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Casablanca Morocco 1961 stock footage and images

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Allied leaders at the Casablanca Conference in Morocco during World War II. Allied forces battle Germans in Algeria and Tunisia

Film begins showing the Anfa Hotel in Casablanca. Inside, Allied generals meet to plan further steps in World War 2, against the Axis powers. Charles de Gaulle and French General Henri Giraud are seen walking together at an airport. Closeup of the two. View of Allied General staff members around a table. U.S. principals include Army Chief of Staff, General George Marshall and Air Force Chief, Lieutenant General Henry H. Arnold. Views of General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Commander of Allied forces, His deputy for land forces, British Field Marshal Harold Alexander, his deputy for sea forces, British Admiral Andrew Browne Cunningham, and his deputy for air operations, British air marshal, Arthur William Tedder (1st Baron Tedder) Outdoors. President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill are seen seated, conversing. Churchill's airplane, named Commando, a very long range Consolidated Liberator II aircraft adapted for passenger transport is seen ready to take him to Tripoli to greet the victorious British 8th Army. Churchill greeting British Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery at Tripoli. Animated map shows battle lines and disposition of Allied forces along the Algiers-Tunisian front. View of German Field Marshal Erwin Rommel inspecting defenses at the Mareth line in Tunisia. Fifteen divisions of German, and 7 divisions of Italian troops entering the front lines. German Tiger tank followed by a Panzer IV aus d tank. German infantry marching along a road. Seasoned German troops in camouflaged vehicles. Formation of German Focke Wulf 189 aircraft and view of one dropping bombs. General Rommel pointing to something at the front. Animated map showing the battlefront. (Narrator says German orders were to hold Tunisia at all costs.) View of Rommel, eating a sandwich as he studies document in a defensive position behind the Mareth line. German soldier using periscopic binoculars to view the front. German forces initiating an attack westward driving Allied forces back. Map show German forces advancing beyond the Kasserine pass. Rommel in a staff car, as he learns that the Allied forces have counter-attacked and are driving his forces back to the original battle lines. American infantry marching Eastward to reoccupy Kasserine Pass and beyond, past destroyed German tanks. Rommel's forces make an attack Southward toward the British 8th Army positions. View of new Tiger tank employed by the Germans. A British soldier removes the cover from their new 17 pounder anti-tank gun. View of burning Tiger tanks destroyed by the new British guns. (Narrator says 52 were left burning hulks.)

Date: 1943, January
Duration: 4 min 17 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675033511
Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill surrounded by officers read documents at a lawn in Casablanca, French Morocco.

Events related to the Casablanca Conference. U.S. President Franklin D Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill seated on lawn wearing civilian clothes. Several officers including General Henry H Arnold, Admiral Ernest J King, General George C Marshall, Admiral Sir Andrew B Cunningham, Sir Alan-Brooke, Lord Louis Mountbatten, Marshal Sir Charles Portal and Harry Hopkins in the background. Roosevelt and Churchill read documents.

Date: 1943, January 14
Duration: 2 min 20 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675050213
President Franklin Roosevelt in jeep speaks with General Patton in Casablanca, French Morocco.

Events related to the Casablanca Conference. U.S. Rangers lined at attention. Lord Mountbatten and General George S Patton Junior. American Ranger salutes. Elliot Roosevelt in uniform speaks to a U.S. officer. U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt in jeep speaks with General Patton and smiles.

Date: 1943, January 14
Duration: 1 min 30 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675050214
British Prime Minister Winston Churchill exits from a building after a conference in Casablanca, French Morocco.

Events related to the Casablanca Conference. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill exits from a building. Lord Louis Mountbatten, Admiral Cunningham and Sir Alan-Brooke stand nearby. A group of British officers stand behind Prime Minister Churchill.

Date: 1943, January 14
Duration: 3 min 38 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675050215
U.S. Army Air Force pilots fly P-40 airplanes from the USS Ranger, to Casablanca, Morocco, during World War II

U.S. Navy provides aircraft carrier ferry service for the U.S. Army Air Corps during World War 2. View of the USS Ranger (CV-4) at sea with sunset and clouds in background. Scene shifts to the ship's company, turned out on deck in dress whites. An accompanying contingent of U.S. marines, is also seen presenting arms. Next. Rear Admiral, Ernest D. McWhorter,Commander Task Force 22, is seen conversing with Captain C. T. Durgin, Captain of the USS Ranger. Scene shifts to flight deck of the Ranger, where deck crews are readying Curtiss P-40L airplanes for flight to the former Vichy French Anfa Airport near Casablance (captured by the Allies in Operation Torch). One P-40 is named "Regina IV." U.S. Army Air Force 57th Fighter Group commander, Colonel Frank H. Mears, shakes hands with a navy officer, from the cockpit of his P-40. He then takes off. More P-40s follow. Closeup of an Army pilot in cockpit of a P-40, giving a thumbs up. P-40s forming up in flight overhead. Navy officers and sailors watch the departing P-40s and give thumbs up for approval. P-40s buzz the carrier as they depart for Casablanca, Morocco.

Date: 1943, February 23
Duration: 1 min 27 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675040819
United States soldier talks to an Arab putting on an act with snake in Casablanca.

City of Casablanca in Morocco. An Arab doctor on a street. An Arab on burro. Arabs cooking grasshoppers in oil. A man puts on an act with snake. A U.S. soldier talks to an Arab. (World War II period).

Date: 1944, February 21
Duration: 2 min 16 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675053175