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Glasgow Scotland 1936 stock footage and images

- Showing 25 to 30 of 1297 results
King George at Scottish Games in Braemer, Scotland.

Neville Chamberlain before meeting with his war cabinet in London, England. King George VI, Queen Elizabeth and their children arrive at Scottish games in Braemer, Scotland. Royal family enjoy as participants compete in various events like shot put. Men perform a Scottish dance. People gathered outside the building where the war cabinet meets in London, England. A barrage balloon takes off and in flight.

Date: 1938, September 19
Duration: 52 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675049448
Fog brings a vessel ashore, and men and women watch the vessel from the shore, in Collieston, Scotland.

A vessel being brought ashore by fog, in Collieston, Scotland. The waters of the sea lashing against the rocks on shore in Collieston. A vessel partially sunk on the water, being brought ashore due to fog. Men and women watch the vessel from the shore.

Date: 1930, October 6
Duration: 53 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: None
Clip: 65675054968
Douglas Haig officiates the ceremony to appoint Rudyard Kipling as the Rector of St Andrews University in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Douglas Haig Chancellor of the University of St Andrews and Rudyard Kipling at the University of St Andrews in Edinburgh, Scotland. Douglas Haig sits with officials. He enters with other delegates. He reviews students in parade. Students around Joseph Rudyard Kipling appointed as Rector of the university and Premier Baldwin.

Date: 1922
Duration: 59 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675067400
King George VI and Queen Elizabeth arrives in boys camp and play games in Balmoral, Scotland.

King George VI and Queen Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon visit a boy’s camp in Balmoral, Scotland. King George VI of United Kingdom, Queen Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, together with Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret, arrive in the Abergeldie Castle camp (Ballater AB35 5SY, UK). The king is seen wearing a kilt. King George VI plays games with working class and public-school British boys in camp. King George VI throws darts at a target board. Boys taking photos. The king examines a motion picture movie camera and operates the movie camera. Boys sitting on ground. The king, the queen, the princesses, and others seated in chairs during a photo session. They all move their hands in unison gestures as part of a game.

Date: 1939, August 16
Duration: 51 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675071712
Various ship launchings on firth of Clyde in Scotland.

Close-up views of several different ships launching on firth of Clyde in Scotland. Closeup view of dirt or coal smeared faces of boys wearing hats and watching expectantly and with excitement as a ship readies for launch. British flag decorated on the deck of a ship. Dignitaries on grandstand including a woman (the sponsor) who smashes a bottle of champagne against the ship, christening it as it launches. Close views of the ship sliding down skids stern-first into the water. Change to view of a ship named "Rinovia" being launched from dry dock to water by tipping it to the side off dry dock. It slides off skids into the water and quickly rights itself. View of a medical ship named "Herdubreid " being launched. White cross symbol seen on the bow and the flag of Iceland waving on the bow, with sailors gathered around it. Clip includes several close up views of ship hulls and skids, anchors, propellers and areas of the lower stern of ships being launched.

Date: 1950, December 27
Duration: 1 min 20 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675023185
John Cobb dies as his speed boat, the Crusader, disintegrates in attempt to beat world speed boat mark, Loch Ness Scotland.

John Cobb enters the cockpit of the Crusader, his jet propelled boat, in attempt to beat world speed boat record mark, at Loch Ness Scotland. The Crusader boat seen traveling on Loch Ness at high speed. The boat disintegrates in the waters of Loch Ness and John Cobb dies.

Date: 1952, September 29
Duration: 50 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675035479