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Glen View Illinois USA 1938 stock footage and images

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Train passing by and on bridge in Ohio, United States.

Railroad train operations in South Charleston Ohio and Glen Jean (Waverly) Ohio. View of railway cart on tracks and a building. Steam locomotive passes by the building pulling a passenger train. View of Charleston train station building. View from last train caboose or bogey shows a Ford Model T milk van carrying milk cans cross the railway tracks. Train on bridge and view of bridge from last train caboose at it crosses the bridge.

Date: 1915
Duration: 37 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675025396
Construction of the Panama Canal

Construction of the Panama Canal connecting the Caribbean Ocean with the Pacific Ocean. Views of abandoned and failed first attempt by French team led by Ferdinand de Lesseps, with scenes of Panama natives cutting vegetation with machetes. Scene of abandoned canal work area. Scenes of United States work to build the canal beginning in 1903. Steam shovels digging and moving earth. Laborers construct railroad for use in canal building. General Glen Edgerton talks about the construction difficulties from malaria, and the worker prescription of quinine three times daily. Views of British and French workers on the site working and arriving by rail to work. Dynamite explosion removes rumble for railroad construction. View of locks under construction 1000 feet long and 110 feet wide. Excerpt from interview with former Canal Zone Governor and Congressman Maurice Thatcher, who characterizes the project as the greatest liberty that man had ever taken with nature. (Thatcher was honored when the first bridge connecting both sides of the Panama Canal was named after him as "Thatcher Ferry Bridge". In 1979 the name was officially changed to the Bridge of the Americas.) Clip next shows 1970's aerial view of the Panama Canal. Ships moving through the Panama Canal.

Date: 1903
Duration: 2 min 46 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675023504
Scenes of devastation from the "Long Island Express" Hurricane of 1938.

Scenes from the New England Hurricane of 1938 (or Great New England Hurricane) (or Long Island Express) (or The Great Hurricane of 1938). Hurricane hitting U.S. Eastern Seaboard on September 21, 1938. The Coast from New Jersey to New England felt its effect. Cars and people drenched with water in streets. Policemen wade through hip deep water. New York is whipped by 70 mile-an-hour winds and the raging sea pouring tons of water far inland. A man retreats from a dock as waves pour water on him. Outcome of hurricane shows broken ships, downed trees, and devastation at the water front in coastal areas including Atlantic City, New London Connecticut, and Long Island. Firemen in New London Connecticut battle fires. Aerial view of destroyed shoreline and beached boats in New London. Broken cars crushed by fallen trees. Crowds gather to look at damage as a lone sentry guards against looting. Boats along the Atlantic Coast are destroyed. A boat is seen on a road in front of Merkel's Delicatessen. View of a train that was derailed by the hurricane on Long Island. Shot of a car that was carried far off a roadway and impaled on an upright beam.

Date: 1938, September 21
Duration: 1 min 53 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675039207
Assimilation of Western culture and fashions seen in Japanese cities

Film opens showing map of Asia and black clouds coming from all around the world to enclose Japan. A street scene with commercial displays of lights and modern architecture. Hollywood movie advertisements, including one for the 1931 Hollywood movie "Confessions of a Co-Ed," starring Phillips Holmes, Sylvia Sidney, and Norman Foster. Japanese newspapers reporting on communist activities. View of a woman's skirt and shoes as she walks along a sidewalk in Western clothing fashions. Similar view of a man. Japanese woman in Western fashions holding a compact and powdering her face. Closeup of the woman's face, with lipstick applied. She winks at the camera. A Japanese man and woman dressed in Western fashions, walking together. They sit together at a cafe table sipping sodas through straws. Behind them on the wsll is posted an advertisement for the 1930 movie, "Girl of the Golden west" starring Ann Harding. Japanese people in western fashions hurrying along a city street past others in more traditional Japanese garb. A Japanese dressed in the latest Western golfing attire, teeing off on a golf course. Two boy caddies stand next to him. Laborers in a glen using pickaxes to contour the ground (possibly for a golf course). View of a large school building with many uniformed school girls performing calisthenics in the schoolyard. Final scene reverts to the opening map and shows the dark clouds being dispelled from Japan.

Date: 1931
Duration: 3 min 57 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: Japanese
Clip: 65675025038
Film tracing the growth of the United States from 1607 to World War II

Waves crashing on a rocky shore. View of Plymouth Rock, with "1620" engraved on it. Coastline with hills and sea. A forest and primitive house of sticks. A church with watch tower. Reenactment of early immigrants felling trees and busy in a 17th Century settlement in Massachusetts. View upward of tall tree. Column on a building in Virginia; portico and clock on a building in Rhode Island;and a church in Carolina.The minuteman statue in Battle Green, Lexington,Massachusetts. Image of colonist James Otis. Statue of Thomas Jefferson. Image of Thomas Paine. Statue of Patrick Henry. Reenactment of British Red Coats charging up a hill during the American revolution. John Trumbull's painting, the "Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776" in the Capitol Rotunda, Washington,DC. A copy of the document. Reenactment of General Washington's troops and snowy encampment at Valley Forge, in 1777. The colonial troops marching in the snow.Painting of George Washington praying in a glen. Painting by John Trumbull of Lord Cornwallis surrendering to George Washington at Yorktown, Virginia, October 17, 1781. The Constitution of the United States in the National Archives, Washington, DC. Liberty bell swinging. Early American flag with 13 stars and 13 stripes. Animated map showing the original 13 States. Reenactment of early settlers, in wagon trains, pushing Westward from the original colonies. New States being added to the animated map, until all 48 continental American States are filled in. An American flag displaying 48 States.

Date: 1944
Duration: 4 min 38 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675046103
A number of women view art and furniture at the Dux store in Chicago Illinois in the mid 1960s

People visit a modern furniture, artwork, and lighting store by Dux in Chicago, Illinois United States. Women move inside the 1960s modernistic looking displays featuring fashionable furniture and artwork of the time. Drawing, dining and bedroom displays in the store. Show pieces and portraits in the Dux store.

Date: 1965
Duration: 49 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675036793