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Connecticut United States USA 1958 stock footage and images

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New York City Police Department band plays at a ticker tape parade welcoming American olympians and honoring Jesse Owens

A ticker tape parade in New York City honors Jesse Owens for his outstanding performance at the Berlin Olympics and welcomes American olympians back home. The New York City Police band plays as the parade moves past a large crowd along the street. Men in cars move down a street which has been narrowed by ongoing road construction work. Trolley tracks are evident in some parts of street.

Date: 1936, September 3
Duration: 4 min 8 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675049734
Farmers protest against the transportation of agricultural products to markets in Sioux City, Iowa.

Farmers on strike in Sioux City, Iowa. Farmers armed with logs of wood and guns protest against the transportation of agricultural products to markets. They dismantle the rail road track in the area. Reconstruction work carried on the track. A train moves on the track after the reconstruction.

Date: 1933, November 9
Duration: 38 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675049744
U.S. Naval Fleet Review, Christmas Day, 1918, in New York City. Presidential Yacht and U.S. warships are seen.

The U.S. Presidential Yacht, USS Mayflower (PY-1), carrying Secretary of the Navy,Josephus Daniels, makes its way between U.S. warships in the Port of New York during the Naval Fleet Review on Christmas Day, 1918, at the end of World War 2. A 4-stacker destroyer is seen briefly, to port side of the Mayflower. Later she is seen passing New York City piers, along the shoreline. The scene shifts to the USS Pennsylvania (BB-38), with her crew lining the deck and an upper triple turret turned to port. Two launches head toward a gangplank on her portside. View from boat passing the USS Pennsylvania's bow and along her starboard side.

Date: 1918, December 25
Duration: 1 min 31 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675049926
U.S. Naval Fleet Review in New York City right after the end of World War II.

A motor launch approaches a gangplank at the port side of the battleship USS Pennsylvania (BB-38) during a Fleet Review on Christmas Day, 1918, in New York harbor. Her crew is formed up on her deck and she is returning her triple battery guns to their normal position, after having them turned and raised in salute. Scene shifts to the USS Texas (BB-35) as she drops her signal flags, while moving forward. Other warships can be seen behind her. Scene shifts again, to bow view of a stationary heavy cruiser belching heavy black smoke from her stack. Port-side view of a sleek two-stack cruiser. Sailors crowd the deck of a warship. A 4-stack destroyer is seen to her starboard. Sailors launch some kind of a floating device from a davit. Officers look over the ship's side at the device in the water. Officers being saluted and piped off the ship. Long pennants streaming from ship's tower. A fairly large rapidly moving boat filled with sailors.

Date: 1918, December 25
Duration: 3 min 5 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675049927
Final flight of the airship Hindenburg, then it bursts into flames when landing

The German rigid airship Hindenburg on its final flight. Views of the airship flying over Manhattan Island, New York City. Swastika symbol visible on the airship's tail section. The airship descending for landing at Lakehurst Naval Air Station in New Jersey. Views of the passengers in the windows waving to the onlookers on the ground. Explosion and massive fire and smoke consumes the airship. It crashes to the ground in flames and collapses. Rescuers in the foreground run toward the burning wreckage.

Date: 1937, May 6
Duration: 44 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675049953
Aviation business and military leaders meet at Consolidated Aircraft; views of aircraft assembly plant operations

A meeting of business and U.S. military leaders at a Consolidated Aircraft assembly plant during World War II. View of General Henry "Hap" Arnold, Consolidated Aircraft founder Reuben H. Fleet, and William S. Knudsen (President of General Motors, and appointed by President Roosevelt as Director General, Office of Production Management. He developed the "Knudsen Plan" for rapid U.S. war materiel production expansion in World War 2). The three men are walking in front of an aircraft hangar with partially finished PB2Y Coronado flying boat aircraft at the Consolidated Aircraft factory in San Diego, California. Group of American military and industrial leaders gathered talking at the site, including Henry Ford of Ford Motor Company, and James H. "Dutch" Kindelberger, President of North American Aviation. (Consolidated, North American, Douglas, and Ford all produced B-24 bombers during the war.) Change of scene: Men at unidentified location view blueprints for expanded aircraft manufacturing and assembly facilities. View of war production factory workers as they stream out of a factory at end of shift. Views of PB2Y Coronado flying boat patrol bomber, and B-24 Liberator bombers under construction. Views of factory operations with metal forging and tempering work. Views of wing and engine assembly operations.

Date: 1941
Duration: 50 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675049957