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Cartagena Colombia 1936 stock footage and images

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People and traffic on streets in the La Candelaria area of Bogota, Colombia.

A film titled 'Candelaria: A new health system' about the health of people in La Candelaria region of Bogota, Colombia. Aerial views of a city. A cathedral and men ride bicycles in a street. A man drives a cart. Children playing, views of the city. Cars on the street. Market area: a bird sits at the edge of a fish aquarium. A family comprising of a couple and children walk on a street. People milling about a market place.

Date: 1972, September
Duration: 1 min 41 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: Spanish
Clip: 65675059590
An official at the University of Valley faculty o Medicine speaks in Candelaria, Colombia.

A film about the health programs for people in Candelaria, Colombia. A sign in Spanish reads ' Universidad Del Valle Facultad de Medicina'. An official seated at a desk speaks about the public health system. A chart depicts the health system. Girls undergoing nurses training carry their baggage. A female medic speaks to a local woman.

Date: 1972, September
Duration: 1 min 48 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: Spanish
Clip: 65675059592
Medical students being given instructions in infant and baby care at the University of Valley in Candelaria, Colombia.

A film about the health programs for people in Candelaria, Colombia. A teacher at a blackboard at the University of Valley as student medics take down notes in a classroom. Medics at a library as they read. Medical students talk to a woman as they prepare to conduct an experiment. Woman puts on an apron. Student medics being briefed. Medics receive a lesson in baby care as the instructor instructs them as she handles an infant. A medic examines a woman. A students takes care of a child. A girl explains a chart as the teachers look on.

Date: 1972, September
Duration: 3 min 48 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: Spanish
Clip: 65675059593
People being instructed in infant care and family planning in Candelaria, Colombia.

A film about the health programs for people in Candelaria, Colombia. A doctor in an operation theater prepares for an operation. A pregnant woman being taken to the theater. A mother with her infant as medic examines the new born baby. She hands over the baby to a medical student. A medic instructs the mother about infant health care. A couple being interviewed as the woman speaks. A large number of civilians instructed in family planning and health care with the help of charts. A medic instructs a woman about family planning. A man speaks.

Date: 1972, September
Duration: 5 min 7 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: Spanish
Clip: 65675059595
People being instructed in infant care and healthy diet by doctors in Candelaria, Colombia.

A film about the health programs for people in Candelaria, Colombia. Doctors carry equipment in a bag. They conduct medical examination of children in the area. Children being weighed and their height measured. A medic instructs a woman about child health care. A woman with medics in a kitchen as they inform her about malnutrition and healthy diet. A male medic seated at a desk as he talks to a mother with a child in her lap.

Date: 1972, September
Duration: 2 min 38 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: Spanish
Clip: 65675059596
Children being examined and inoculated against deadly diseases in Candelaria, Colombia.

A film about the health programs for people in Candelaria, Colombia. Doctors examine a child as he cries loudly. Child being vaccinated or inoculated against deadly diseases like diphtheria, malaria, tuberculosis. A dentist instruct children about dental health care. Dentist examines the teeth of a school girl. A medic treats a woman's ear. A needle being sterilized. Children walk across an area filled with water due to poor sanitation. People swim in a pool. A girl hangs clothes on a line. Men work with shovels to construct a drainage system.

Date: 1972, September
Duration: 3 min 33 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: Spanish
Clip: 65675059597