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Gersfeld Germany 1922 stock footage and images

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Life in Germany before, during, and after World War 2, including rise of Nazi party and intolerance in Germany

Unrest in Germany in 1930's during crisis of unemployment and inflation that had followed after World War I. A closed and boarded-up German factory. Two barefooted, jobless German men sleep in a park. During Great Depression in the United States, a weary woman is seen walking through an alley and looking in garbage cans. Sign for Los Angeles California Leather Company seen on building behind her. Children play in streets of a slum area. In Germany, scene of boys in training in Hitler Youth and carrying shovels, then carrying rifles and learning low crawling and military attack techniques. German farmers plowing on farms. Several night scenes including Nazis and brownshirts on the march, burning of books. Secret police or Gestapo and soldiers escort a church priest or clergy out of a church. During time of rising anti-Jewish sentiment in Nazi-led Germany, scenes of abuse and Gestapo arrests of some German citizens such as Jewish people, suspected Communists, political foes, and others critical of the Nazi party. A group of people attack and beat Jewish people in streets. A parade by the Wehrmacht German troops. Rearmament of Germany in 1930's. Scenes from busy German munitions factories. A Junkers Stuka aircraft factory filled with planes being built. A German artillery factory. German Luftwaffe and Panzer attack. German tanks roll over landscape. Scenes at end of war of burning German cities. Women run through bomb-wrecked streets of devastated Berlin during an aerial bombing raid by Allied aircraft. One woman falls as she runs. A woman and children race for the doors of a bomb shelter in Germany. The bomb wrecked streets of Berlin heaped with rubble and wreckage. Elderly German man walks through ruins. Small locomotive train running carrying cars of cleared rubble. German civilian dig potatoes in gardens. German women stand atop a collapsed building pile and clear rubble with shovels. German man waters a newly planted garden with empty shells of wrecked buildings in background. Newspapers produced by M.G. seen in newspaper printing press and rolling off presses. Binding of booklets and magazines from a German printing press. Sculptured bust of Goethe superimposed over books written by Goethe and Schiller. A montage shows in contrast the peaceful life in Germany before war, and scenes again of war, with alternating, juxtaposed scenes: German police officer escorts children across a street, book burning by Nazis, Gestapo violent arrest of a German citizen who is being pushed and hauled away. A German football (soccer) match in a stadium. Cook serves food to a man. A man in a concentration camp tips a bowl to his mouth. German children playing in a pool. Then juxtaposed scene with German women and children racing for a shelter during an air raid in World War 2. Scenes of bomb explosions. A peaceful waterfall.

Date: 1945
Duration: 5 min 33 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675029068
Film juxtaposing German defeat in World War 1, with its defeat in World War II, and comparative postwar impacts.

Film begins stressing the historic aggressive military traditions of Germany. A brief view of thousands of Adolf Hitler's Nazi troopers assembled in dramatic formation at the Nazi party rally grounds in Nuremberg, Germany. The Nazi eagle, with swastika, atop the Zeppelintribüne grandstand, being blown up by Allied soldiers at end of World War 2. Germans celebrating the armistice ending World War One. German soldiers captured, in unconditional surrender, ending World War Two. Huge open field filled with defeated German soldiers in the second world war. German armies parading through Berlin at the end of World War One. American troops occupying the entire country of Germany after the second world war. A Nazi eagle being destroyed on a German government building at end of the second world war. Old photograph of the German general staff, led by Helmuth von Moltke the Younger, that was still intact, after World War I. In contrast, after World War 2, the entire Nazi military was held and subject to trials at Nuremberg. Großadmiral Erich Raeder seen being taken in custody. Closeup of Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel. German industry unimpaired by World War I, contrasted with utter destruction in the second world war. American officer coordinating resumed operation of of a postwar plant. View of German diplomats remaining in office after WWI. Proclamation barring Nazi party members from all offices after WWII. German Kaiser Wilhelm II in peaceful exile in Holland after the first world war. A Nazi officer war criminal, is taken in custody by American Military Policemen, and executed by a firing squad. World War 1 did not affect German schools and curriculums. After World War 2 all Nazi doctrines were destroyed. New text books and curriculums were prepared by the Allies for German use. Map shows small area of post World War 1 occupation, in contrast the the entire Germany after WWII. Weimar Republic government, post WWI is contrasted with post World War 2 government by the Allied military powers. British Marshal Bernard Montgomery, American General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Soviet Marshal Zhukov, and French General Charles de Gaulle, are shown. Views of American soldiers interacting with German citizens during their occupation of Germany. Images of Germans: Frederick the Great, Otto von Bismarck, and Kaiser Wilhelm. Views of German farmer sowing seed, postman delivering mail, policemen escorting children. Normal activities resumed in Germany, in areas of culture such as orchestral concerts, etc.

