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Fort Dix New Jersey USA 1940 stock footage and images

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U.S. Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox and General Hugh Drum review U.S. 44th Infantry Division troops at Fort Dix in New Jersey.

U.S. 44th Infantry Division parade at Fort Dix in New Jersey. U.S. Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox and U.S. Lt. General Hugh Aloysius Drum shake hands with other officers. Secretary of the Navry Frank Knox with General Drum stand on a platform. The U.S. Infantrymen stand in a squad. The soldiers parade. Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox, Lt. General Drum and other officers review the parade. The soldiers carrying a United States flag march. The soldiers in cars advance during the parade. A banner on a platform reads '78th Division Veterans' Association'. (Secretary Knox served as a major in the 78th Infantry Division during World War 1.) The trucks towing artillery advance and soldiers seen on the trucks.

Date: 1941, May 3
Duration: 40 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675069459
Soldiers form a large liberty bell for a photograph during World War I

The "Human Liberty Bell" composed from 25,000 Officers and men at Fort Dix, New Jersey during World War 1, by photographers Arthur Mole and John Thomas who took them from an 80 foot tower with a large format camera. The U.S. Government contracted Mole and Thomas to create a number of such photographs as a morale booster during world war 1. (World War I; World War 1; WWI; WW1)

Date: 1918
Duration: 24 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675026309
Events of World War 2, and creation of United Nations Organization following the surrender of Germany and Japan

Summary of World War II events and formation of the United Nations Organization. Soviet troops on Eastern Front of Europe fire artillery on German positions in 1944. Russian troops advance. German soldiers come out of buildings and surrender. Allied Forces land in France on D-Day. Allied troops and tanks fight Germans on streets in towns and villages of France. U.S. Army tanks fire at German positions. Various groups of German prisoners of war march along roads and are herded into prison camps operated by American and British forces. In 1945, the Allied leaders meet at Yalta on the Crimean Peninsula to discuss Allied military strategy in the final months of WWII. Leaders included British PM Winston Churchill, U.S. President Franklin D Roosevelt and Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin. The meeting of U.S. and Soviet Russian troops at the Elbe River. German Nazi Swastika symbol blown up in explosion atop Zeppelinfeld Nazi party rally grounds in Nuremberg. Aerial view of Berlin in ruins, as seen from low-flying aircraft flying directly over the Unter den Linden boulevard and the Brandenburg Gate. Wrecked and bombed German buildings seen everywhere. German officials signing surrender instrument at Rheims. U.S. President Harry S Truman, Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin at Potsdam Conference. U.S. Marines battling on beaches of Pacific Islands. Iconic shot of U.S. Marines raising the American flag on Mount Suribachi at Iwo Jima. Aerial view of bombed and ruined city of Tokyo, Japan. The Japanese surrender to MacArthur aboard the battleship USS Missouri. General MacArthur speaks aboard Missouri. Victory celebrations all across the world, with some scenes from earlier V-E Day (Victory in Europe) day in May 1945, including crowds celebrating in Paris, France, and some scenes on V-J Day (Victory over Japan day) in August 1945. Crowds on streets celebrate. Happy crowds jam streets. Delegates of Nations, among them Andrei Gromyko and Vyascheslav Molotov meet in San Francisco and create a United Nations organization. Truman arrives at signing of UN charter. Various delegates sign charter. U.S. troops disembark troop carrier ships at U.S. ports and are discharged after completing military service in World War 2. Group of U.S. Army soldiers exits a church (the Chapel at Fort Dix, New Jersey), waving their discharge papers in hand.

Date: 1945
Duration: 7 min 19 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675053066
Newton Diehl Baker, Jr. and Peyton Conway March with others at Camp Dix in Wrightstown, New Jersey

Officials at Camp Dix in Wrightstown, New Jersey. U.S. Secretary of War Newton Diehl Baker, Jr. and Chief of Staff of the United States Army Peyton Conway March at the salvation army military hotel opening at Camp Dix. Soldiers and officers gathered.

Date: 1918, November 22
Duration: 15 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675067977
Tactics used by the Nazis to prove and sustain their theory of racial supremacy.

U.S. Army training film depicts racial theories used by the German Nazi party. Clip includes mix of actual footage and actor portrayals. Actors portraying Nazi leaders Adolf Hitler, Hermann Goring and others at their office. Next scene is authentic footage of book burning by Nazi soldiers. Actor portraying prisoner in jail cell. Actual view of people in Germany migrating with their belongings. Several views of University students crossing a bridge over River Lahn, and buildings of Philipps University of Marburg in Marburg Germany during the late 1930s or early 1940s. View of news commentator speaking at microphone of BBC radio. Cover page of an edition of The New York Times as example of media banned in Nazi Germany. Actual footage of Goebbels speaking and addressing a group. Footage of champion African American boxer Joe Louis fighting in the boxing ring. His fights were banned to be seen in Germany. View of scientist Albert Einstein walking in a garden area outdoors and then on a footpath toward what appears to be Nassau Hall of Princeton University in New Jersey, USA. Remainder of clip shows dramatized scenes with actors, as follows: Catholic priest and a judge express fear from hatred spread by Nazis and oppose Nazi theories. They were put into concentration camp. A teacher in class disapproves Nazi theory of racial supremacy. Nazi soldiers arrest him. (World War II period).

Date: 1945
Duration: 5 min 21 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675036146
U.S. Army Signal Corps officers train at Fort Monmouth and production of signal communication items in the United States.

The role and contribution of the U.S. Army Signal Corps in combat and war. U.S. Army Signal Corps officers train at the Signal Corps Officer Candidate School (OCS) Fort Monmouth, New Jersey. Officers train at telegraph machines under the supervision of an instructor. Officers seated at desks in a classroom. Instructors take classes with the help of charts, diagrams and black boards. Officers seated atop electric poles for training. Two officers train in hand-to-hand combat at the OCS. Officers learn to use Radio Relay. Students listen to an instructor as he demonstrates the process. A U.S. soldier lays field wire across a hilly terrain to establish wire communications in the European Theater during World War II. Soldiers on the hill. Soldiers set up a sending station at the point where the wire can't go forward. A receiver is set up at the point from where the wire can go forward again. A soldier receives a photograph of a map through facsimile. Items of signal communication including radio relays, receivers, walkie-talkies, radio boxes and fuses to be produced and distributed by the USA Signal Corps to all other ground forces, navy and the Allies. New, modern, improved efficient signal communication equipment. A soldier displays two old type fuses and their counterparts.

Date: 1943
Duration: 2 min 2 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675021720