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Florin California USA 1918 stock footage and images

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A huge crowd marches in New York, United States during a parade in support of the National Recovery Administration

NRA banner with Blue Eagle symbol, hoisted on building in New York City. A parade in New York City, United States. A large crowd marches on streets during a ten-hour parade hailing the NRA (National Recovery Administration), one of the New Deal programs of U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt for the recovery of economy during the Great Depression. Men and women holding U.S. flags marching during the parade. Spectators watch the parade from sidewalks.

Date: 1933, July 21
Duration: 27 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675066509
An outboard cruiser on a trans-Atlantic cruise from Copenhagen, Denmark reaches a harbor in New York, United States.

A trans-Atlantic cruiser in New York, United States. An outboard cruiser during a trans-Atlantic cruise from Copenhagen, Denmark to New York. The cruiser approaching a harbor in New York. The Statue of Liberty. The cruiser surging on water. The U.S. flag on the cruiser. 'Coronet Explorer' written on the cruiser. One of the men on the boat looking through binoculars. Men on the cruiser smiling. The boat reaches New York Harbor after a ten-day long cruise from Copenhagen. Several people at the harbor.

Date: 1958, July 24
Duration: 45 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675066517
Models wearing three-piece outfits and matching hats pose in New York, United States.

Models showing off dresses in New York, United States. Models wearing three-piece outfits and hats posing in a courtyard outside a building. The models posing on a pathway. Trees beside the building and a lawn in view. Small bushes lining the pathway. Two other models pose wearing three-piece outfits and matching hats. The models standing on the pathway.

Date: 1958, July 24
Duration: 1 min 6 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675066519
Former U.S. President Herbert Hoover at a press conference in New York, United States on his 84th birthday.

Former U.S. President Herbert Hoover in New York, United States. The former President at a press conference in a hotel on his 84th birthday. Hoover seated and a few pressmen beside him holding microphones. Several cameramen at cameras. Herbert Hoover smiling.

Date: 1958, August 11
Duration: 25 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675066590
Firemen and volunteers removing bodies from Erie Railroad trains that collided on a railway track in New York, United States.

A train wreck in New York, United States, near border of New York and New Jersey. Two Erie Railroad trains collided on a railway track. Several men beside the collision area. Damaged compartments of the trains on the track. A railway official moving between seats inside one of the trains. Dislocated seats and broken windows. Firemen and volunteers removing bodies from the trains. A group of men inside one of the trains trying to remove the dead bodies stuck between the parts of the train. Two men standing on ladders kept against a train and holding a white piece of cloth. Men moving bodies on stretchers. Several men in the collision area.

Date: 1958, August 11
Duration: 58 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675066592
Rocket models are tested in simulated flight conditions at White Sands in New Mexico, United States.

A film about testing of rocket models at White Sands in New Mexico, United States. Technicians in a room. A car pulls up outside a building with a sign on it that reads 'Supersonic wind tunnel laboratory'. Men at a drafting table as they design rocket models. A technician in a machine shop works on a model of a missile. A model of a rocket being tested in a wind tunnel for flight factors like drag. Technicians observe during a test flight in a compression room. Men work on control panels. Rocket models being tested in the wind tunnel under simulated flight conditions. Huge gauges on a wall as technicians take readings. An image of a rocket model under test on a viewer screen. The pattern of air density being observed. Photographic record of the image being taken. A rocket lifts off and in flight.

Date: 1947
Duration: 5 min 5 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675066621