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Da Nang Vietnam 1972 stock footage and images

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Flatbed trailers are unloaded from U.S. Navy ship Comet at a deep water pier in Da Nang, Vietnam during the Vietnam War.

Flatbed trailers being unloaded from a U.S. Navy ship at a pier in Da Nang, Vietnam during the Vietnam War. U.S. Navy ship Comet docked at a deep water pier. A flatbed trailer being unloaded from the ship. A cab backs up into position and hooks up to the flatbed. The truck being driven away from the pier. Ship's crewmen hook cable onto a flatbed. A truck drives away from the pier. Flatbeds waiting to be off-loaded. A sign reads 'Deep Water Piers #1 in Vietnam'.

Date: 1972, May 16
Duration: 3 min 19 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675075578
Rows of U.S. Army jeeps and 2 ½ ton trucks aid other wheeled vehicles in Da Nang, Vietnam during the Vietnam War.

U.S. Army jeeps and trucks parked in Da Nang, Vietnam during the Vietnam War. View from a traveling vehicle shows rows of U.S. Army jeeps. 2 ½ ton trucks aid other wheeled vehicles. Jeeps parked in an area.

Date: 1972, May 16
Duration: 2 min 1 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675075579
APL-30 or barracks craft in docks at Da Nang Harbor.

Dock area at Da Nang harbor. Port side of APL-30 (Auxiliary Personnel Lighter) or barracks craft. LCM is up to port side of barracks craft. Port bow of the barracks craft shows no. 30 on it. View from bow of LCM. APL-30 and dock at Da Nang harbor. Small craft tied up to dock at the Da Nang harbor. Small craft are the Navy YFRNs 997, 385, 412, F, UX. Various small boats of varied descriptions tied up to dock in Da Nang harbour.

Date: 1966, February 20
Duration: 3 min 41 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675039908
An Armored Personnel Carrier being loaded onto the U.S. Navy USS Meeker County(LST -980) in Da Nang,Vietnam.

Vehicles loaded and unloaded from the U.S. Navy USS Meeker County (LST -980) in Da Nang, Vietnam. View of a port bow. The U.S. Navy USS Meeker County (LST -980) at the bridge ramp at Da Nang. An Armored Personnel Carrier (APC) moves over the ramp to be loaded aboard the Landing Ship Tank (LST). The supplies to be loaded on the Landing Ship Tank (LST). Three personnel seated on the Armored Personnel Carrier being loaded into Landing Ship Tank (LST). A civilian truck in foreground. The side of the truck reads 'Da Nang'. The rear section of the Armored Personnel Carrier loaded into the Landing Ship Tank (LST). The Armored Personnel Carrier on ramp. A monkey on a man's shoulder. Men sit on top of the personnel carrier. A heavy duty forklift passes. The APC moves on ramp. A man directs APC as it backs onto the ramp. The driver seen in hatch. The personnel on ramp. Medium tanks parked ready to be loaded. A U.S. Navy Lieutenant in flak jacket and visor cap stand on the loading ramp. The APC offloading from ship. The crewmen on bow of ship observe the offloading operation. Threads of APC as it offloads from LST. Picture of a roadrunner painted on the side of the personnel carrier. The personnel carrier offloads from LST.

Date: 1969, May 23
Duration: 3 min 29 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675067702
U.S. Air Force C-123B Provider airplanes land at Da Nang Air Base, Vietnam during Vietnam War.

U.S. Air Force C-123B Provider aircraft at Da Nang Air Base, Vietnam during Vietnam War. C-123B Provider transport airplanes taxiing at Da Nang Air Base. U.S. Air Force officers deplaning and being greeted by other U.S. Air Force officers. C-123Bs banking overhead.

Date: 1962, June 2
Duration: 1 min 43 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675075394
Vehicles on road with United States airmen walking along at Da Nang Air Base in Vietnam during the Vietnam War.

United States personnel at Da Nang Air Base in Vietnam during the Vietnam War. Airmen seated outside 'Theater' building. Vehicles drive past on road. Personnel walk along the road. Jeeps, trucks, scooters and bicycles on the road. A Vietnamese guard stands at Da Nang Air Base exchange entrance. Airmen walk past the gate.

Date: 1967, March 3
Duration: 2 min 43 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675064003
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