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Friedrichshafen Germany 1928 stock footage and images

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A Japanese submarine is welcomed in a German harbor as officers greet each other during World War II.

A Japanese submarine in a German harbor on September 30, 1942 during World War II. A German ship in the foreground and the Japanese submarine in the background. Nazi naval officers lined up on the deck of the ship as they salute the Japanese crew on the deck of the submarine. Nazi officers come aboard the submarine and review the Japanese crew. German and Japanese officers pose. A girl presents flowers to a Japanese officer. Japanese officers talk to a German Naval officer.

Date: 1943
Duration: 1 min 12 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: German
Clip: 65675059085
U.S. Army Air Forces pilots, on the ground, direct bombing of German military fortifications a month after VE day.

German Hilltop fortifications and related ground targets being bombed by U.S. Army Air Forces P-47s a month after the end of World War 2 in Europe. A U.S. Army Air Force field grade officer and a sergeant on the ground, both wearing steel helmets. Another U.S. field grade officer, also wearing a steel helmet. Both officers wear Air Force pilot's wings. They communicate with P-47 aircraft via radio. U.S. Army Air Force P-47 Thunderbolts drop demolition bombs on the hilltop fortifications. P-47 Thunderbolt aircraft drop napalm on an installation below the hill. smoke and fire rise.

Date: 1945, June 26
Duration: 1 min 32 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675059362
German officers surrender to Allied Forces at end of World War II

Film begins with nighttime bombardments of rockets and artillery. Then at one minute after midnight, on May 9th, 1945, the guns stop. Next, a day earlier, German Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel enters a conference room on May 8th, accompanied by German staff officers. He salutes with his Marshal's baton and takes a seat. He signs surrender document. Soviet Marshal Georgy Zhukov stands before being seated. British Air Marshal, Sir Arthur Tedder, is seen signing the document along with Marshal Zhukov. General Carl Spaatz, Commander of Strategic Air Forces in Europe, shakes hands with Marshal Zhukov. Several scenes of battlefield cemeteries are seen next. German officer prisoners are seen from the back as they walk with hands behind their heads. Views of Surrendered German senior military officers, including: German Admiral Erich Raeder; German Marshal Walter Model; German Marshal Wilhelm Keitel; and Marshal Hermann Goering (being disarmed).

Date: 1945
Duration: 1 min 37 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675060117
Recently captured German prisoners of war build their own barbed wire containment just before the end of World War II

Several weeks before the end of World War II in Europe, recently captured German prisoners of war, still wearing their uniforms, work under guard, building their own barbed wire enclosure. Some carry and place large timber fence posts. Others dig post holes and string barbed wire. Others fashion fence posts, using saws and hatchets (to sharpen their ends). Several American soldiers supervise and stand guard.

Date: 1945, April
Duration: 1 min 55 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675060149
German Neger torpedo-carrying miniature submarine used to attack Allied shipping during World War II.

Methods used by Axis Powers in maritime sabotage operations against Allied Forces during World War II. German navy officers and sailors gathered in a discussion, with the sailors wearing life vests. German Neger torpedo-carrying miniature submarine, also known as a "human torpedo" is seen hoisted. Camouflaged Neger being transported by a truck trailer along road. An operator getting into Neger. Shows beached Neger. Men around Neger. Neger being released on water. Operator in dome of the Neger. Another German human torpedo goes underwater. Human torpedo performs radical maneuver. Allied ship as seen from human torpedo.

Date: 1944
Duration: 2 min 48 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675060341
German Seahund, midget submarine used to attack Allied ships during World War II.

Dramatizes the methods used by Axis powers in maritime sabotage operations against Allied Forces during World War II. German Seahund midget submarine on a carrier and hoisted on dockside. Seahund underway at sea. Seahund underwater. Interiors of Seahund with an operator at control and firing of torpedo under sea. Periscope view from Seahund. Seahund surfaces and crewmen on seahund.

Date: 1944, December
Duration: 2 min 30 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675060344