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Haifa Palestine 1945 stock footage and images

- Showing 19 to 24 of 6731 results
British soldiers inspect vehicles in Palestine

British soldiers inspect trucks and other vehicles at checkpoint in Palestine. View from gun position and barbed wire as British Army soldier steps out of a military truck for inspection at border checkpoint. Palestinian man driving a 1945 Plymouth Special Deluxe (one of few built in 1945) is stopped behind barbed wire by British Army soldiers. He opens hood of his car in front of British soldiers. British soldiers inspect engine compartment and interior of car. British soldier lets the Palestinian sedan driver go after passing inspection.

Date: 1947, February
Duration: 44 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675078643
Soldiers of the British Army South Lancashire Regiment patrol Jerusalem during marshal law.

Arab man walking with city of Jerusalem in background behind him. British army soldiers drive GMC OTTER Light Reconnaissance Cars next to the Tower of David (Jerusalem citadel). They are driving on Highway 60, also known as the Talpiot–Atarot Axis, also known as "Road 1." Sign that reads “NO ENTRY." Residents of Palestine, some wearing European clothing, others in traditional Arab attire, wait behind a barbed wire checkpoint. British Army soldiers of the South Lancashire Regiment check credentials and admit entry to a Jewish women. A South Lancashire Regiment soldier frisks an Arab man who has his hands raised. Soldiers talk to the driver of a 1945 Plymouth Special Deluxe sedan (one of only 770 made) that pulls up behind barbed wire. British soldier with machine gun behind sandbags and barbed wire. Machine gun pointing behind wall of sandbags. Silhouette of a soldier and barbed wires. Point of view from inside sand bag machine gun position looking out to city. Silhouettes of solidier and of a man putting his hands up.

Date: 1947, February
Duration: 55 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675078638
Jewish refugees from the Haganah immigration ship Haim Arlozorov disembark in Palestine.

Jewish refugees the Haim Arlozorov are transferred to a transport ship for eventual processing in Cyprus. Jews from Europe attempting to enter Palestine on the refugee ship Haim Arlozorov stand on the deck of a transport ship while others wait to disembark. A young Jewish man looks at the camera as he waits to disembark. A British soldier holds back a refugee to allow others to disembark. Jewish refugees, some bandaged due to injuries sustained while fighting the British, walk up the gangplank onto the dock. British soldiers on the dock while refugees stand behind barbed wire.

Date: 1947
Duration: 36 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675078615
Draining of flooded areas between Haifa and Tel Aviv.

Cars pass flooded road between Haifa and Tel Aviv. Views of trucks passing a flooded road. Bull dozer and scraper operated by British soldiers to deepen a drainage canal. (World War II period).

Date: 1945, January
Duration: 2 min 2 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675039002
A radio transmission tower. Equestrian statue of King Faisal I, in King Faisal Square, Haifa Street

A radio transmission tower and a statue in Baghdad, Iraq. A radio transmission tower outside Baghdad. A transmission headquarters building. A vehicle moves away from the building. Equestrian statue of King Faisal I of Iraq, in King Faisal Square, at the end of Haifa street, Baghdad, Iraq

Date: 1956, June 11
Duration: 1 min 3 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675066542
British navy captures Haganah immigration ship, Haim Arlozorov, in Palestine.

The Haganah immigration ship, Haim Arlozorov, off the coast of Bat-Galim, Haifa with 1378 Jewish refugees from Italy and Sweden. British Palestinian coast guard ship confronts the Haim Arlozoroff (also formerly the USCGC Unalga (WPG-53). The Haim Arlozorov after running aground seen from beach as British soldiers patrol nearby. British Royal Navy destroyer HMS Chiefstain intercepts the Haim Arlozorov. Jewish refugees onboard the Haim Arlozorov, with a sign in Hebrew and the name “Haim Arlozorov”. British navy personnel escort Jewish refugees out of the ship. Jewish refugees, mostly female refugees, on the coast of Bat-Galim. Lifeboat pulls up alongside the Haim Arlozorov. Refugees are processed dockside after disembarking. British soldiers carry a man on a stretcher, injured during fight to prevent the British from capturing the ship. British medic escorts a young female Jewish refugee along the dock. British soldiers sitting on the beach watching the interception of the Haim Arlozorov.

Date: 1947, February 27
Duration: 2 min 38 sec
Sound: No
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Unedited
Language: None
Clip: 65675078613