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Gressenich Germany 1944 stock footage and images

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101st Airborne Paratroopers liberate Saint Marcouf, Normandy on D-Day (WW2)

United States 101st Airborne Division paratrooper in a field outside the town of St. Marcouf on D-Day in World War II. Soldiers drawing sniper fire. Paratroopers rounding up and interrogate German prisoner of war. An injured German prisoner of war speaks to the paratroopers. A pile of helmets and equipment confiscated from German prisoners. A German prisoner talks while raising both his hands. Paratroopers of the 502nd Infantry Regiment in St. Marcouf. A heart-shaped symbol stenciled on a paratrooper’s helmet. A paratrooper chewing. Paratroopers look out for snipers during a mop up operation. They inspect the cemetery. U.S. troopers are seen riding captured German Panzer I Ausf.A Sd.Ktz.101 light tanks. One is pulling a field piece trooper riding on the barrel. 82nd Airborne Division soldiers walk past a sign 'St. Marcouf'. A soldier walks past a statue of the Virgin Mary. French civilians provide paratroopers information on German movements. One of the paratroopers smoke a cigarette behind a French civilian. A paratrooper speaks with French children. Paratroopers resting on the side of the road. Airborne and seaborne units make contact. A German tracked motorcycle parked on pavement, surrounded by 101st Airborne Paratroopers. 101st Airborne Paratroopers smile and hold a captured Nazi flag.

Date: 1944, June 6
Duration: 1 min 23 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675080765
Allied commanders Eisenhower, Montgomery, and Bradley meet during invasion of Normandy (WW2)

British Royal Navy minelayer HMS Apollo during the Normandy D-Day landings in World War II with barrage balloons in the background. Mast of the HMS Apollo with a four-star flag. Allied commanders such as Allied Supreme Commander General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Naval Commander in Chief Admiral Bertram Ramsay, and staff officers from SHAEF meet onboard the HMS Apollo a day after Allied landings in Normandy. United States General Omar Bradley arrives at the HMS Apollo in an LCM. General Bradley climbs aboard the HMS Apollo. He is greeted by General Eisenhower. British Field Marshal Bernard Law Montgomery later joins the Allied commanders onboard the HMS Apollo. Montgomery salutes as he is welcomed by the crew. General Eisenhower and Field Marshal Montgomery smile and talk.

Date: 1944, June 7
Duration: 60 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675080766
Allied planes continue to take off from England after the start of D-Day (WW2)

Multiple Allied transport planes and bombers take off from an airfield in England after the start of Normandy landings on D-Day in World War II. The planes take off one at a time. Allied aircraft flying in formation crossing the English Channel.

Date: 1944, June 7
Duration: 42 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675080767
U.S. landing craft prepare to invade Normandy, France during World War II.

A landing craft labeled "US 51" is seen from its starboard side, with cargo in tow and an American flag flying from its mast. There are also more identical ships in the background, all sailing in the English Channel towards Normandy, France in advance of the D-Day invasion of France. The camera cuts to another direction, which shows many more of the same ship, some also with cargo in tow. In this shot, there is land off in the distance, and a few barrage balloons in the sky above the LCIs. The final shot is of a long convoy of ships far off in the distance.

Date: 1944, June 5
Duration: 1 min 1 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675080797
American ships sailing towards Normandy, France, in preparation for D-Day during World War II.

A smaller, support vessel (possibly a minesweeper) with a single mast is seen sailing in the English Channel. Then, a U.S. sailor is seen looking out through a pair of binoculars towards other ships far off in the distance, also traveling towards Normandy. Closer camera view shows that they are World War 2 landing craft infantry (LCI). More LCIs are shown off in the distance, this time with a few sailors and an antiaircraft gun in the foreground. The final shot is zoomed in on three more LCIs sailing next to one another.

Date: 1944, June 5
Duration: 1 min 4 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675080798
U.S. Navy ships in the English Channel shortly before D-day during World War II.

A U.S. Navy Destroyer escorts landing craft infantry toward invasion of Normandy, France during World War 2. More landing craft infantry are seen in the distance. A U.S. cargo ship, most likely an attack transport ship, is seen with the flotilla. A landing ship, dock (LSD) is shown sailing close by.

Date: 1944, June 5
Duration: 1 min 3 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675080799