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Eastern Europe 1972 stock footage and images

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"The Road to the Wall" shows communist oppression in Russia, Eastern Europe, China and Cuba; and Russian Revolution scenes.

Film 'The Road to the Wall' depicts the rise of communism in Russia, Eastern Europe, China and Cuba. Opening scene shows a newly build section of the Berlin Wall, early in its construction period, and a line of German people viewing the newly built wall between East Germany and West Germany. Historical retrospective shows various scenes of refugees in various countries (China; somewhere in Europe) walking on roads and uphill with baggage in hand. Communist troops march. Refugees walk bare foot. Man carrying a child on his back. Huge gathering of people in Moscow at the Kremlin wall (near future site of Lenin's tomb). Vladimir Ilyich Lenin speaks to a crowd in Russia during the Russian Revolution circa 1917. Refugee women and children being checked by soldiers as they attempt to board a train. Closeup of a baby looking frustrated or angry and throwing a baby tantrum. Bodies of dead refugees on the ground. View of Fidel Castro, in January 1959, with Che Guevara, and other rebels or revolutionaries, in Cuba. A person being executed by a Che Guevara revolutionary firing squad. Huge parade in Communist China in 1960. View of Chinese workers manually pulling what appears to be, a heavy gun carriage. Parade of communists in East Germany in 1961. The Berlin wall, and East German policeman on horseback riding to intercept persons attempting to cross. A few East German people making an escape from East Berlin to West Berlin by running through a gap in barbed wire at the Berlin Wall border, and being escorted by West Berlin citizens afterward. Armed East German guards at border marked with barbed wire and other obstacles.

Date: 1962
Duration: 2 min 11 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675064321
Interior of main cabin, and some occupants, on Air Force One, in flight from Salzburg Austria to Moscow, Soviet Union

Inside the main cabin of the President Nixon's VC-137C airplane, Spirit of 76 (Air Force One) during flight from Salzburg, Austria, to Moscow Russia, on May 22, 1972. Brief glimpse of National Security Advisor, Henry Kissinger. Views of Press Secretary, Ronald Ziegler. Airborne Press center. Some members of the White House Press Corps filing reports. One is dictating into a hand-held recording device. Some passengers resting.

Date: 1972, May 22
Duration: 4 min 7 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675036395
America test fires the M65 atomic cannon in the Nevada Test Site; 1953 East German uprising and Trieste Crisis in Europe

Major events of the year 1953. The first atomic artillery test fired in United States on May 25, 1953. The M65 atomic cannon moving in the Nevada Test Site (specifically Frenchman Flat). A mushroom cloud rises after the M65 Atomic Cannon, sometimes called Atomic Annie, is fired and atomic bomb explodes. The M65 atomic cannon test is done as part of the Upshot–Knothole series of nuclear tests. East German uprising of 1953 (“Volksaufstand vom 17. Juni 1953”). Riots in East Germany against the increase in work quotas and withholding of American food. East German police escort a man away during a riot. People protest in streets as police try to crush the revolt. A stack of StarLac boxes bound for East Germany with sign in front. Sign reads “First Food Relief Shipment to East Germany by M.S.A. United States Lines S.S. American Inventor”. East Germans line up to receive food relief from the United States. An East German woman receives a food aid pack from the United States. The Trieste Crisis of 1953. Sign in front of a house reads “Trsta ne damo”. Officials inspect a car in the United Nations Security Council-controlled Free Territory of Trieste. Students riot in the streets of Trieste over the issue of Adriatic area between Italy and Yugoslavia.

Date: 1953, December 24
Duration: 1 min 24 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675049147
Life under Soviet domination in Eastern Europe following World War II

