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Dearborn Michigan United States USA 1930 stock footage and images

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Triangular parachute on Mark III Aerial Illuminating flares is being tested in San Antonio, Texas

Events related to the testing of triangular parachute on Mark III Aerial Illuminating flares in San Antonio, Texas. Aerial Views of flare descending by parachute. Partially inflated parachute with expended flare casing descend and hit ground.

Date: 1922
Duration: 4 min 2 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675050346
Twin 0.30 caliber machine guns fired at target from DH-4 cockpit in San Antonio, Texas during training.

Twin .30 cal machine guns positioned on swivel-bar in DH-4 cockpit and fired at target during training in Antonio, Texas. Pair of .30 cal machine guns fired at target as seen from DH-4 cockpit. DH-4 on firing test stand as pairs of .30 cal machine guns fire through rotating propeller and from mount in rear cockpit. Cannon in a GA-1 airship open nose turret and gun fired. GA-1 parked as gun is fired.

Date: 1922
Duration: 1 min 49 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675050347
Annual sail boat race of International Star Class Association in Gulf of Mexico, off of New Orleans, Louisiana.

Several sailboats take part in the Annual sail boat race of International Star Class Association held at gulf in New Orleans, Louisiana. Various sailboats underway in the gulf.

Date: 1929, October 16
Duration: 35 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675050355
People select groceries and other items from supermarket shelves in the late 1950s, in Yonkers New York.

Interior of a suburban American supermarket or grocery store called the Grand Union Food-O-Mat, located in the Cross County Shopping Center in Yonkers, New York. A woman stands beside her cart or trolley and looks at greeting cards in a rack. View of a person's hand choosing a can of soup from shelves filled with soup cans including many by Campbell's Soups. Views of various products being lifted from the shelves by hands of shoppers, including Ivory Snow detergent, Cream of Wheat cereal, Minute Rice, Tapioca pudding, Bon Ami cleanser, Blue Cheer, Quaker Oats instant oatmeal, French's Instant Mashed Potatoes, Progresso canned tomatoes. Each time, a new item slides into place via gravity fed shelving which the Grand Union termed the Food-O-Mat. A young boy helps his mother choose plastic cups. A child wearing a winter coat walks to an end cap and lifts a giant box of Tide laundry detergent powder. Camera pans by plastic wrapped meats in the butcher section of the store that Grand Union called the Meateria.

Date: 1958
Duration: 38 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675050579
Motorcyclists race across a 100 mile track to reach the finish line in Daytona Beach, Florida.

A motorcycle race in Daytona Beach, Florida. People on a beach to witness the race. License plate on a motorcycle. The motorcyclists race across the 100 mile track. A participant slips. A checkered flag is waved as the winner reaches the finish line. Close up of the winner.

Date: 1954, March 8
Duration: 59 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675050610
Helicopters carrying U.S. Marines land, the marines offload and take aim at Camp Pandleton in California.

U.S. Marines demonstrate new techniques of amphibious warfare to offset threat of atomic retaliation at Camp Pandleton in California. The marines load into helicopters. The helicopters take off and in flight. People watch the helicopters in flight and photographers click pictures. A helicopter lands and the marines get off. The marines in prone position aim guns.

Date: 1951, July 23
Duration: 52 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675050612