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Etain France 1944 stock footage and images

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Liberated civilians cheer arrival of the American troops in Lyon, France during Operation Dragoon (WW2)

Allied Invasion of Lyon, Southern France during Operation Dragoon of World War II on 3 September 1944. Liberated Lyons civilians cheer arrival of the American troops. United States M4 Sherman tank drives into town. Damaged bridges, railroads, and blocked highways. Sign points to a bypass due to bridge out. Major General John W. O' Daniel, commander of 3rd Division, crosses river using bypass and directs pursuit of the German forces. French armored division enters Dijon on 11 September 1944. An M8 Greyhound and other armored vehicles. Allied soldiers shaking hands. Liberated civilians celebrate their arrival on street. French troops of the Seventh Army join with the French units of Third army. Map of France. United States soldiers parade through streets after victory.

Date: 1944, September 3
Duration: 1 min 39 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675072839
Planning and execution of the Allied invasion of Normandy, France (WW2)

View of a port in England, filled with Allied ships and boats to carry war materiel for Allied forces preparing to invade Europe during World War II. A barrage balloon aloft overhead. Yards full of military rolling stock. Scene shifts to wide street view in London including Whitehall Government buildings around the Cenotaph War Memorial (Whitehall, London SW1A 2ET, United Kingdom) in London, England. Inside the British military headquarters the Allied High Command is gathered to plan the invasion of Europe. Supreme Allied Commander, General Dwight D. Eisenhower is pointing at a wall map, as senior Allied commanders, including British Marshal Bernard Montgomery, look on. Republic P-47 Thunderbolt fighter aircraft in D-Day paint stripes take off from an air base. Officers watch takeoffs from control tower porch. Views from Allied aircraft gun cameras show strafing from low altitudes destroying German ground targets, including railroads and airfields. A formation of Martin B-26 Marauder aircraft in flight overhead. Lines of communication such as road junctions being destroyed by bombing. Glimpse of copilot at controls in a bomber. Scene shifts to June 6, 1944 and the D-Day Allied invasion fleet underway across the English Channel. Allied warships bombarding the shores of Normandy, France. Landing Craft Tank (Rocket) firing salvos of rockets. Animated map shows the invasion forces striking the defenses of the German Atlantic Wall. View of British and American soldiers wading ashore from landing craft, and some falling to German gunfire at the shoreline beaches of Normandy. View of German defenders firing from inside a German fortifications. German soldiers firing machine guns from protected places overlooking the beaches of Normandy. Trapped American soldiers firing upwards toward the German positions in cliffs overlooking the beach. Later views of Allied troops in combat further inland. Animated map shows area of allied penetration after 19 days of bitter fighting. Allied Armor, trucks, and supplies moving inland from the beachhead. Barrage balloon above the improvised ports. Allied troops heading toward the port of Cherbourg and guns firing in that battle. American M8 Greyhound armored personnel carriers proceeding into the town of Cherbourg, Normandy, France. closeup of American soldiers firing small arms. Soldiers firing a howitzer point blank. The last of the German garrison troops surrender under a flag of truce, on June 27, 1944. Large group of German prisoners of war with hands clasped over their heads, being escorted under Allied guard from Cherbourg. Docks and facilities needing repair to make the port serviceable. U.S. Army engineers welding port facilities. Closeup of a locomotive operated by French railroad men, moving in the restored port.

Date: 1944
Duration: 3 min 57 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675041992
Early allied victories in Europe during World War II are challenged by German counter attacks in late 1944

