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Fischlham Austria 1938 stock footage and images

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Kurt Gatner, an Austrian internee at Buchenwald concentration camp in Germany.

Internees at a concentration camp in Buchenwald, Germany. Kurt Gatner, a former Chief of Prime Minister Schuschingg's body guard from Vienna, Austria. He says that he was arrested in 1938 soon after the occupation of Austria by Germans. He states how he was badly treated at various concentration camps. He talks about the harsh punishments being given at these camps. He thanks the American and other Allied forces for liberating him and many others from the camp. Other internees in the background. (World War II period).

Date: 1945, April 26
Duration: 1 min 20 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: English
Clip: 65675049489
Adolf Hitler addresses Reichstag at Kroll Opera House; Hitler addresses outdoor gathering at Heldenplatz in Vienna.

Fragment of speech by Fuhrer Adolf Hitler as he addresses the Reichstag, meeting in Kroll Opera House, on April 28, 1939, in Berlin. The German Reich national Eagle insignia in the background, and Nazi Swastikas on either side. Reichstag members respond with cheers and Nazi salutes. Next scene is unrelated: Adolf Hitler on podium, preparing to speak at a huge outdoor gathering at the Heldenplatz in Vienna, Austria, on March 15, 1938, following the Anschluss. The crowd chants 'Heil'. Civilians give Nazi salute during the gathering in city square.

Date: 1938
Duration: 17 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: German
Clip: 65675031403
Lyndon B. Johnson speech on Vietnam War; scenes from World War II and Korean War

United States President Lyndon B. Johnson delivers a speech at a news conference in July 28, 1965 during the Vietnam War. President Johnson quotes a letter from a woman in the Midwest, "Dear Mr. President: In my humble way I am writing to you about the crisis in Vietnam. I have a son who is now in Vietnam. My husband served in World War II. Our country was at war, but now, this time, it's just something that I don’t understand. Why?”. United States Army soldiers in a Vietnamese jungle. A crying Vietnamese child. A man sits in front of a fire in the middle of a ruined house. Fascist leaders Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini during a parade in Munich, Germany. Flags of Nazi Germany and the United Kingdom. British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain disembarks from in Munich for the Munich agreement. Nazi German guards turn their heads in unison. Adolf Hitler and Neville Chamberlain walk together. Crowd civilians perform the Nazi salute. Hitler and Mussolini in balcony. Neville Chamberlain reads the “Peace For Our Time” speech. “We regard the agreement signed last night and the Anglo-German Naval Agreement as symbolic of the desire of our two peoples never to go to war with one another again” Chamberlain said before smiling. Ruins of a bombarded city in Europe during World War II. Mussolini gesturing strongly during a speech. Cavalry soldiers on horseback in Ethiopia. Royal Italian Army fighting in Ethiopia during the Second Italo-Ethiopian War. Italian soldiers firing with a Fiat-Revelli M14 machine gun and advancing in field. Emperor Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia protests Italian aggression in the League of Nations. A stylized Nazi eagle statue in Austria. Austrian soldiers during the German Anschluss of 1938. Hitler and Austrian politicians perform the Nazi salute in Vienna. Explosions from night bombardment during the Korean War. Communist Chinese People's Liberation Army troops firing with Chinese Type 24 Maxim Water-Cooled Machine Gun and rifles in Korea. Soldiers’ feet climb and jump up uneven terrain in the battlefield. United States Army M46 Patton tanks pointing upwards and firing at enemy positions. An M46 Patton tank and trucks of the United Nations Forces crossing the 38th parallel line in Korea. Sign denotes the 38th parallel line. President Johnson continues his speech at the White House. “Why must young Americans, born into a land exultant with hope and with golden promise, toil and suffer and sometimes die in such a remote and distant place? The answer, like the war itself, is not an easy one, but it echoes clearly from the painful lessons of half a century. Three times in my lifetime, in two World Wars and in Korea, Americans have gone to far lands to fight for freedom. We have learned at a terrible and a brutal cost that retreat does not bring safety and weakness does not bring peace. It is this lesson that has brought us to Vietnam.” President Johnson said.

Date: 1965, July 28
Duration: 4 min 3 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675080604
Scenes of devastation from the "Long Island Express" Hurricane of 1938.

Scenes from the New England Hurricane of 1938 (or Great New England Hurricane) (or Long Island Express) (or The Great Hurricane of 1938). Hurricane hitting U.S. Eastern Seaboard on September 21, 1938. The Coast from New Jersey to New England felt its effect. Cars and people drenched with water in streets. Policemen wade through hip deep water. New York is whipped by 70 mile-an-hour winds and the raging sea pouring tons of water far inland. A man retreats from a dock as waves pour water on him. Outcome of hurricane shows broken ships, downed trees, and devastation at the water front in coastal areas including Atlantic City, New London Connecticut, and Long Island. Firemen in New London Connecticut battle fires. Aerial view of destroyed shoreline and beached boats in New London. Broken cars crushed by fallen trees. Crowds gather to look at damage as a lone sentry guards against looting. Boats along the Atlantic Coast are destroyed. A boat is seen on a road in front of Merkel's Delicatessen. View of a train that was derailed by the hurricane on Long Island. Shot of a car that was carried far off a roadway and impaled on an upright beam.

Date: 1938, September 21
Duration: 1 min 53 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675039207
St. Louis Cardinals baseball team at spring training, March 1938

St. Louis Cardinals baseball team practices at spring training, 1938, in St. Petersburg Florida. Shots of team warming up in stadium. Shot of pitcher Paul Dean posing with his brother, Hall of Fame pitcher Dizzy Dean. Closeups of Dizzy Dean smiling, throwing. Shot of Cardinals manager and Hall of Fame second baseman Frankie Frisch. Cardinal player hits fly ball, palm trees in background. Outfielder and Hall of Famer Joe Medwick catches ball. Two young boys intently watch the action. Pitcher Lon Warneke (#18) throws. Outfielder Pepper Martin (#1) bunts and races down to first base. (Note: Dizzy Dean, who had a sore arm, would be traded to the Chicago Cubs just before the start of the 1938 season.)

Date: 1938, March 7
Duration: 44 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675033899
Baseball milestones of the 1938 season in the United States.

Baseball events in 1938 in the United States. Closeup of Johnny Vander Meer of the Cincinnati Reds followed by scenes of him pitching during his two back-to-back no-hitters against the Boston Red Sox and the Brooklyn Dodgers, respectively. Spectators seated in the stands. Legendary baseball player, George Herman "Babe" Ruth, now a Brooklyn Dodger coach, is seen donning a Dodger uniform. He hits a ball on the sidelines during warmups. View of fans seated in the stands. Baseball team New York Yankees in its dugout during the 1938 World Series against the Chicago Cubs. Yankees defeat Cubs. New York Yankees manager Joe McCarthy shakes hands with Chicago Cubs Manager Gabby Hartnett after New York wins the World Series in four games straight. New York Mayor, Fiorello LaGuardia, is seen in a box seat, wearing a large-brimed hat. He holds his nose and waves a hand in distain. The spectators in the stands cheer. From a September 16, 1963 newsreel featuring events from 25 years earlier.

Date: 1938
Duration: 51 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675069244