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France North of Royaumeix 1918 stock footage and images

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U.S. Army casualties from poison gas are brought to a field hospital North of Royaumeix, France during World War I.

Gas casualties affected by a German enemy gas attack in World War I arrive at a field hospital in North of Royaumeix, France. The gas casualties on stretchers are taken in a truck for treatment. Soldiers affected by an enemy mustard gas attack in France during 1918 attack. The gas casualties are seen outside the field hospital as they could not be accommodated inside the over-capacity field hospital number 326. Doctors and nurses attend to them. A doctor applies medicine to the eyes of a mustard gas poisoned U.S. Army soldier lying on a stretcher.

Date: 1918, August 8
Duration: 1 min 50 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675044435
France surrenders to Germany during World War 2

French Marshal Petain, now Premier, following Battle of France, walks to a car and seen later at conference table with Pierre Laval and other national leaders. View of Adolf Hitler, with close associates, expressing delight after signing of the second armistice at Compiegne,ending resistance by France, on June 22, 1940. German honor guard marching near Marshal Foch's railroad car where the 1918 armistice was signed. Monument of Marshal Foch. Hitler, Hermann Goering, and Admiral Raeder, head of the Kriegsmarine, review the honor guard. German stand at steps of the rail car. Raeder, and Goering, both carrying Marshal's batons, flank Hitler. French Army General Charles Huntziger, accompanied by General Jean Bergeret,Air Minister, Vice Admiral Le Luc, Commander of Maritime Forces, and Ambassador Leon Noel, are escorted by two German officers. They enter the railroad carriage. View inside, as Hitler, Goering and German representatives stand when they enter. Newspaper headline describes tax on France for German occupation. French prisoners of war in an outdoor yard and being moved to Germany. French prisoners in bucket brigade and carrying construction materials. French workers engaged in labor to support German war effort. Unhappy French children. Public funerals for persons executed by the Germans. German flag draped over the Foch statue. Hitler's touring motorcade passes Arch of Triumph in Paris in early morning when streets are empty. Parisians gather on streets to hear German orders broadcast. Many express distress. In Southern France, Military units carry their colors as they depart for North Africa. General Charles de Gaulle is among the marchers. De Gaulle seen reviewing contingents of French military. Free French soldiers parading in London, England. Military officers salute as the ship carrying Regimental colors departs. French colors carried beside unit with American flag. General Charles de Gaulle and General Henri Giraud at 1943 Casablanca Conference (Roosevelt and Churchill seated).

Date: 1940
Duration: 5 min 30 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675038492
Contribution of African American soldiers during the Spanish American War and World War I.

A film about the role of African American soldiers during various wars in the United States. A dramatization shows a black soldier during the Spanish American War. He also talks about his role in Cuba and the construction of the Panama Canal. Footage of the Panama Canal being constructed and ships underway in the canal. United States Army forces including black soldiers boarding troop transport ships bound for Europe during World War 1. A railroad train carries African American soldiers to France during World War I. African American soldier units under General Pershing march in formation with an Army band in France during World War 1. African American soldiers work and fight against the Germans, including the 813th Pioneer Regiment near Marseilles, the 332nd Labor Battalion, and the 808th Pioneer Regiment near Verdun. African American soldiers racing for front lines including the soldiers with the 8th Illinois and the 372nd regiment and the 371st, and the 369th Infantry Regiment in the Argonne. View from behind soldier as he fires a machine gun, and United States Army infantry firing artillery. African American soldiers of the 369th regiment being decorated and receiving the French Croix de Guerre for their heroic actions in World War I. The African American soldiers march at a parade in New York City following World War I and are greeted by throngs of enthusiastic African American civilians attending the parade. View of Henry Johnson being congratulated by civilians after he and Needham Roberts performed with exceptional heroism and received the Croix de Guerre. Close up view of the Croix de Guerre medal on a uniform. Graves of African American soldiers who lost their lives during World War I at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia. View of the All-Wars Memorial to Colored Soldiers and Sailors in Logan Square in Philadelphia (Logan Square, SE corner 20th Street & Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania). View of a stone memorial erected in the Meuse-Argonne region, north of Sechault, as a tribute to the efforts of the African American soldiers of the 371st Infantry Regiment who fought and died there on April 21, 1918 during World War 1.

Date: 1917
Duration: 4 min 6 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675078145
A funeral in 1918 and Memorial Day ceremony in 1919, during Allied North Russia Intervention of World War I

Military band (not playing) leads U.S. soldiers of the 339th Infantry, in loose formation, through wooded area to a cemetery in a field near a church in Archangel (Arkhangelsk) during the Allied North Russia Intervention of World War 1. Several officers (unidentifiable) are standing on a raised stand. Two large crosses are seen behind them. Scene changes completely, to American Memorial Day ceremony at Archangel,in 1919. Allied officers occupy stands decorated with colors of the participating Entente powers. The military band is located nearby. A speaker's stand is set up and ostensibly occupied by Brigadier General Wilds P. Richardson and British Field Marshal Edmund Ironside. (But they cannot be recognized in the distance) A horse and carriage are seen in the far background. Soldiers, sailors, and civilians are in attendance. The ceremony begins with everyone saluting colors held by an honor guard. Then, a squad of American soldiers fires a three-salvo salute with their rifles. (World War I; World War 1; WWI; WW1)

Date: 1918
Duration: 2 min 24 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675053049
Armistice Day, 1918, at end of World War I. U.S. troops raise the American Flag on a radio tower in France

Armistice Day, 1918. United States troops raise the American flag on a tall radio tower erected atop a damaged church in France.The soldiers stand at attention and salute as the flag is raised at end of World War 1.

Date: 1918, November 11
Duration: 1 min 20 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675065322
Shelling of Thiaucourt, France by the Germans on September 26th ,1918.

During World War I, shows the shelling of Thiaucourt, France by the Germans on September 26th ,1918. View of the town's buildings. Heavy smoke rises from a shelled building.

Date: 1918, September 26
Duration: 59 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675029592
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