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China 1941 stock footage and images

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Graham McNamee, seated at a desk, congratulates City of Cleveland, Ohio, on the opening of its new Telenews movie theater

Inauguration of a theater in Cleveland, Ohio. Universal Newreel talking reporter and narrator, Graham McNamee, seated at a desk, congratulates the City of Cleveland for its new Telenews theater, devoted to movie newsreels.

Date: 1941
Duration: 46 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675072293
Winston Churchill, Mrs. Churchill, Sir John Dill, and Harry Hopkins, visit a shipyard in Glasgow, Scotland

British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill together with Mrs. (Clementine) Churchill, Mr. Harry Hopkins, President Roosevelt's assistant, and British Chief of Staff, Sir John Dill, stand in a shipyard in Glasgow, Scotland. The company of a British ship raise their hats in collective cheers to the Prime Minister and his party. Titan Crane at Clydebank visible in background when men lower their hats. Prime Minister Churchill descends gangplank to dock and greets shipyard workers, who cheer him. Harry Hopkins comes down the gangplank, and is seen with Sir John Dill and Mrs Churchill, who waves at the crew of the ship, just visited. Winston Churchill walks along dock, followed by Harry Hopkins and Mrs. Churchill. Wind is blowing so Hopkins holds on to his hat. The Churchills climb ladder to board a ship under construction, with shipyard workers gathered above, around the ladder. Churchills, followed by Harry Hopkins, cross a walkway in the shipyard. Local personnel, gather in a closed yard, each wearing a helmet and carrying gas masks and protective gear. The Churchills and Harry Hopkins walk through the ranks of police and helmeted workers and converse with some.

Date: 1941, January
Duration: 1 min 19 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675072294
Prime Minister Winston and Lady Churchill with Lord and Lady Halifax seen with HMS King George V, and HMS Coreopsis.

Aerial view of British Battleship, HMS King Geoge V, under way, at sea. Sea view of HMS George V anchored in Halifax Harbor, Nova Scotia. The British flag on the bow flutters in the wind. Lord Halifax stands on snow covered wharf, as Officers and men assist Mrs. Churchill descending to board HMS Coreopsis (K-32). Sir John Dill and Lady Halifax are already on deck. Lady Clementine Churchill and Lord and Lady Halifax walk on a gangplank to shore, where snow covered mountain looms immediately behind them. Winston Churchill looking out of the wheelhouse of HMS Coreopsis (K-32). Lady Churchill and Lord Halifax board the HMS King George V. Lord Halifax standing on deck of HMS Coreopsis, with Winston Churchill peering out the wheelhouse window. Lord Halifax waves a salute to the shore. View from shore of HMS Coreopsis departing. Aerial views of Battleship HMS King George V underway at sea. Level view of the HMS King George V, anchored in a harbor, flying Union Jack from bow. Another view with British White Ensign flying at the stern and a motor launch pulled alongside.

Date: 1941
Duration: 1 min 31 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675072295
Aerial views of British Navy ship, HMS King George V, underway at sea

Aerial views, from a biplane, of the British Battleship, King George V underway at sea.

Date: 1941
Duration: 1 min 10 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675072296
Views from small boat circling HMS King George V, anchored in Halifax Harbor. A motor launch pulls up to stern port side

Views from small boat moving all around the British Battleship, HMS King George V, anchored in Halifax Harbor, Nova Scotia. Union Jack on bow flutters in the wind. Men stand on the deck of the ship. A motor boat arrives near the stern at port side. British White Ensign, flying at stern, stands out in a stiff breeze.

Date: 1941
Duration: 1 min 29 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675072297
Prime Minister and Lady Churchill and Lord and Lady Halfax at Halifax, Nova Scotia. HMS Coreopsis and HMS King George V

Lady Clementine Churchill and Lord Halifax board the HMS King George V, in Halifax Harbor, Nova Scotia. Prime Minister Winston Churchill looks out the Wheel House window of the HMS Coreopsis. Lady Churchill boards the HMS Coreopsis, from a snow covered wharf. Sir John Dill and Lady Halifax are among those already on deck. Prime Minister Winston Churchill leans out of the Coreopsis Wheel House to watch. Lady Churchill steps up and joins Winston Churchill in the Wheel House. Lord and Lady Halifax exit a car on the icy Halifax wharf and board the HMS Coreopsis. View from pier, as HMS Coreopsis steams away.

Date: 1941
Duration: 37 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675072298