaircraft machine gun, and begins firing as the Zero fighter plane strafes his position. Closeup of Japanese pilot in his cockpit and his machine guns firing from leading edges of his plane. His rounds strike all around the U.S. gunner, who turns and follows him with more fire. His tracers show behind the plane. Closeup of the African American gunner as he continues firing. View of the Japanese airplane rolling over and diving. Next the Japanese plane, aflame, crashes on a tropical island and explodes. (Note: It is apparent that some of these combat scenes have been made up of clips from other sources, edited into this film.) (World War II; WW II; World War 2; World War Two)

Date: 1944
Duration: 2 min 25 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675077359
The siege of Malta and the North Africa campaign during World War II.

Italian warships maneuvering in the Mediterranean during World War 2. Destroyers pass a Corazzata-class Italian battleship. Italian IMAM Ro.43 reconnaissance planes are launched from a battleship. Two Corazzata-class Italian battleships underway. Change of scene shows the island of Malta, viewed from a low flying airplane. A formation of Italian CANT Z.508 seaplane bombers flying overhead to attack Malta. View from ground on Malta of anti-aircraft flak burst clouds in the air above. Smoke rising from bomb bursts. Glimpse of a large British warship slowly easing out of its dock. Single engine aircraft overhead moving through heavy flak clouds. More bomb explosions. Local civilian people and refugees, including many children, seeking safety from bombing. People perusing destroyed buildings. A formation of British Bristol Blenheim light bombers in flight over North Africa. British forces firing artillery in Libya. War materiel abandoned by retreating Italian forces in Eritrea and Somaliland. British troops and a contingent of Ethiopian troops march into Addis Ababa, escorting Emperor Haile Selassie as he is restored to his throne in May, 1942. Next, German armor in North Africa is seen burning. A knocked out German tank viewed through window of a British armored vehicle. More burning German armor. German aircraft destroyed on the ground at an airbase. Bombs lined up on the ground. Huge number of Italian prisoners of war marching across the desert in Libya.

Date: 1941
Duration: 1 min 27 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675046083
Guns aboard United States ship Minneapolis (CA-36) firing during the Battle of Wake Island in World War II.

Battle of Wake Island and Santa Cruz Island in Pacific Theater during World War 2. United States sailors on board the USS Minneapolis (CA-36). One of the sailors drinks from a glass and another one scans the sky during shelling of Wake island. 5 inch-25 caliber multipurpose guns trained skyward. Curtiss Scout observation plane (SOC Sea gull) warms up on catapult. Gun crew with helmets and masks, man their guns. Explosions occur from shelling of Wake Island. A ship strafed by aircraft. Smoke rises as shells drop in the sea. Turrets of guns trained to starboard as officer stands on a bridge. Wake Island being shelled and antiaircraft flak seen in sky. U.S. heavy cruiser fires. Main battery, 8 inch 55 caliber guns, firing from turrets aboard the USS Minneapolis as officers stand in the foreground. Antiaircraft guns firing.

Date: 1942, October
Duration: 2 min 44 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675049022