Date: 1945
Duration: 4 min 11 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675035996
Footage after Reichstag fire, and of rearmament of Germany presented during the Nuremberg Trials in Nuremberg, Germany.

Nazi rise to power, rearmament and remilitarization of Germany leading up to World War 2, and actions related the Nuremberg Trials held at the Palace of Justice in Nuremberg, Germany, following World War II. Exterior view of the Reichstag in Berlin. Joseph Goebbels at desk during the Nuremberg Trials. Hans Bernd Gisevius, former official of the Berlin police administration, testifies concerning his investigation of the Reichstag fire. Hans Gisevius relates how Goebbels recruited reliable Nazis to intentionally burn down the Reichstag as a propaganda stunt to help the Nazi movement. Nuremberg War Trial defendants stand in their dock including Herman Goering, Rudolf Hess, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Wilhelm Keitel, Karl Donitz, Erich Raeder, Baldur von Schirach and Fritz Sauckel. Close up of Herman Goring. Footage showing firefighters spraying water on smoking ruins of Reichstag following Reichstag fire in 1933. A German police officer stands guard at the smoking ruins of the Reichstag. View from a high ridge of League of Nations Palace of Nations in Geneva, and then inside the League of Nations meeting chamber during the disarmament conference of 1933. View of a German Kriegsmarine submarine launching in 1934. Steel mill operations and Industrial war materiel operations in Germany in the early 1930's as Germany rearmed and restarted war production. A Nazi party meeting in Germany where General Werner von Blomberg announces compulsory military service. View of legal document describing new military service law. View of newly recruited (conscripted) civilian German men with suitcases marching forward report for mandatory military training. Nazi forces in training march goosestep at training camp; Junkers 52 aircraft in background. Soldiers goosestep while walking bicycles in a line. Nazi troops trained. Scenes of remilitarization of Rhineland, violating terms of the Treaty of Versailles, as Nazi troops in 1936 march over the Hohenzollern Bridge crossing the River Rhine, with Cologne Cathedral rising in the background.

Date: 1936
Duration: 3 min 1 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675050456
Allied headquarters in Germany and people being informed through notices.

Allied Military Government ( AGM ) activities in Germany very soon after end of World War II in Europe. The cover of a book titled ' Handbook of military government in Germany '. The text indicates rules of governance in Germany. Closeup of street signs on building at corner of Wilhelmstrasse and Kaiserplatz in Düren Germany. Building of AGM headquarters in Germany. U.S. Army soldiers on a balcony of a government building remove a Nazi flag and setup a United States flag in its place. Men and women killed due to Nazi atrocities. Military Policemen question the Nazis. German citizens milling about on a street. They are being informed about Allied laws and orders through notices and other means. German citizens read an Allied notice. A court hearing being conducted for persons accused of impersonating Allied officals. A man disposes of weapons which are illegal and for which possession is punishable by death, according to the narrator.

Date: 1945
Duration: 2 min 39 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675042614
Atrocities on prisoners in Nazi concentration camps at different places in Germany.

Atrocities against prisoners in Nazi camps at different places in Germany. Wounded and emaciated Americans are fed and given medical care by Yank Armies of Liberation in Grasleben, Germany. Masked grave diggers open graves in Hadamar, Germany. Around 35,000 political prisoners found buried. General Eisenhower, General Patton and General Bradley inspect Camp Ohrdruf (a Nazi Camp) in Germany. Heaps of human bodies and lime pits filled with corpses can be seen. 21,000 prisoners stumble around with their broken skulls in Buchenwald Concentration Camp (a Nazi camp in Germany). Corpses lie everywhere with large tattooed numbers on their stomachs. Two roast ovens were used as crematoria. Starved people loaded into ambulances for treatment. (World War II period).

Date: 1945, April 26
Duration: 6 min 25 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675032522
Allied Forces push into Germany during World War II

Allied Winter offensive into Germany,on the Western Front in World War 2. Allied infantry seen advancing in snow. Brief view of Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill at the Yalta conference. Animated sequence showing "pincers" closing on Germany. The British 2nd Army closing in at Hungen,Germany. British infantry moving along a road. Two dogs accompanying them. The British taking German prisoners. Americans of the 7th Army recapturing strategic town of Bingen, Germany. U.S. Army combat photographer filming U.S. troops breaking into buildings. Bodies of dead German soldiers lying in the snow.Residents of Bingen emerge from cellars and other hiding places to be evacuated behind the lines. Families are driven to safety in American Army trucks .At Hagenau, Germany, American troops, under counterattack by German forces, blow up a key bridge. Aerial views of Malmedy, Belgium, where bomb craters line the terrain. Troops of the U.S.30th Division uncover snow-covered bodies of American prisoners of war, at the Baugnez crossroads, who were killed by their German captors . German prisoners of war, mostly airborne troops from 5 FJD, with hands raised, look on apprehensively.

Date: 1945
Duration: 2 min 47 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675045615