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Europe 1977 stock footage and images

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Story of the John Walker spy ring. FBI actions to end it.

President Woodrow Wilson signs documents. Russian spy Colonel Rudolph Ivanovich Abel outside Federal Court in New York City in 1957. Julius Rosenberg. Ethyl Rosenberg. John Anthony Walker, Chief Warrant Officer and communications specialist for the U.S. Navy, who spied for the Soviet KGB from 1968 to 1985. View of John Fitzgerald Kennedy Federal Building, in Boston, Massachusetts. Barbara Walker speaks. Pictures of John Walker alone and John and Barbara Walker seated at a park. View of Barbara Walker's home in West Dennis, Massachusetts. View of the Walker's restaurant. Apartment house in Norfolk Virginia, where the Walkers lived, and boat, airplane, and real estate they owned. Walker in U.S. Navy uniform and at beach with children. Walker residence, Algonquin House Apartment building. Diagrams of drop sites and instructions used by John Walker. U.S. Capitol building. Holiday Inn where the Walkers stayed in Northern Virginia. Documents stamped Top Secret and 35,000 dollars in cash. F-14 Tomcat aircraft landing on aircraft carrier ship deck. Photo of Laura Walker Snyder. Needles moving on Polygraph machine. Convoy of warships underway. Photo of John Walker with other Naval crewmen. Photo of Soviet Embassy in Washington, DC. Photo of cryptographic key card. U.S. nuclear submarine on surface. Zayre store in Washington, D.C. area. Drop site maps. Photo of John Walker's retirement party in 1977. Maps of North Africa and Europe. Photo of instructions for passing information at meeting sites in Vienna, Austria. Photo of Walker's residence, 1985. Photo of Jerry Whitworth. Letters from Whitworth to the FBI. Soviet KGB officer, Aleksei G. TKachenko. Michael Walker and Arthur Walker under arrest. John and Michael Walker under arrest. William Sessions, FBI Director.

Date: 1985
Duration: 13 min 13 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675053007
General Rogers answers questions regarding REFORGER 77 at a press conference in Europe.

REFORGER 77 ( Return of Forces to Germany) General Bernard W Rogers, The United States Army Chief of Staff, at a press conference answers questions regarding the annual REFORGER exercise by NATO ( North Atlantic Treaty Organization ) from news media at a press conference in Europe.

Date: 1977, September 13
Duration: 8 min 10 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675048887
Colonel Beckwith answers questions regarding REFORGER 77 at a press conference in Europe.

REFORGER 77 (Return of Forces to Germany). Colonel Beckwith (possibly William J Beckwith) at a press conference answers questions regarding the annual REFORGER exercise by NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) from news media at a press conference in Europe.

Date: 1977, September 13
Duration: 1 min 45 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675048888
Police arrest off-duty African American police officer Donald Pinkney during protest against Ku Klux Klan rally in Mobile, Alabama.

Scene in Mobile Alabama during confrontation between African American citizens and members of the KKK, or Ku Klux Klan, not wearing hoods, who were marching in the town of Mobile, Alabama to protest state prison work release programs. Police officers are seen at a street curb in discussion with a group of African American citizen protestors. One African American protestor, off-duty police officer Donald Pinkney, is seen talking to police. Camera turns away from the scene and then swings back apparently capturing the end of an altercation between Pinkney and uniformed police. (Montgomery Advertiser newspaper of 27 September, 1977 reported that the arresting police officers said Pinkney had grabbed a police officer's baton. The newspaper also reported that Pinkney had been struck by a police baton, receiving a three inch head wound that required 12 stitches.) Pinkney is seen being led away from the scene by two uniformed police officers.

Date: 1977, September 24
Duration: 3 min 58 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675075443
Jim Henson and other puppeteers prepare and rehearse with ‘The Muppets’ characters

A feature on Jim Henson, creator of 'The Muppets'. The Muppets characters such as the Cookie Monster, Grover, and Herry Monster on display. Big Bird smiling. Oscar the Grouch hiding behind a tree. Cookie Monster holding an A-shaped cookie. The Muppets creator Jim Henson rehearses a Sesame Street sketch as Ernie. Another puppeteer playing as Simon Soundman rehearse alongside Jim Henson in front of a mirror. Jim Henson talks to a colleague beside a woman inside his Manhattan office. “It seems to me that it might be better to use the little guy Harvey Muskrat (sic) for that part” Jim Henson told his colleague. Puppet designers working at the Jim Henson Company studio. A female puppet designer adjusts the dress of Ma Otter from ‘Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas’. Another female designer cuts fabric from her desk. A female puppeteer moves the head of a Muppet puppet. Jim Henson performs as Emmet Otter from the Muppets movie ‘Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas’ (1977). Emmet Otter tells a joke to a woman, making her laugh. A puppet designer works to animate Ma Otter. Animatronics control Ma Otter as she uses a sewing machine. Emmet Otter rowing a boat. A puppet designer operates animatronics to make Emmet Otter move. Emmet Otter’s head moving automatically. The Howard Snake from ‘Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas’ moving his mouth. Jim Henson, producers, and puppeteers attend a script read-through. Jim Henson holding Fred Lizard. Puppeteers rehearse as the ‘Riverbottom Nightmare Band’ Muppets. Jim Henson performs as Howard Snake.

Date: 1977
Duration: 3 min 41 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675080181
Allied troops advance and secure territory in Arnhem, Netherlands.

Arnhem: Fleet of Allied planes in flight. The 1st Allied Airborne Corps troops descend and land near Arnhem, Netherlands. Ground forces march ahead. Members of the Allied corps from the American 82nd Airborne Division capture and cross the 2km long bridge over the Waal at Nijmegen. Dead German soldiers on the bridge. Landing of allied paratroopers near the town of Grave, targeting the bridges over the Maas. Scenes of the Glider Pilot Regiment landing in Holland near Arnhem in Operation Market Garden, including point of view shots from glider in flight under rope tow, and of many paratoopers filling sky during drop. Soldier in jeep being unloaded. A wrecked glider. Allied soldiers take German prisoners. Wounded soldiers. Dutch Resistance Movement officers reveal German troop movements to Allies. A member with an 'ORANJE' insignia on his uniform sleeve. View of German Garrison commander Major General Fridriech Kussin, dead, his body half fallen from his Citroen automobile as Allied troops march by. A bungalow used by the resistance as their headquarters. British soldiers attempting to defend their position near the Arnhem road bridge over the Lower Rhine (now the John Frost Bridge, named after the British Commander who led the forces that defended their position there for 9 days, and subject of the 1977 movie "A Bridge Too Far"). Wounded soldiers on stretchers, from fighting against the German 9th SS and 10th SS Panzer divisions. Views of supplies being dropped to the British forces and the soldiers retrieving dropped supplies. Allied Target Indicators go off at dusk. British soldier communicating on radio as they await arrival of British XXX Corps (who never arrive). Remaining British troops withdrawing after 9 days of battle. British Soldiers retire and walk on streets. Soldiers in military jeeps. The Nijmegen bridge over the Waal River protected by the Allied soldiers. In total 10,600 Allied airborne soldiers landed at Arnhem; 1500 were killed and all but 2398 were captured (World War II period).

Date: 1944, September
Duration: 3 min 35 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675020657
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