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Europe 1896 stock footage and images

- Showing 1453 to 1458 of 1675 results
USAFE and Spanish concert band musicians perform music together in front of the City Council of San Sebastian, Spain

United States Air Forces in Europe (USAFE) band and a Spanish concert band joining for the first public performance of the "John F. Kennedy March" at San Sebastian, Spain. The bands jointly play in front of the City Council of San Sebastian, also known as the Donostiako Udala (Ijentea Kalea, 1, 20003 Donostia, Gipuzkoa, Spain). Spectators crowd the plaza in front of the City Council of San Sebastian. View of the City Council of San Sebastian building and the Concha Bay. USAFE and Spanish concert bands playing together in front of the City Council of San Sebastian building. Musicians playing brass instruments. Spectators clapping. The Lord Mayor of San Sebastian place a medal on a banner “USAFE BAND WIESBADEN”. Different flags adorn the USAFE banner. Jose Maria Bastida leads the concert band.

Date: 1964, January 19
Duration: 1 min 13 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675079861
A USAFE and Spanish concert band plays the first public performance of the "John F. Kennedy March" in front of the City Council of San Sebastian, Spain

United States Air Forces in Europe (USAFE) band and a Spanish concert band joining for the first public performance of the "John F. Kennedy March" at San Sebastian, Spain. The bands jointly play in front of the City Council of San Sebastian, also known as the Donostiako Udala (Ijentea Kalea, 1, 20003 Donostia, Gipuzkoa, Spain). Intricate tapestries hang in front of the City Council of San Sebastian. Jose Maria Bastida leads the concert band. “USAFE BAND WIESBADEN” banner hangs on the left.

Date: 1964, January 19
Duration: 4 min 14 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675079863
General Eisenhower inspects a Ninth Air Force Base in England; Allied bombers attack German infrastructure in France (WWII)

Supreme Allied Commander in Europe General Dwight D. Eisenhower inspects a Ninth Air Force Base in England during World War II. General Eisenhower salutes to men. United States soldiers look outside from a window to watch General Eisenhower’s arrival. Brick layers stop working on a wall to salute to General Eisenhower. General Eisenhower speaks with the M-26 Marauder crewmen. General Eisenhower laughing. General Eisenhower sits on in the cockpit of a fighter plane and fires its machine guns. Crowds of crewmen watch Eisenhower inspecting aircraft. An the airfield control tower, General Eisenhower and other officials watch the take-off of B-26 Marauders for a combat mission. B-26 Marauder bombers take off from the airfield. B-26 Marauder bombers form a formation in flight. B-26 Marauder bombers dodge anti-aircraft fire. Bomber with broken windshield window due to anti-aircraft fire damage. Bombs are dropped above a Nazi aerodrome in France. Aerial view of the Nazi aerodrome, railway switch yard bombings in Normandy. B-26 Marauder bombers heading back to England after bombing important military infrastructure in Normandy. A B-26 bomber lands on the runway. British Royal Air Force (RAF) Avro Lancaster bombers take-off from the Ninth Air Force Base at night. Lancaster bombersdrop bombs over German ammunitions dump and stores depot in France at night. Nighttime view of explosions on the ground.

Date: 1944, May 22
Duration: 3 min 22 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675079916
Jewish refugees as their train departs for cities in Palestine

Jewish refugee men and women and children from Europe leaving a Palestine train station for cities in Palestine after World War II. Jewish men and women crowd the platform of a train station. They form a line as officers inspect their papers before boarding. A man on the platform speaks to a woman with children looking from the train window. An old Jewish woman walking on the train platform. Passengers begin to board the train. View of the steam locomotive train before departure. Men taking their luggage and belongings on the platform. A woman says good-bye to a child on the train. Another woman says goodbye to a man. Station officers and civilians from the platform watch the train leave the station.

Date: 1947, March
Duration: 60 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675079968
Office of Strategic Services (OSS) agents in Egypt prepare for mission (WW2)

OSS agents in Egypt select appropriate clothes for their spy mission to Europe during World War 2. An OSS agent rummages through a trunk of clothes. An OSS officer hands out forged passports and documents to the two agents. Agents receive last minute instructions from officer pointing to map on the wall.

Date: 1943
Duration: 48 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675079981
Office of Strategic Services (OSS) receives radio commands at Camp Huckstep, United States bombers launch Balkans attack (WW2)

United States Office of Strategic Services (OSS) agents relaying reports via radio to high command in Egypt during World War II. Animated map shows radio waves from the Balkan region reaching Cairo. Radio towers at Huckstep station inside Camp Huckstep. Radio operators pick up radio signals in control room. A radio operator takes message to his colleague. High command officers deliberate plans in Europe before a large map. United States Army Air Force 15th Bombing Command bombardiers and pilots attend a briefing with officer pointing to maps. Ground control radio operator gives commands at air field. United States Consolidated B-24 Liberator bombers taxiing and then taking off from airfield, including one dubbed, "Ready, Willing, and Able" and another named "Strawberry Bitch." Bombers in formation overhead. Close up of a hand of bombardier pushing bomb release button to drop bombs. Close up view of bombs dropping out of open bomb bay of B-24. View of bombs dropping over what narrator claims to be a Balkan city. Aerial view shows thick smoke covering the bomb sites.

Date: 1943
Duration: 1 min 26 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675079985