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Europe 1939 stock footage and images

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University of California crew team participants hope to win the 1939 rowing championships and go for practice on Frisco Bay

College students from the University of California Bears crew team begin training in hopes of winning the 1939 rowing championships. California oarsmen in Oakland turnout for the spring training. Ten shells get underway for vigorous practice on Frisco Bay. Crew teams rowing on the bay.

Date: 1939
Duration: 35 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: None
Clip: 65675024550
Adolf Hitler giving speeches at various venues in 1938 and 1939.

Illuminated masses of Nazi swastika flags. Hitler speaking at outdoor event. Hitler evoking laughter in the Reichstag (Kroll Opera House), on April 28, 1939, as he reads aloud a long list of countries from Franklin Roosevelt's letter which Roosevelt asks Germany not to invade. Scene changes to a welcome parade on March 16, 1938 in Berlin after Hitler's return from Austria at the time of the Anschluss. Hitler and Hermann Goering walking along street in Berlin, reviewing German troops. Huge crowd of cheering German citizens packed tightly in the Wilhelmplatz to hear Hitler speak. Hitler and Goering on a balcony overlooking the crowd.

Date: 1939
Duration: 1 min 58 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675031408
Scenes of the opening and closing ceremonies of the 1939 World's Fair in Flushing, New York.

The 1939 World's Fair at Flushing Meadows Corona Park in New York. The President of the United States, Franklin Roosevelt, inaugurates the opening ceremony. British King George VI and Queen Elizabeth of England welcomed by crowds as they visit the World's Fair. Lighted water fountains and people emerging from a tunnel through a water fall. A woman acrobat rides a zip line down into the crowd gathered at the World's Fair. Theme of the ceremony with statue of Trylon, Perisphere and Helicline. Closing of the World's Fair in the fall of 1940 includes a parade and fireworks.

Date: 1939, April 30
Duration: 2 min 5 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675043880
Local views of a community in coastal Norway in 1939

Filmed by Eva Braun during a visit to Norway while cruising on the M/S Milwaukee (Hamburg America Line) in July, 1939: Closeup of a Norwegian boy and girl in a farm field enclosed by a strand of barbed wire in Norway. The weather is very misty. The girl holds a puffin sea bird. she is joined by two other girls, one of whom now holds the puffin. A group Norwegian men and women walk past the field toward a town barely discernible in the mist. Closeup of a Norwegian man and woman standing at the back of their house. Two women walking along a road toward the town. Camera pans over the area, showing houses and fields. It focuses on a man leading a pony pulling a two-wheeled cart. Closeup of wash hung out to dry. the line and wash move to and fro in a breeze. Closeup of a smiling Norwegian boy. Four Norwegian boys pose in a front yard. A fifth joins briefly. Two girls and a smaller boy pose. A man poses next to a canvas covered boat (not seen under the wraps). A boy poses next to a pony.A friend comes up to steady the animal as the boy jumps on ready to ride bareback. He quickly slides back down again. One of Eva Braun's sisters pets the pony. View of local people walking toward their waterfront. Buildings on stilts at the water's edge. A fishing boat nearby. Judging by the level of the water below the buildings, the tide must be out. Camera pans across several boats and scenery at the waterfront. Eva Braun's mother, Franziska, and one of Eva's sisters, standing near a taxi cab. Camera focuses on the car. Scene shifts to a waterfront open market on a large pier, where many Norwegian people are mingling, gathered, as if waiting, near a long line of below- deck tanks from which steam is rising. The tanks are covered with concave semicircular gratings. Men with long poles tend to the contents.

Date: 1939, July
Duration: 2 min 11 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675048006
United Auto Workers Union (UAW) initiate 1939 Tool and die workers strike against General Motors that spreads to other General Motors workers.

Opening Slate reads: "International Union United Auto Workers (UAW) of America " over-layed on medalion reading: "Affiliated with C.I.O."This is followed by the title of the film: "United Action Means Victory, Story of the General Motors Tool and Die Strike 1939." This is followed by numerous credits, and a foreward signed by UAW President, R. J. Thomas and Secretary-Treasurer, George F. Gaddes. Next, Camera shows Walter Reuther, Director of the General Motors Department of the UAW, seated behind Union President R.J. Thomas, as he speaks to members of the union executive board. Camera pans over the board members. Views of a tool and die makers at work, in measuring and in machine shops, using grinders, drilling machines, welding equipment and other machinery. Walter Reuther is seen meeting with Union officials after they decide to strike. Actors supposedly brawling outside an auto plant. (They all pull their punches.) Newspapers announcing peaceful settlement of labor complaints. Walter Reuther insists on waiting for General Motors response to the Union's demands. Strikers marching outside an auto plant. One carries a sign calling for Fisher Pontiac workers to strike. Most of these are women. View of a Chevrolet plant with picketers marching in a courtyard. Slate reads:"Chevrolet Gear and Experimental." More views of picketers. One wears a hat reading: "UAW-CIO Picket Captain." Building with sign reading: "Chevrolet Engineering Laboratory." Engineers from the Lab shake hands with strikers and join them. More views of pickets. Some receiving drinks from folks supporting the strike. Union members seen paying their dues to union cashiers.

Date: 1939
Duration: 6 min 37 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675048189
People gather at the New York World's fair of 1939 to 1940, as dances and bands perform at the fair.

The New York world's fair of 1939-1940. View of Manhattan, George Washington bridge. Aerial views of buildings and other skyscrapers of New York City. People gather on the fairgrounds. People outside various buildings. Exhibitions, bands, dances, statues and flags at the fair grounds. Statue of George Washington. The United States Government building and different state buildings in view. Woman and two girls seated on a bench as they eat ice-cream cones.

Date: 1939
Duration: 3 min 1 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675051606