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Greenland Sondrestrom Air Base 1960 stock footage and images

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96th Aero Squadron prepares a Breguet 14 bomber for a bombing mission, at Amanty Airdrome in France during World War I

U.S. 96th Aero Squadron at Amanty Airdrome in France during World War 1. Airmen unload bombs from a truck. They place fuses in the tails of the bombs. They load the bombs to racks under wings of a French Breguet 14 biplane bomber. Major J. L. Dunsworth, Commanding Officer of the 96th Aero Squadron and First Lieutenant V. F. Ludden inspect the operation. Ground crewmen work hard, pulling the propeller through numerous times before finally getting the engine to start on the. Breguet 14. Lt. A. H. Alexander in the pilot's cockpit and Lt. E. MCLennair in the observer and gunner's position discuss something they see in the air behind them. The insignia of the 96th Aero Squadron (a devil carrying a bomb in a triangle) is painted on the fuselage of the airplane.

Date: 1918
Duration: 2 min 34 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675070264
Cars arrive at a motel in Florida, United States.

People arrive at a roadside motel in Florida, United States. Variety of 1950's cars including Ford, Chevrolet, and others moving along a road. The automobiles pulling in to various motel driveways. A sign reads 'Motel Vacancy Air Conditioned Pool'. Parking lot of the motel with cars in it. Cars move along a highway in Florida.

Date: 1958
Duration: 22 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675070281
U.S. Army Anti-aircraft batteries respond to threat from unknown aircraft sighted near Alaska and the Eastern seaboard.

U.S. Army Air Defense elements respond to threats from an unidentified (possibly hostile) aircraft detected, near Alaska and over the Eastern Seaboard of the United States. Closeup of a rotating radar antenna. High altitude contrails (vapor condensation trails) seen overhead. Two U.S. Army technicians tracking aircraft and making notes in an anti-aircraft operations center. Two soldiers in a control center at positions labeled "Intelligence Teller" and "AAA Opns Off" respectively. A Lieutenant joins them and directs one to push an alert button. Soldiers respond from their barracks and take up positions at a large tracking map table. They move markers to positions corresponding to incoming reports. A Colonel joins the Lieutenant, already at the control center, and takes up a position labeled, "Deputy Defense CO," (Deputy Defense Commanding Officer). In the background, reports can be heard coming into the control center about five aircraft at 18 thousand feet. Two soldiers plot information on vertical plexiglass display, showing radial lines and distances. . A sign above the boards reads, "Early Warning Op." More reports in the background refer to three aircraft. The Lieutenant has now moved to the position of "AAA Opns Off." View of a soldier markiing grease pencil entries of aircraft sighting reports, on a plexiglass display, at his work station. More views of information being reflected by soldiers moving markers on the map plotting table and the large vertical display. Closeup of the aircraft position markers being moved on the plotting table. A Battery Attack light flashes on another display. The Lieutenant wearing a headset, announces to all units the change of readiness condition to "battle attack." (He also states, "this is not an exercise," and adds "alert all batteries.") An alarm bell rings at an aircraft battery. Soldiers are awakened in their quarters and scramble to their respective guns in a 120 mm Gun M1 anti-aircraft battery. Each gun crew reports being ready, as they raise their gun barrels. More views of aircraft positions being plotted. One appears to reflect a threat to New York City. Computers record data necessary to aim anti-aircraft batteries. Range and azimuth data being displayed. Gunners load shells and propellant charges into their weapons. Gunners looking up and awaiting further instructions. View of all battery guns pointed skywards. Apartment houses in the background. Changing firing and wind azimuth plus fuze information being displayed. A radar antenna turning at the battery location. Narrator states that the aircraft near Alaska has disappeared over the Pacific and the Eastern Seaboard sightings turn out to be commercial aircraft forced off course by strong winds. View of a Lockheed Constellation flying through some clouds, and then landing at an airfield. Alert lights go out in the Anti-aircraft control center, returning to normal status. View of soldiers manning their positions in the center begin wrapping up their activities. One lights a pipe.

Date: 1954
Duration: 6 min 6 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675070285
Dust rises due to fire passes from an F-86 Sabre in flight over Libya.

Aircraft in flight over Libya. A ground target area. Dust rises due to fire passes. A United States Air Force F-86 Sabre dives at the ground target.

Date: 1954, June
Duration: 1 min 42 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675070302
Examples of middle-class United States American lifestyle in early 1970s.

Shows early 1970s era construction activities, economic growth, retail shopping, and American fashions and goods of the 1970s. As a contrast to the modern way of life, a farmer is seen using teams of horses to plow his land. Views of middle-class suburban living in the U.S.A. New, modern houses and cars in the suburbs. Construction workers building new homes. Modern farm machinery being employed. Panels being placed on a new car in a factory production line or assembly line. A long freight train moving goods. U.S. consumer retail stores selling a variety of products, and pedestrians in 1970s fashions shopping on town and city streets for various goods including ice cream, lawn mowers and hardware, custom framing, fast food (McDonalds restaurant shown), an "organic food" cafe or store, barbecue grills, outdoor lounge chairs, and antiques, among others. Shipping containers being loaded on a ship for export abroad. Various construction sites ranging from those for suburban neighborhood homes to those for high rise buildings. Construction of the Dunhill Condominiums in progress in Atlanta Georgia. A 1970 Ford Falcon car in a neighborhood of new homes in the suburbs. Sink and bath tub fixtures in a typical kitchen and bathroom. Families at a high school graduation. African American students on a college campus. White students walking on campus of a college or university. Families shopping for high price goods: View of a hand starting a phonograph record player, a man examining a Ford Pinto car in a new car show room, views of home appliances, washers, dryers, stoves, ovens, televisions for sale in a show room, and window air conditioner units. Private pleasure boats operating near a large ferry boat. More views of carpenters and other construction workers and building tradesmen working at construction sites. People at work compiling statistics in the U.S. Bureau of the Census.

Date: 1974
Duration: 3 min 10 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Color
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675070321
General Cannon and group watches a demonstration on a map at a briefing in Corsica, France.

United States Army Air Forces General John Kenneth Cannon in Corsica, France during World War II. General Cannon and group seated in chairs on a field. They watch a demonstration on a map at a briefing. The group watches the demonstration. General Cannon and two officers seated. The officers stand and talk. They walk away from the area.

Date: 1945
Duration: 3 min 45 sec
Sound: No
Color: Color
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675070342