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Chauk Burma 1943 stock footage and images

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Vincent Lopez and his big band swing orchestra performing in 1943

Vincent Lopez and his orchestra are on stage ready to perform. He stands by his piano, and begins to conduct. The orchestra starts to play. Mr. Lopez calmly seats himself at the piano and plays along with the jazz orchestra, displaying notable flourishes as he plays. Sequence breaks and picks up with male vocalist now also on stage. Lopez stands, conducting vocalist and orchestra. (Note: Vincent Lopez and his orchestra performed at the Grill Room in the Hotel Taft, New York City, from 1941 to 1961.)

Date: 1943
Duration: 57 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675039523
Allied forces amphibious landing in Sicily in 1943. German Stuka aircraft dive bomb and destroy an allied LST.

Activities of the Seabees during Allied invasion of Sicily, in World War II. Seabees lash sections of floating causeway to LST. Allied troops landing on the beach of Sicily shores between Licata and Gela. Seabees install floating causeway from LST to the beach. A bulldozer goes from the LST to the beach over the causeway. "Enemy" Italian troops volunteer to help with the unloading. German stuka dive bombers attack the allied beachhead and destroy an LST. Sherman tanks reach the beachhead from other LSTs using the floating causeways. Vehicles, artillery, and troops move ashore over the causeways.

Date: 1943, July 10
Duration: 4 min 58 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675044973
Officials departing from Quebec Conference in 1943; information about conference being transmitted

Two hats on a table. Various cars arrive outside a building. General George Marshall leaves hotel at end of Quebec Conference area followed by General Arnold and English Officer. Prime Minister Mackenzie King is seen departing. Dignitaries walk toward car. Car pulls away. Close up views of a offset printing machine at work printing, and a close up of a mouth and lips speaking into a 1940s microphone. A switchboard operation and two different radio towers. At a railroad station, Mackenzie King shakes hands with a dignitary.

Date: 1943, August
Duration: 32 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675051787
United States Army Air Forces training, in 1943. Student pilots marching

United States Army Air Forces student pilots wearing flight suits, helmets and goggles, march at an airbase in United States. A car in the background. A hangar filled with Link trainers for instrument flying training. A student pilot demonstrates the Link trainer, with the cover open. AT-6 aircraft taking off. Beech AT-10 aircraft in formation. AT-6 aircraft in formation.

Date: 1943
Duration: 28 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675053442
A 1943 film promoting the U.S. Army Service Forces and the importance of Logistics in World War II

A stream of U.S. Army trucks heads along a highway as opening slate rolls, emphasizing the importance of logistics to wartime operations. Two U.S. Army small hatch M4 Sherman tanks (Possibly Ford built moels M4A3) rush down a hillside toward the camera. View from atop a tank with Browning M2 .50 caliber heavy machine gun installed. It heads uphill, firing rounds from its gun, raising explosion of earth ahead of it. Barrel of a 240 mm howitzer gun swings up in front of the camera. A U.S. coastal defense gun firing from a fort. Rear view of 240 mm Howitzer being fired. Towed field artillery pieces being fired. Troops near water, firining a Bofars 40 mm anti aircraft gun. A U.S. soldier firing a Browning 1917 water cooled machine gun. A B-17 bomber in flight overhead. View of a bombardier at a Norden bomb sight inside the B-17 with his finger on the bomb controls. The bomb bays open and bombs fall, seen striking in a line on the ground. Ground level views of large explosions on the ground. A tank camouflaged in underbrush, firing its gun. A small hatch Sherman tank charging the camera. Several German Messerschmitt Bf 109 aircraft flying fast and low on strafing runs. A soldier firing an antiaircraft machine gun. Closeups of three Messerschmitt Bf 109 aircraft attacking at high speed, only several feet above ground. Bombs bursting in a field where a soldier in lying next fo barbed wire. A tank knocking trees over as it emerges from woods. Infantry following tanks across a field. A series of scenes showing armor and infantry charging. In one, troops are wearing gas masks. A huge explosion in a field. Paratroopers inside an airplane connect to a static line and jump from the plane. Lines of parachutes fill the sky as paratroopers jump from C-47 aircraft. Closeup of paratrooper as he descends and hits the ground. View of Polish cavalry riding in a loose formation. German gun crew fires at Polish city. Smoke rising from burning buildings. Norwegian flag flying over a fort in Norway. Views of German Ju-52 aircraft in flight over Athens, Greece. It flies over the Parthenon and other ancient buildings. German tanks and troops entering Belgium. Troops marching in Yugoslavia. The American flag flying over Bataan. Civilians grieving over dead in Poland. Dead victims of war in Norway, Greece, Belgium, Yugoslavia, Malaya, Singapore, Shanghai, and Mandalay. A group of civilians grieving over two dead children. The German (Nazi) flag flying from a flagpole. (World War II; WW II; World War 2; World War Two)

Date: 1943
Duration: 3 min 33 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675062661
German soldiers raffle chances on geese during 1943 Christmas celebration in Germany.

Christmas celebration in Germany. World War 2 German soldiers raffle chances on geese. Two men seated at a table. Geese picks up numbers from a bowl. One soldier matches the picked numbers with the ones in his ticket.

Date: 1943
Duration: 30 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: German
Clip: 65675072798