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Elizabeth New Jersey 1952 stock footage and images

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Devastation in Elizabeth, New Jersey residential neighborhood after American Airlines plane crash; also mid-air explosion of plane at British air show.

Major catastophe events of the year 1952. Views of destruction on the ground in Elizabeth, New Jersey, after American Airlines flight 6780, a Convair 240, crashed into a house at Williamson and South Streets on January 22, 1952. Burned wreckage and devastation seen at the crash site in Elizabeth following the crash and subsequent explosions damaging or destroying multipole houses in the 600 block of Williamson Street. In the first few seconds of the clip, the Battin High School for Girls is seen in the background. The school was adjacent to the crash but not hit. Narrator also describes the crash of an Army transport plane in California which killed 86 soldiers, but no images of that crash are shown. Next scenes shift to England, on September 6, 1952, as a de Havilland DH.110 jet aircraft, piloted by John Derry, explodes in midair after achieving Mach 1 and then beginning a left bank and climb at 450 knots during the 1952 Farnborough Airshow. Spectators at the British air show are seen on the ground in the area below the explosion and where debris rained down on the crowd causing deaths and injuries. Engines from the blown-up DH.110 plane (prototype, ID WG236) are seen hurtling through the sky toward Observation Hill immediately after the mid-air explosion. Scenes show crowd working to tend to the wounded and shocked families and children crying.

Date: 1952, January 23
Duration: 41 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675049157
Prison riots in 1952 include North Korean POWs in Koji and U.S. prison riots in Michigan and New Jersey.

Major prison riots of the year 1952. North Korean POW soldiers of the Korean War stage a mass rebellion at POW camps in Koji islands and Pongam Island, off South Korea. U.S. and U.N. guards quell riots at the camps, resulting in death of North Korean prisoners and injuries. Medics are seen treating injured North Korean prisoners. U.N. guards escort prisoners in lines after the riots. Scene shifts to the the United States where damaged prison property in Michigan and New Jersey is seen after prison riots. Broken window glasses and furniture strewn about in a multi-story room of the New Jersey State Reformatory. Scene changes to Southern Michigan State Prison, also called Jackson State Prison, following riots there. Four prisoners including ring leader Earl Ward (second from left) are seen inside the building behind bars, during the standoff where they seized a cell block and held guards as hostages. A prison guard on watch with rifle in hand, looking from an elevated post downward onto a Jackson State Prison courtyard.

Date: 1952, April
Duration: 49 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675049159
Death of King George VI of England and highlights of his life, from public school days to his death..

King George VI and Queen Elizabeth of United Kingdom, walking with Princess Elizabeth, behind them. King George saying farewell to Princess Elizabeth and her husband, Prince Philip as they board a British Overseas Airways passenger plane for a 5-month trip abroad to Africa and Australia. Scenes of the King as a young man, in public school and as a young Naval Officer, and Duke of York. Royal carriage with escort and scene of dowager Queen Mary with the Duke of York and his wife, the former Elizabeth Bowes-Lyons on the occasion of their wedding, April 26, 1923. Royal carriage carrying King George VI on day of Coronation following the abdication of his brother, Edward the 8th. Scenes of coronation of King George VI. The Royal Family: King George VI, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Mary, Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret pose on castle balcony. King George VI and Queen Elizabeth on royal thrones. Historic profile photograph of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth during trip to Africa. King George VI and Elizabeth II visiting Canada. King George VI, formally dressed, with President Franklin Roosevelt, in an open car. The royal couple sitting with the Roosevelts on a porch, in the sun, during their 1939 visit, early in World War 2. King George VI and Queen Elizabeth II in the country, with cart and on bicycles with daughters Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret. Scenes of royal wedding of Princes Elizabeth and Prince Philip, with King George VI and Queen Elizabeth II attending. The British royal family on occasion of 25th wedding anniversary of George VI and Elizabeth II. Crowds outside Buckingham Palace in vigil during illness of King George VI. Signs being posted about the King's condition. King George VI actively engaged following recovery from surgery. Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip being welcomed in Kenya. Kenyans in native dress. Kenyan boy presents bouquet of flowers to Princess Elizabeth. Newspapers announce death of King George VI, at Sandringham Palace and Princess Elizabeth returning from Kenya to assume the throne.

Date: 1952, February 6
Duration: 6 min 48 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675032847
Psychedelic drug Lysergic acid diethylamide discovered by Dr. Albert Hofmann is used for mind control in the United states.

Film depicts administration of LSD (Lysergic acid diethylamide ) by the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency). The LSD is given to people without informing them. A man talks about some events and cries. A close up of a man who worked on this program. On 21st September 1977, Stansfield Turner, Director CIA speaks about Mission Mind Control. Members are seated in a hall. News correspondent Paul Altmeyer stands in front of the Headquarters of OSS (Office of Strategic Services) in its original WW2 era location in Washington DC. The first mind control work began from this Headquarters. The members who are the part of this mission are the shapers and molders of OSS. U.S. General, William Joseph Donovan nicknamed 'Wild Bill' and Boston industrialist Stanley Lovell who is the Head of OSS R&D and is also called Dr. Moriarty. Lovell poses for a photograph and also talks about OSS job and that it was in this atmosphere that the search of mind control began. OSS Captain George H. White has formally been with the Bureau of Narcotics. Paul Atmeyer reads the diary of George White and talks about his training and schooling. Michel J. Burg talks about George and his technical knowledge. Another friend of White who is a narcotics officer talks about him. A close up of George White. A note written in White's diary. George White worked on a truth drug at St. Elizabeths Hospital in Washington DC where the experiments were conducted. View of exterior of Saint Elizabeth's psychiatric hospital in Washington DC. A 1952 CIA memo says the aim is 'controlling an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will'. Exterior views of the Sandoz Laboratory buildings in Basel, Switzerland where doctor Albert Hofmann believed that they had discovered and found a psychedelic drug and the discovery was LSD. Retired Chief Psychologist for CIA, John Gittinger, talks about the powerful drug and is being interviewed publicly. CIA's interest in LSD was intense but they were worried that the Russians would get hold of it. Commentator notes that mistaken intelligence reported that Sandoz Laboratory was going to put 100 million doses of LSD on the open market. Concerned, the United States was prepared to buy the entire supply. However, through information learned from Freedom of Information Act filings, John Marks, author of The Search for the Manchurian Candidate, tells the interviewer that this was mistaken information caused by a mixup when an American military attache confused milligrams versus kilograms, so there were in fact only 100 doses on the market. Brief footage of CIA chemist, Dr. Sydney Gottlieb.

Date: 1979, July 10
Duration: 8 min 48 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675047225
Trains operating at crossing of Pennsylvania and Jersey Central railroads in Elizabeth, New Jersey.

View of the overhead crossing of the Pennsylvania and Jersey Central railroads at Elizabeth, New Jersey. The Philadelphia Express on the Jersey Central passes underneath at full speed, just before a train passes overhead on the Pennsylvania crossing. (Filmed by Edison Company, 1897)

Date: 1897, June
Duration: 28 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675071538
Miami Airlines Curtiss-Wright C-46 Commando airliner crashes in New Jersey

A Miami Airlines Curtiss-Wright C-46 Commando airliner crashes in Elizabeth, New Jersey. View of the wrecked Curtiss-Wright C-46 Commando aircraft. People stand near the wreckage. Men take out injured and dead passengers from the wrecked aircraft. The wrecked parts of aircraft scattered in Elizabeth River. People near the accident area. A damaged house. A fire brigade drives on a road. People on a street. The C-46 wrecked parts.

Date: 1951, December 18
Duration: 1 min 18 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675069464
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