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French Indo China 1939 stock footage and images

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Women of Britain work in the "Land Army" in grain fields, pitching hay and driving tractor, during World War 2

British women working in agriculture, in the "Land Army" on the home front, during World War II. They wear the uniform consisting o breeches, jersey, and slouch hat. Women are seen gathering harvested crop, pitching hay onto horse -drawn wagon and driving tractor in field. Women riding on wagon pulled by draught horse. A woman leads the horse, pulling empty wagon, out the gate of the farm.

Date: 1939
Duration: 2 min 48 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675053192
Women, of Britain's Land Army, engaged in agricultural pursuits, during World War 2

British women of the "Land Army" at work in agricultural activities in the United Kingdom, during World War II. They wear uniforms consisting of Jersey, breeches, and slouch hat. They handle produce on a conveyor belt in a farm shed, and pack produce in boxes. They tend vegetables growing in raised beds, watering and harvesting. The women pass through an archway and enter a classroom, where an instructor explains the fundamentals of an internal combustion cycle. Women line up on dirt field and pick up potatoes as they are uprooted by a tractor driven by one of the women.

Date: 1939
Duration: 1 min 36 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675053193
Road construction and a new housing project with roof installation in Germany.

Cars pass on an unpaved road. Number plate on a car reads 'W 18358'. Polish laborers use German technology to pave dirt roads. Trees lined on the sides of the unpaved road. Workers use spade and other equipment and machinery. Road construction in progress. A horse driven carriage passes on road. German civilians complete new housing project with roof installation. Several houses in a row. Construction crew working. Flags with Nazi sign on the houses.

Date: 1939
Duration: 2 min 5 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: German
Clip: 65675053411
Daily routine of German boys and girls in Bavarian camps.

German children leave Berlin and board train for Bavarian Camps early in World War 2. Children look out from the windows of the train and carry Nazi flags. A horse ridden carriage on road. A German officer with children sitting in his carriage. A family sits in a dining room. Life of Hitler Youth children in camps. Boys eat food in a mess. Boys go out for an outing. Boys sit on horses. Girls sleep on bunk beds. They get ready. Girls wash their faces and take bath. Girls sit on benches and learn stitching. A view of a classroom. Girls eat food in mess and play table tennis. Children sleep on beds.

Date: 1939
Duration: 3 min 6 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: German
Clip: 65675053412
Groups of people visit a propaganda museum of Nazi ideology in Germany, early in World War II.

Propaganda museum of Nazi ideology in Germany, early in World War 2. A German sign on the National Trade building (Landesgewerbeamt) advertising the "Eternal People" exhibit. Close-up views of various exhibits in the museum. Some track German history, others track the German rulers, Aryan race, and ethnicity over time. A man observes a map in the museum. Groups of people visit the museum, including a group of school girls. Nazi ideology and German history explained by means of charts, pictures, models and exhibits. Some exhibits extol ideal German workers and how labor and national production leads to the power and health of the individual and the country. An anti-Jewish exhibit discusses Nazi German anti-Jew population policies and blood purity laws (from the Nuremberg Laws; seeds of the holocaust and Jewish persecution), and depicts a Jewish man beside a road intersection with one direction pointing to Germany and the other to Palestine. Children look with curiosity at the exhibits. Several paintings on the wall. Exhibit of movement of people from farms to cities and Nazi ideology that earlier Germans were consumers and not producers is demonstrated.

Date: 1939
Duration: 3 min 19 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675053609
View of Eiffel Tower and Louvre museum during spring in Paris, France.

Scenic views of Paris in spring. A view of the Eiffel Tower from outskirts of Paris, France. Flowers in the foreground. Chestnut trees in front of the Louvre Museum (Rue de Rivoli, 75001 Paris, France). A bridge over the stream. Chestnut trees in blossom in Bois de Boulogne. Traffic on the road. Cars go for races to Auteuil or Longchamps.

Date: 1939, April
Duration: 1 min 5 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675053610