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Gotha Germany 1944 stock footage and images

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German soldiers push various vehicles into a Gotha Go-424 transport glider (WW2)

World War 2 German soldier backs a small combination tractor-motorcycle type into an open Gotha Go-242 transport glider fuselage. Two soldiers are seen from rear of aircraft. Snow is seen in the background. Two ammunition trailers are pushed after the two motorcycles. Close-up as another side-car motorcycle is pushed inside aircraft fuselage. The soldiers place two wooden planks back inside the fuselage. They board the aircraft. Rear of open fuselage with four German soldiers standing in doorway. A soldier releases steel hinge or arm which holds open the rear part of fuselage. The rear part slowly goes down and closes.

Date: 1941
Duration: 55 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: None
Clip: 65675080499
A strafing attack on German aircraft JU-88, Gotha GO-242 , a hangar and an airfield in the European Theater.

U.S. Army Air Forces VIII Fighter Command Operation in the European Theater during World War II. LT. Butler, R from 357 Sqdn. , 355 F.G. strafes German multi role aircraft Junker JU-88s and a transport glider Gotha GO-242 on the ground. Strafing of dirt covered hangars and an airfield. Smoke arises. Aircraft near the hangar.

Date: 1944, March 28
Duration: 1 min 7 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675055420
German DFS-230 and Gotha-240 gliders in flight and land in Sicily, Italy during World War II.

German gliders in Sicily, Italy during World War II. Landing gears on a German glider are released when it leaves the ground. A DF S-230 glider takes off. Mountains in the background. A Gotha-242 glider in flight. The DFS-230 glider comes in for a landing. The glider lands and a German flight crew gets off the glider. German soldiers push motorcycles through sand. The Gotha-242 glider makes a landing . German troops open the glider to unload supplies.

Date: 1942
Duration: 1 min 25 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: Portuguese
Clip: 65675066914
German Colonel General Heinz Wilhelm Guderian is celebrated following his appointment as Army Chief of Staff, in July, 1944, during World War II

Film opens showing German Colonel General Heinz Wilhelm Guderian, who was appointed Chief of Staff of the Army, by Adolf Hitler, on 21 July 1944, in World War 2. He is being feted as the New Army Chief. He reviews a large Honor Guard of German troops who line both sides of a street, in Germany. Local people cheer him from the sidewalks, and he is greeted by several German Youth girls. He steps into a building where other officers greet him and present him with a scale model of what appears to be a Panther Ausf. G tank. He looks closely as another officer points out the model's features. He then writes his name in the city's book of distinguished visitors. Complete change of scene shows General Guderian visiting members of his family, who greet him with kisses at the entrance to their house in Goslar, Germany. Inside their home Guderian shares coffee and cake with them at their dining room table. He and family members then look together through albums of photographs and memorabilia, of his career in the military, including one photograph of General Guderian with Adolf Hitler.

Date: 1944
Duration: 1 min 36 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: German
Clip: 65675031632
Training film for U.S. troops with the Army of occupation in Germany after world War II

