Scenes of the Spanish American War, Cuban and Puerto Rican Campaigns, in the year 1898. U.S. troops coming ashore in small boats, assembling on the beach, and advancing inland, during the Spanish American War U.S. infantry capture the San Juan Blockhouse where the Spanish flag is lowered and the American flag is raised.
Close view of Battleship, USS Oregon (BB-03) with officers and crew seen on deck in dress whites, during Spanish American War Victory Fleet Review on the Hudson River, New York City, August 20, 1898. Another ship in the parade is seen in the background, behind the Oregon. ( Edison Company, 1898)
View of the Hall of Heroes at the Pentagon, in the United States, during the Vietnam War. Names of the war heroes in the hall. Nameplates of the war heroes of each historical conflict on the wall. Names of the soldiers and officers who served the best in the wars. Names under the nameplates reading: 'Interim Period (1866-1870)', 'Korean Campaign (1871)', 'Interim Period (1871-1898)'. Other nameplates read: 'War with Spain (1898)', 'Philippine insurrection (1899-1913)', 'China Relief Expedition-Boxer Rebellion (1900)'. Several other conflicts mentioned in the hall. Other nameplates read: 'World War I (1917-1918)', 'Haitian Campaign (1919-1920), 'Second Nicaraguan Campaign (1925)', 'Word War II (1941-1945) and 'Vietnam (1964-Present).
Boys throw snow balls at other boys on sleds in Central Park,New York City, United States. A group of smiling children play in the snow. They throw snow balls. A few other children on sleds. The children on the other side throw snow balls at the children riding sleds in the park. (Edison Company, 1898)
Young people engage in a husking bee. Three women sit near a stable, putting corn into baskets. A girl and man join them, the man pushing a wheel barrel with the girl aboard. As the group husks the corn, a young man finds the "red ear" entitling him to kiss a girl, which he does. She protests and hits him with a corn cob. (Edison Studio, 1898)
A man in a gorilla costume attacks another man in bed in the United States. A man sleeping in his bed. Another man in a gorilla costume pulls bed-sheet cover of the sleeping man. The man wakes up and looks around the room and under the bed. The costume man attacks from behind and gets under the bed. The man jumps out of his bed as he sees the man in gorilla costume. The man in gorilla costume attacks the man. They both fight with each other. The man tries to subdue the costume man. (Edison Studio, 1898)