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Cebu Philippines 1915 stock footage and images

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Motorcyclists of the Belgian Expeditionary Armored Squadron, ACM-corps (Autos Canons Mitrailleuses) assemble for parade

Armed members of the Belgian Expeditionary Armored Squadron, ACM-corps (Autos Canons Mitrailleuses) are seen assembling with their motorcycles in preparation for their unit's parade in Longchamps, Paris, France, on April 17, 1915, before their departure to Russia, during World War I.

Date: 1915, April 17
Duration: 21 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675024142
British soldiers deploy in armored cars and trucks in World War I

British Austin armoured cars moving along a road in France, during World War 1. British infantry and German prisoners and wounded moving in opposite direction at side of road. Behind the Austins are two Armoured Autocars of the 1st Canadian Automobile Machine Gun Brigade that arrived in France in 1915.

Date: 1915
Duration: 42 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675027525
Launch of the French Cruiser, "Languedoc," replacing the "Leon Cambetta," during World War I

Launching of the new French Cruiser, "Languedoc," to replace the "Leon Cambetta," torpedoed during World War 1, by the Austrian submarine U-5, on April 26, 1915, in the Adriatic Sea. Shipyard workers in unison, knock out supports holding the new ship in place, and she slides down the ways into the water. (WWI; WW1)

Date: 1915
Duration: 48 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675028065
German invasion of France,sinking of RMS Lusitania and resignation of William Jennings Bryan

Events during World War I. Sketches : workers in a German arms factory. German soldiers advance towards France. Animation of a map shows the German invasion of France through Belgium. Kaiser Wilhelm II, the German Emperor. Buildings damaged by invading Germans. U.S. president Thomas Woodrow Wilson advises Americans to stay calm. American people read papers. Cartoon depicts the President about his domestic reforms. The German atrocities in Belgium. Man holds a dead person. Sketch depicts Germany crushing everything on its way. The apprehensive people of America. Sketches of American man against a German leader. Trucks and taxi cabs on the Orne river. A gun barrel. Bombs being dropped on the German ships. Worker at a factory in America. Sketch of a man standing beside a flag having the dollar sign shows the prosperous America. Sketch shows the various resources required by the American industries. An American ship carrying war materiel. Sailors in German submarines. German submarines target allied ships. Sketches of U.S. president Wilson warning Germany. On 1st May 1915 RMS Lusitania a British luxury ship at sea as it starts from New York. Paper shows a warning by the German government. A German sailor on board a submarine as it targets a ship. The RMS Lusitania ship sinks killing many, including Americans. The U.S. secretary of State William Jennings Bryan and Thomas Woodrow Wilson with other officials. The former U.S. president Theodore Roosevelt addresses people opposing President Wilson's policy. The President prepares a note for Germany. Sketch of U.S. Democratic Presidential candidate William Jennings Bryan during his resignation. Sketch of Kaiser Wilhelm II.

Date: 1915
Duration: 6 min 22 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675032130
Sultan Vahideddin (Mehmed VI) in carriage. Turkish leader Enver Pasha with Kaiser Wilhelm II; Marshal Hindenburg with staff.

Turkish leader Sultan Vahideddin (Mehmed VI) leaves palace in Constantinople via horse-drawn carriage. Turkish leader Enver Pasha shares open car with Kaiser Wilhelm II during Pasha's visit to Germany in March, 1915. Huge parade and assembly in Constantinople, Turkey, as it mobilizes in World War 1. Scene of German Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg, posing with his staff officers in World War I era.

Date: 1915, March
Duration: 50 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675040048
World War I Black Sea naval warfare; Turkish Cruiser Mecidiye sinks in shallow water off Odessa

Clip opens showing Russian Navy exercises in the Black Sea during World War 1. Two battleships underway billowing smoke. Battleships fire heavy guns. Russian sailors on ship deck disperse, running to battle stations. A First World War Russian naval officer on a ship deck looks through binoculars as a Russian Navy sailor stands beside him. Crew striking the colors as ship sinks. Turkish Cruiser Mecidiye sinks off Odessa in shallow waters after hitting a Russian mine on 3 April, 1915. The Ottoman cruiser Mecidiye, also sometimes spelled Medjidiye, is seen partially submerged off the coast of Vorokoskiy-Mayak, near Odessa.

Date: 1915, April 3
Duration: 47 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675040063