Opens with bell tolling Victory against Germany in World War II. Next, a slate reads: "Victory Leads to Peace," and a farmer is seen with cattle pulling a plow. But narrator says "the problem now is future peace," and a map of Germany is shown overlaid with "Your Job in Germany." A cartoon of a soldier is superimposed on the map, along with one of a World War 1 American soldier and a figure of possible future soldier with similar mission. Camera focuses on parts of German aircraft in a jumbled heap. Closeups of weary defeated German soldiers at end ot World War II. Glimpse of Adolf Hitler speaking and haranguing an audience from a podium in an animated and forceful way. Swastika flags displayed from houses in a quaint German town. Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Reich Minister of Propaganda, at a microphone. Glimpse of a German concentration camp. But as they appear, each of the Nazi elements promptly disappears, showing the scenes without such Nazi symbols and persons. Skeleton remains of bombed buildings. Flower displays. Bucolic German rural countryside and quaint old villages in peaceful settings. Camera focuses on a book titled "German History." Chapter I, titled "Blood and Iron," shows Image of Otto von Bismarck. German troops march in a parade. Narrator states that "under Bismarck, the German empire was built." (He formed the German Empire in 1871, unifying Germany with himself as Imperial Chancellor, while retaining control of Prussia at the same time.) The film shows mounted German lancers as it alludes to Bismarck's campaigns against Denmark in 1867; Austria in 1866; and France, in 1870. Germany's leaders celebrating its status, in 1871, as the mightiest power in Europe. Troops marching and girls dancing nearby. Farmers plowing field with a horse and cow. Classic peaceful rural alpine scenes with local people in agricultural pursuits. A group of local German musicians playing folk music as village people dance outdoors. Back to the book, Kaiser Wilhelm II is shown on Chapter 2, entitled: "Deutschland über Alles." Gathering of German soldiers in Pickelhaube (spiked helmets). A German Big Bertha howitzer firing. German troops marching against Serbia; Russia; and France (with view of war damaged French cathedral). German invasion of Belgium in 1940 (with view of clock tower resting in rubble). German troops seen in Italy, walking past battle-damaged buildings. German Zeppelin dropping bombs on British targets and view of bombed out London neighborhood. Next scene shows a capsized ship with survivors running across its hull. Film slate labels the scene as United States, as if it is a U.S. ship attacked by Germany. (Actually, it is the Austro-Hungarian Battleship, SMS Szent Istvan, torpedoed, by Italian torpedo boats, during World War I.) Next, American soldiers in trench are seen going "over the top" and into "no man's land" on the western front of World War 1. Glimpse through a window of Kaiser Wilhelm II, after defeat of Germany, in 1918. View of Germans in a Beer Garden. Picturesque view of German town. A German orchestra performing. American soldiers marching out of Germany, with flags waving. Back to the history book,as chapter III is revealed, entitled "Today Germany, tomorrow, the world," and featuring Adolf Hitler. German troops invading Austria (where a civilian lies dead on the ground). German troops entering Czechoslovakia (where local people in tears render the Nazi salute). They march into Poland (where a girl weeps over someone, not seen, on the ground). They march into France (where a wounded, bandaged child cries in a bed). Next, is a scene from England, where a British child victim of bombing lies dead in the remains of a shelter. German troops invading Norway, Holland, Denmark, Belgium, Luxembourg and Russia (where a woman tries to rouse a dead woman). They invade Yugoslavia (where women sit near coffins of children) and Greece (where a woman rescues a naked child). A U.S. merchant ship explodes after being torpedoed by a German submarine (unseen). Scenes of destruction with people plucking dead victims from rubble of buildings. American troops invading Normandy, France on D-day, June 6, 1944. Several American soldiers fall to German gunfire on the beach. Wounded American soldiers being transported in jeeps on the battlefield and being placed on landing craft for evacuation. Americans walking past huge piles of destroyed aircraft parts. A landing craft filled with wounded American soldiers. American wounded and dead on a battlefield. Sailors abandoning a burning American ship by jumping into the sea. A sailor picked up in a life boat. A wounded American soldier being dragged from the beachhead at Normandy. Various wounds being treated by U.S. Medical Corps personnel. More scenes of American wounded being moved on stretchers. Scene shifts abruptly to German people folk dancing. Film concludes with question marks about the future.

Date: 1945
Duration: 7 min 24 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675035989
United States 8th Air Force Division bombs Merseburg and Offenburg in Germany during World War 2

United States 8th Air Force Division's B-17 bombers attacks oil refinery storage center in Merseburg in eastern Germany on November 2, 1944 during World War II. Ball turret gun camera footage as B-17 aircraft drop bombs on the target. German aircraft shoots down an U.S. Army Air Force B-17. American B-17 in flames and descending. In Offenburg American B-17 aircraft bomb a marshaling yard on November 22, 1944. Bombs impact and smoke rises.

Date: 1944, November 2
Duration: 3 min 10 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675037588