Elements of U.S. Army arriving in a town in France, in August, 1944, during World War 2. Local people line the sides of the roads to welcome them. Young French women reach up to American soldiers in the back of an open stake truck and later mingle with them on the ground. Some of them kiss the soldiers. Some American flags are displayed by people in the crowd of well-wishers. One American soldier holds up a souvenir Nazi flag.Large crowds of French people gathered in a square to welcome the Americans. Many display the "V for Victory" sign with their hands. Film fades to a brief glimpse of a fallen soldier, and new slate reads: "Counterattack." Next, U.S. Medical Corpsmen are seen carrying American wounded to ambulances in the field in December, 1944.Several views of medics attending to American wounded soldiers. American infantrymen advancing across a field beside a Pershing T26E3 tank. (Note: It has 6 bogey wheels. Not designated M26 until 1945.) American infantry advancing into area of burning buildings and then into built up part of town, where they take up defensive positions inside a building. A U.S. soldier firing out a building window. Other U.S. soldiers firing from positions behind a wall. One is next to a mortar. Buildings burning and destroyed all around them. Close-up of American soldiers firing M1 Garand rifles from behind the wall. Infantrymen hunkered down behind a stone wall with light snow atop it. An explosion from a hand grenade raises smoke. A medical Corpsman checks a fallen American soldier for sign of life. Next, a Chaplain is seen reading from a small bible or prayer book, as he stoops over the fallen soldier. Fallen and wounded soldiers are carried to a truck, from the battlefield, on stretchers. Scene shifts abruptly to captured German film depicting two junior officers conversing in the field and then to German Field Marshal Erwin Rommel conversing with an artillery assault gun officer. Rommel holds a pair of eyeglasses in his right hand. The gun officer wears binoculars around his neck. A war torn city. German Volkssturm (People's Militia) parading. Some carry panzerfaust anti-tank weapons over their shoulders. A field full of German King Tiger II Ausf. B Heavy Tanks. One being driven out of the field. A German SdKfz 251 halftrack maneuvering in woods. it is covered with foliage for camouflage. German soldier in an open single seat courier car. It and he are spattered with mud. Close-ups of the mud-spattered driver smoking an cigar. German infantry moving across a field and moving along a road, in the mist. German infantry moving along a muddy road near a forest. A German V-1 Buzz bomb seen overhead with engine running. It flames out. Next an explosion and rising smoke is seen inside a town.

Date: 1944, December
Duration: 3 min 48 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675045609
Republcan Thomas E. Dewey and incumbent Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt, compete in 1944 U.S. Presidential election during World War II

The 1944 U.S. Presidential election in 1944, during World War 2. Newspaper boy hawks newspaper extra edition, with headline referring to "Nip and Tuck" race. View of Times Square in Manhattan, New York City, at twilight, as lights begin to turn on. Wooden barricades seen set up in front of some establishments to protect against damage from large crowds anticipated as election returns come in. Moving illuminated marquee sign on the Times building reads: "Nearly 45 per cent of Bronx and Manhattan voters said to have cast ballots." Two men look up at the sign. Officials open a voting machine and begin to report information. At another location officials remove paper ballots from their precinct box. A radio announcer reviewing results and reporting them over the air. A woman is seen entering voter returns in chalk, on a national tote board. Citizens gathered to watch results. American soldier listening to results over a radio, in Italy and France. Newscasters reporting on radio as the returns come in. Many people listen to radios. An American family of man, woman, boy and girl children seated in their living room listening to vintage console radio reporting voting returns. A fire is burning in the living room fireplace beside the console radio. Another, different scene is shown with a family gathered around a radio listening to election reports. A framed photograph of a U.S. Army soldier is atop the console radio. Scene is shown of crowds surging in Times Square as returns displayed on Times Building marquee indicate likely victory for FDR (Franklin Roosevelt). Crowd in Times Square including many American military service members in uniform.

Date: 1944, November 7
Duration: 3 min 8 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675072900
Operation Dragoon. 7th Army operations in France during World war II

Allied Operation Dragoon during World War 2. Invasion convoy of ships heading to French coast, on August 15, 1944. Three divisions of the United States 7th Army make amphibious landing on the coast, and proceed rapidly into interior of France. U.S. Sherman tanks entering the French city of Lyon on September 3, 1944. Local newspaper headline about the city's liberation . Infantry of the 7th Army moving through destroyed French towns. U.S. infantry and armor (Sherman tanks) fire at German positions in a French village.

Date: 1944, August 15
Duration: 1 min 14 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675024437
View from the air of grounded British glider aircraft used in invasion of France, strewn across large fields.

Daytime aerial view of grounded British Airspeed Horsa glider aircraft used during the June 6, 1944 D-Day invasion of France during World War II (Battle of Normandy). Many gliders strewn across a wide area of fields. View of a glider on the ground and British soldiers moving away from a glider. Two soldiers wheel bicycles away from a glider. Footage is from period between June 6 and June 9, 1944 (D-Day to D plus 3)

Date: 1944, June 8
Duration: 18 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675038171