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Coventry England 1962 stock footage and images

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Gliders, carrying Allied infantry, take off for the invasion of Normandy in World War II.

A British Dakota (or U.S. C-47) taking off from an airfield towing a British Airspeed AS.51 Horsa glider. Both aircraft are painted in D-day stripes. Formation of C-47 aircraft towing WACO CG-4A Gliders. A C-47 in D-day stripes parked in front of a hangar.

Date: 1944, June 6
Duration: 41 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675038897
Royal Air Force action and dogfights in Battle of Britain during World War II as captured on gun cameras.

A film titled "R.A.F. Mastery Holds Up German Onrush." At beginning, the film shows a rugged air field filled with British Royal Air Force fighter and interceptor aircraft, during World War 2. A fuel truck is seen and Narrator states the aircraft are refueled quickly when they return from missions. Among the aircraft seen are two-place Boulton Paul Defiant interceptors, and single-place fighter aircraft. Closeup of gun camera, used in wings of Hawker Hurricane and Supermarine Spitfire aircraft, being removed from a plane while it is being serviced. Ground crewman displays the camera and then installs it into the wing of an aircraft. Next, Hurricane and Spitfire aircraft are seen taking off from the air field. Closeup aerial view of a Spitfire aircraft aloft among clouds. A flight of three German Heinkel 111 bombers (He 111) is seen in formation. The spitfire aircraft pursues them. Gun camera film appears to show the RAF fighter firing at a Heinkel bomber. But suddenly it shows gun camera from RAF fighter firing at a German Junkers 87 (Ju 87) Stuka dive bomber. Motion of the film is stopped momentarily as the German plane is struck and burning. Then it resumes and the RAF fighter pulls up and away. More gun camera images shows German bombers being struck by gun fire. Gun camera film pauses to show German aircrew bailing out of the stricken bomber. Another gun camera image shows pieces of a German bomber being blown off the plane by RAF gunfire. Next, British gun camera shows firing at a German Dornier 17 bomber (Do 17), which gets hit in the left wing and rolls over with its left wing on fire. Another German plane (possibly a Junkers 88 (Ju 88), with its landing gear extended) being shot to pieces. Scene shifts to ground where burning wreckage of destroyed German planes is seen, as RAF fighters land in the background. RAF fighter pilot climbs out of his aircraft cockpit. Next, a group of returning British pilots walks toward the camera. Their parked aircraft are in the background.

Date: 1940
Duration: 3 min 9 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675041004
Ground crewmen assisting British Spitfire fighter pilots in the Battle of Britain during World War II

A ground crewman assists the pilot as he adjusts his seat and shoulder harness, in the cockpit of a British Spitfire fighter plane of RAF 41 Squadron (Code "EB") at RAF Station Hornchurch, during World War II. He stands by as the pilot starts his engine, and then removes the battery start cart (accumulator trolley) as the aircraft starts to taxi. Brief glimpse of a ground crewman on the wing of a Spitfire aircraft that has just parked. An assistant passes him a tool, as the pilot climbs out of the cockpit. Spitfire aircraft taxiing and taking off. Several are barely seen in flight high overhead.

Date: 1940, September
Duration: 1 min 25 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675041005
British fighter aircraft of RAF No. 41 Squadron and No. 222 Squadron at RAF Hornchurch in World War II

Illustrating typical activity during the Battle of Britain, in World War 2, one British squadron lands and is refueled and re-armed before taking off to rejoin the battle. As they take off, 12 Spitfires of their sister squadron return to land in squadron formation. Supermarine Spitfire aircraft of RAF 41 Squadron (Code "EB") are seen landing at their home base, RAF Hornchurch. Ground crewmen,at each wingtip, guide the aircraft to parking places for refueling and rearming. View from behind a Spitfire taxiing out to take off again. Several others are already airborne in the opposite direction. Spitfire aircraft of RAF No. 222 Squadron (Code "ZD") overfly the field and then commence to land as one formation. They taxi across the field.

Date: 1940, September
Duration: 2 min 17 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675041006
RAF Spitfire fighter planes of No 222 Squadron take off and fly in formations during World War 2

A dozen RAF Supermarine Spitfire Mk1 fighter planes of No. 222 Squadron take off during the Battle of Britain in World War 2. They take of in unison, from their base at RAF Station Hornchurch, and fly very low in loose formation over the terrain. Next, they are seen, fairly close up, flying in flights of three, as viewed from another (camera) airplane. Puffy white clouds are in the background. The Squadron flies by in four flights of three each. They are seen from various angles and distances and join up to fly as a single formation of 12 near the end of the film.

Date: 1940, September
Duration: 2 min 41 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675041007
RAF Supermarine Spitfires of No 222 Squadron carry out mock attacks on a bomber during World War II

During the Battle of Britain in World War 2, RAF (Royal Air Force) Spitfire fighters of No. 222 Squadron are seen taking off and taxiing at RAF Station Hornchurch. Next they appear overhead as flights of three each in formation above the clouds. Aerial views of the formations from various angles. View past tail of a British bomber upon which the fighter aircraft will practice simulating attacks on attacking German blitz aircraft. Various views of the fighters in mock attacks. Two flights of three Spitfires in close formation leaving the exercise. Fighter aircraft recovering and taxiing in at their Hornchurch home base. Ground crewmen meeting the aircraft as they taxi in and guiding them, with hands on their wingtips. Closeup of one Spitfire that suffered propeller damage on landing.

Date: 1940, September
Duration: 3 min 13 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675041008