Turkish peasants (refugees) en-route to Greece during World War 1. Destroyed homes in Germany. Devastated plains of Poland. Pre war scenes of Poland showing farm fields in snow. Polish peasant civilians flee an area due to war. They walk across a snow covered field towing a sled with a woman on the sledge. A group of Polish children stand together with English children outside a simple hut in the snow. The boys and girls smile. Pre-war scenes of France: View of a French village from high on a hill side overlooking the valley, town, and farmland. Scene from French village streets in the 1910s with busy food markets and market square area. A woman selling grapes at a stand holds up the grape bunches and smiles for the camera. French children and adults seen shopping in the market. Buyers inspect wares being held in wicker baskets by French women. Constrasting view of war torn France shows barren land with all trees destroyed, wrecked and destroyed towns and villages.
Mix of actor portrayals and actual footage: Otto Von Bismarck the Prime Minister of Prussia declares war against Denmark in a house of Ministry of Prussia. Scenes of war, cavalry and infantry invading Denmark. War against Denmark. Victory parade by German soldiers, while people cheer for them. War against France in year 1870. Meeting of minister to declare unification of Germany. Actual footage of Palace of Versailles and nearby buildings. Dramatized crowning ceremony for German Emperor Wilhelm I. Mix of actor portrayals and actual footage of growth of German military complex: Closeup view of sculpture of Chariot driven by Victoria atop Brandenburg Gate. German industries and men working in factories; merchant marine ships of Germany at harbors. German man drinking beer from glass. German man eating a sausage. German farmers tending fields on hillsides in Germany. Mountain villages in Germany. Fleet of German Navy warships. Actual footage of troops of German army, riflemen, cavaliers march through the streets in decade of 1910s. Dramatization of German men dueling swords in German universities. Actual footage of German Army officers in discussion in early 1910's before World War 1, including Helmuth von Moltke the Younger and other officers.
Gold medals given to the Wright Brothers for their contribution to the field of aviation. Presentation of gold medals to the Wright Brothers by American Aero Club shows U.S. President William Taft, Orville and Wilbur Wright and other members attending the medal presentation at the White House in Washington DC, United States on June 10, 1910. View of the Aero Club of American Gold Medal which was presented. View of medals presented to the Wright Brothers by the Institute of France and the Royal Society of Art in Great Britain.
Korean propaganda film depicting Japanese involvement in Korea, from end of Russo-Japanese war through post annexation in 1910. Landscape scenes of Korea. A 4-stacker Japanese troop ship, in a Korean harbor, flying the rising sun flag. Japanese troops disembarking, and marching off the pier. Japanese atrocities committed against the Korean people. Still pictures of Japanese officers. Slate highlights August 10, 1910, the date that Japan officially annexed Korea. Images show Korean flag being replaced by that of Japan. Panning views over rooftops of residential neighborhood and buildings in Nam San Dong, Seoul. Scene shifts to poorer rural area village with straw-roofed huts. Men till rice fields and irrigate fields by manpower alone. Views of various farm crops in the fields. Women are seen harvesting crops. In village, peasants thresh grains by hand. Officials arrive to weigh and take rice from village.Narrator states that the Japanese were everywhere and treated the Korean people very badly.Burlap bags of grain piled on cart. Korean workers load farm products for shipment to Japan. Various cargoes of Korean products being moved by rail to ports for shipment to Japan. Korean women and some children at work in fabric mills. Korean men at work in smelting plant. Many Korean men laboring on rock piles, and carrying heavy logs. One man collapses. Another collapses while working in surface mining. Supervisor chases others who try to assist him. (Note:This film, which contains some very old historic footage, is attributed to the War Department Military Intelligence Division, and was probably produced circa 1940. It is listed as 1910 because Japanese annexation and related events are included herein.)
Group of garment workers pose for photograph on steps of a building in Chicago. Police on horseback approach a group of people on a sidewalk. Horse-drawn wagon parked at curb. Mounted police breaking up a gathering. Two women caught in the commotion. One falls to the ground and is helped up by a uniformed policeman. Four women garment workers pose for a picture. Another view of the group seen earlier on steps of a building. Striking garment workers march and protest in streets of Chicago. Brief montage with scenes of unrest. Garment workers parade with sign lamenting the death of Charles Lazinskas .Formal portrait photograph of Charles Lazinskas, with caption beneath reading:"Was shot December 3, 1910." The Chicago Daily Tribune of January 4, 1910, with headline reading: "Man shot in strike riots, foreman of big clothing factory held." Another newspaper headline reads:"Strikers March With Mute Pleas, Garment Workers Rely on Banners and Placards to Air Grievances." Yet another reads: "Strike Embroils Social Workers, Pastor and U of C Student Interfere for Toilers and Are Arrested, Police Brutality." Picture of social worker, Jane Addams, with another woman. Early and later photographs of Joseph Shaffner, of Hart, Schaffner, & Marx company. Garment worker union leader, Sidney Hillman. Fabric cutters working at the clothing factory.
History of fire fighting in forests in United States. United States President Theodore Roosevelt standing with several persons, including John Muir and Chief Forester, Gifford Pinchot. Roosevelt on speaker's stand. Picture of Northern District Forester, William B. Greely and his staff, in Missoula, Montana. Scenes from 1910 during period of drought. A ranger checks a rain gauge. Picture of Smoke rising in a forest as a fire breaks out in Montana. Firefighters are recruited and head to Montana on horses and mules. Smoke rises as fire spreads across the forest. Firefighters work with hand tools and axes in attempt to control the fires. August 20, 1910, hurricane force winds create the "Big Blowup" fire storm starting in Elk City Idaho. Destruction in Wallace, Idaho. Scenes of aftermath, showing swaths of destroyed forest. Men in area filled with smoke, felling a large tree using axes. Forest Rangers standing on a mountain peak, scanning the horizon, with field glasses, for signs of fire. A Ranger on horseback. A Ranger approaches a fire, puts his backpack down and starts to clear brush. A fire warden standing on a peak looking for signs of fire.
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