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Galicia Ukraine 1916 stock footage and images

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French infantry charge through battlefield to attack German positions in WWI

A French soldier, wearing M15 Adrian helmets, uses binoculars to observe the battlefield from the trench during World War 1. POV Binocular view of the battlefield, with explosions from artillery. Two French soldiers stand in a trench in the middle of a forest. French troops crowd a trench. French soldiers observing their surroundings. Infantry emerge from trenches and move through a forest. Soldiers carry supplies. German soldiers on guard behind a machine gun facing the parapet of the trench. Burned trees and uneven landscape of the battlefield. A German soldier aims his gun in front of burned trees. Soldiers move carefully through the landscape of burned trees, avoiding fire from Germans. Artillery and machine gun attack from Germans. French soldiers run into trench to avoid crossfire. Explosions in the battlefield. German troops firing artillery. French infantry charge through the battlefield to attack German positions. Explosion near a barbed wire fence. German soldiers loading artillery.

Date: 1916
Duration: 1 min 55 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675079181
British soldiers assist captured German troops to first aid post WWI

British soldiers sitting on the parados of a captured German trench in World War 1. Captured German supplies are neatly stacked at the parados. Injured German soldier with his head bandaged. A British soldier lights wounded German soldier’s cigarette, then helps the German adjust his head lying down. British soldiers assist captured and injured German soldiers. Some British soldiers carry Germans on their backs or in stretchers. An injured German places his arms over the shoulders of two British soldiers. A British soldier supports his injured comrade with his shoulders. British soldier taken to first aid post. A British soldier offers cigarettes to captured Germans in the first aid station. A British soldier is treated for his wounds. Soldier puts on his uniform shirt. A soldier helps his comrade drink from his canteen. A British soldier with wounded soldiers in trench as a medic puts blanket onto a wounded soldier. Soldiers lead away patients with head and arm injuries. A medic gives a cigarette to a soldier after treating his wounds. German soldiers walking through first aid post. One steps out of line and is corrected. A wounded British soldier angrily bumps against German soldier who is overtaking him in the line.

Date: 1916
Duration: 1 min 57 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675079182
British soldiers fighting at the Battle of Verdun during WWI

British soldiers at the Battle of Verdun during World War 1. Trucks transporting British soldiers, also known as "Tommies", driving through a French town and the Sacred Way (“Voie Sacrée” in French). British soldiers riding on horseback through a muddy road. British infantry march behind officer on horseback. British infantry, wearing Brodie helmets, move through narrow trenches. British soldiers hide behind tall grass near the river Somme. British soldiers climb over the parapet of a trench. A large railway gun firing. Wrecked landscape devoid of trees or grass.

Date: 1916
Duration: 1 min 10 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675079185
Soldiers evacuate from trenches, use flamethrowers, hand grenade and railway gun in WWI

Military scenes of World War 1. French officers conferring over battle plans and in battlefield.. A French officer reads a battle plan. French soldier in trench looks out from trench with binoculars. Bombardment with explosions take place in a battlefield. A Howitzer artillery firing rounds of shells. Heavy field gun being operated by French troops. Artillery fire hits near the trench, causing multiple explosions. Explosion behind barbed-wire fence. German soldiers run through trench. French infantry observing behind sandbag fortification. Trenches being bombarded by bombs. German soldiers ducking as bombardment of the battlefield takes place. Bomb hits narrow trench door. A French soldier glances at his trench watch (wristlet), a predecessor of the modern wrist watch. French soldiers running. A French soldier throws a hand grenade. French soldiers moving in "no man's land" between trenches and bomb craters. They emerge from trench with shields that they thrown down in front of them, followed by large explosion. French soldiers, with protective head coverings, use a flamethrower. Smoke emanating from a trench. Infantry climbing up the parados of a trench, from their dugout. A soldier running. French soldiers running through the trench. French soldiers take their positions facing the parapet of the trench. Soldiers climbing "over the top" out of the trenches and running through barbed wire as more bombings take place. Railway guns firing. Soldiers operate heavy field guns and artillery, loading shells. Shells being transported in carts. Shells in railway car. French infantry marching alongside railway car full of shells.

Date: 1916
Duration: 2 min 5 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675079187
French infantry charging in battle, devastated Verdun in WWI

French infantry charge in the battlefield during the Battle of Verdun in World War 1. Explosion from artillery bombardment during battle. Explosion from bombs throw soil into the air from the ground. Soldiers sitting on uneven battlefield terrain devoid of plants. Soil from explosion falls on two crawling French soldiers in a trench. German helmet partially buried in soil among wreckage and debris. Burned trees and uneven terrain caused by bombardment in the battlefield. French troops clearing up debris from trench.

Date: 1916
Duration: 1 min 2 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675079190
French infantry fighting during the Battle of Verdun (WW1)

French infantry on an offensive against German forces during the Battle of Verdun (World War 1). French soldiers avoid getting hit by artillery fire by hiding in a foxhole. French soldiers running and climbing on uneven terrain. Explosion from artillery fire. Smoke covers the battlefield as French soldiers climb a rocky terrain. French soldiers in trench. A French soldier tosses a grenade. French soldiers run away after grenade tossing. French soldiers throwing objects, possibly grenades, into smoking trench. The hills north of Verdun-sur-Meuse covered in smoke from the battlefield.

Date: 1916
Duration: 58 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675079194