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Eastbourne England 1929 stock footage and images

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Damaged buildings of Guildhall, Old Bailey, Lawrence Jewry Church and firemen spray water in London, Britain after German Blitz (WW2)

From film 'London Fire Raids' on the work of London's fire guards during a German blitzkrieg incendiary bomb raid in London on December 29 and 30, 1940. Buildings on fire. Firemen spray water on the buildings. Water converts to steam as soon as it comes out of the sprinklers due to high heat of the fumes. The fire is put out at an old building. Damaged buildings. A flag above the Guildhall. Damaged Guildhall building (71 Basinghall St, London EC2V 7HH, United Kingdom). The St. Lawrence Jewry Church (Guildhall Yard, London EC2V 5AA, United Kingdom) is almost destroyed. Debris and abandoned firefighting equipment lie in front of the buildings. At a burial service, a tribute to the firemen who lost their lives. Soldiers stand on rubble. The Old Bailey courthouse building (Old Bailey, London EC4M 7EH, United Kingdom). The Lady Justice on top of the Old Bailey. (World War II period).

Date: 1940, December 29
Duration: 3 min 31 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675031716
Night scenes in London during German blitzkrieg (blitz) of World War 2

Night time in London during German aerial bombardments during World War II, Battle of Britain. Citizens go home in the evening rush hour, crowded London Street and double decker bus is seen. Police and air raid wardens man their posts. Citizens in queue waiting to enter air raid shelters. British citizens bedding down in public air raid shelters. Search lights and anti aircraft units are activated. Fire fighters battle blazes in London following blitz raids.

Date: 1941
Duration: 5 min 26 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675032715
Devastation and clean-up efforts in London on a morning following German blitzkrieg (blitz) air raid attack during World War 2

Views of a London morning after the German air raid during World War II. Wrecked city and destroyed buildings are seen. Workers rake up debris and extinguish fires as citizens go to work as usual. Men and women emerging from underground tube and taking to streets to go to work amidst rubble. Man in suit going to work with briefcase observes the damage and devastation and workers clean up streets. Train passes overhead spanning a partially destroyed overpass trestle. Workers sit on the back of a motorized open air cart that helps shuttle them to work through the debris of the bombing. Views of a crowded London street. A woman goes shopping and steps directly into a formerly glass-enclosed display window at a clothing store to hand the proprietor an article of clothing that she wishes to buy or to assist him in cleaning up his wares. Brief view of royalty (King George VI) and Queen visiting ruins. A clean-up brigade wearing hard helmets digs through rubble with pick axes. Double-decker bus and cars and pedestrians passing by on street near bombed out building. Views of rubble among prominent London landmarks. Street view of citizens walking to work, and St. Paul's Cathedral dome in distance. Fire fighting crews train hoses on a fire from the bombing; view of exhausted and dirty fire fighters at work. Citizens with children gather at a civic center to load children into buses and evacuate them out of the city for their protection. A man with a megaphone addresses the crowd of parents and children to be evacuated to give them instructions. Men, women, and children are seen among the crowd. Line of double-decker buses departing from a queue, carrying children to safety, as parents look on and wave goodbye. Royal Air Force (RAF) crew loads a bomb into the underside of a British aircraft bound for Berlin. Views of three British airplanes in flight bound for bombing run over Germany. More scenes of rubble in British streets, and dirtied workers cleaning up after the bombing raids of the blitz. A man passes a rescued cat to another red cross rescue worker, amidst the rubble of a building. Worker gets cigarette lit.

Date: 1941
Duration: 3 min 58 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675032716
Views of busy street and meeting of city planners.

People moving up escalator from underground. Views of a crowded street, people waiting for bus, bus comes. Exterior of a building. Interior of an office, people seated around the table in a meeting. Meeting of city planners, men making notations on pads on transportation problems.

Date: 1950
Duration: 1 min 11 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675032853
Exhibition of china ware, decanters and glasses in London.

Exhibition of china ware, various crockery sets on shelves. Decanters and glasses can also be seen.

Date: 1950
Duration: 51 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675032854
Exhibition of gowns and other fabrics in London.

Three British women looking at hats on display. Bolts of fabric on shelves. Floral fabric artistically draped in an Asian manner on a posing mannequin. Various fabrics on dummy figures can be seen, fabrics draping three mannequins. Mannequins stand on a rotating platform. A mannequin wearing a floral evening dress. Various mannequins wearing glamorous formal evening dresses and coats. People looking at exhibition of gowns on dummy figures.

Date: 1950
Duration: 1 min 28 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675032855