Legislators entering a hall in Czechoslovakia, in 1948. Inside,an image of the Small Coat of Arms of the Republic of Czechoslovakia (1920) dominates the scene. New scene shows Gustav Husak, acting Prime Minister, delivering an address urging support for the Communist Party. The next sequence shows violent Communist-led demonstrations, as armed trade unionists riot in the Prague streets, attacking the offices of the political opposition. Police attempt to restore order. On February 25, 1948, the communists achieve a Czechoslovak coup d'état. On February 27th, Czech President, Edvard Benes, receives a delegation including communist Premier Klement Gottwald and the 12 new members of the cabinet, at the Presidential Palace. He is seen signing documents accepting the communist cabinet. Change of scene shows Czech Foreign Minister, Jan Masaryk, giving a speech rejecting the change. (He remained in office, but died under suspicious circumstances on On March 10, 1948.) View of Masaryk in his casket. Mourners at his funeral.The Czech Parliament Building with flag at half staff. President Benes seen strolling, using a cane, accompanied by his wife, Hana Benes, in the garden of their summer home, Benesova vila, in Sezimovo Usti. Narrator notes that he refused to sign a new constitution drawn up by the communists. He died of natural causes at his villa on September 3, 1948. Scenes of his funeral and of him in his casket. Views of Benes' state funeral, with mourners lining the streets. View of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. Narrator describes circumstances using Churchill's term "Iron Curtain." A communist parade in an Eastern European city. A person who was roughed up on the street. View of East German uprising in 1953, being suppressed with Soviet tanks. Uprising in Poland in 1955 being put down by local police and Russian soldiers. Polish musicians playing and examples of Polish political cartoons permitted under relaxed communist rule.

Date: 1955
Duration: 2 min 45 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675064332
Streetcar on road and large poster of Yugoslavian Prime Minister Josip Broz Tito in Belgrade, Eastern European politician speaks in rally during the Cold War

A streetcar seen as a celebration is underway in Belgrade, Yugoslavia. A Communist, Brutalist building in the background. A large poster of Yugoslavian Prime Minister Josip Broz Tito hanging in front of a building. Large posters of important communist figures in Belgrade. A communist rally in Eastern Europe. Eastern European woman listens to speech. Eastern European politician, possibly Valko Chervenkov, delivers a speech in front of Soviet symbol and large communist personality’s poster.

Date: 1949
Duration: 33 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675078477
Communism growing over Central and Eastern Europe after World War 2, and development of Marshall Plan.

Events after World War II. Harvesting in U.S. farms. Closeup view as a tractor plows fields. Men on horseback driving sheep. Woman serves a Thanksgiving turkey dinner to her family gathered at a nice dining room table in the United States. Her children look at the food with smiles. Contrasting scenes show Europeans starving amid post-war ruins. Women and children looking for food. A child in a soup line. Women wait in a line to receive grain that is weighed on a scale (possibly Soviet area). Globe spins. Joseph Stalin and other Soviet officials watch a military parade in Red Square in Russia. Retrospective scenes of the meeting of Russian and U.S. troops at the Elbe River late in World War 2. Communist rally in Paris. A protester holds up a hammer and sickle symbol. A demonstration of protestors in Athens, Greece, and another Communist demonstration in Rome, Italy. Map depicts communist control growing over Central and Eastern Europe early in Cold War. High aerial view of Washington DC with a lower altitude airplane flying over the U.S. Capitol. Exterior view of State Department (Old Executive Office Building) in Washington DC. View of Secretary of State James F Byrnes working at his desk. Byrnes speaks of U.S. role in world affairs while at a conference in Stuttgart, Germany. Scenes from a meeting of the Big Four foreign ministers in 1947. Scenes changes to North Portico of White House. Swearing in ceremony of George C. Marshall as Secretary of State. President Harry S Truman shakes hands with Secretary George Marshall. Night view of London landmark buildings. View of door at No. 10 Downing Street in London. View of brutal winter conditions in Europe in February 1947. Citizens try to dig out a train stuck in snow. Women in line in Britain for a rationed good, still saddled with its own postwar reconstruction. Narrator relates that Britain was unable to continue to provide massive military and economic aid to the Greek regime and appealed to the U.S. to handle the situation. Secretary of State Marshall and President Truman seen talking together in front of a fireplace mantle. Marshall boards aircraft for a visit to Moscow. Truman in a White House meeting, seated at oval table with his advisors and cabinet. Truman addressing joint session of congress on March 12, 1947. He asks for funds for Greece and Turkey. Globe highlights USSR. Door sign reads 'Policy Planning Staff - George F Kennan - Director'. Director Kennan seen at his desk. He advocates a long term, patient but firm and vigilant containment of Russian expansive tendencies. Reconstruction in Europe. Ground level and aerial views of bomb destroyed European cities, and workers cleaning up rubble. Brief scene from the meeting of 16 nations in Paris on July 3, 1947. Scenes from United Nations meeting held in Lake Success New York in September 1947. George Marshall at podium addressing delegates of UN. Russian delegate Andrey Vyshinsky commenting on Marshall Plan. Signing of Marshall Plan agreement by international delegates meeting in Paris in September 1947.

Date: 1948
Duration: 8 min 31 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675053100
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