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Haifa Palestine 1947 stock footage and images

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Scenes of Miami Florida in the late 1940s; animation shows conditions which result in the formation of a hurricane in Miami, Florida.

A documentary on Weather Bureau's Hurricane Warning Center in Miami, Florida. (Later the National Hurricane Center, part of the U.S. NOAA / National Weather Service). A man instructing students about a hurricane. They discuss about the conditions present when hurricanes develop. Animation shows the process of formation of hurricanes. Large masses of air become warm and moist. It is replaced by air flowing from all directions. Aerial view of a sea. The air starts moving in a circular motion. The progressive motion of the air begins and it becomes a hurricane. Men and women working in the Hurricane Warning Center analyze these conditions. View of traffic and commercial buildings along a busy street in Miami. Three men playing golf. Elevated view of people seated in a stadium watching a horse race. Elevated view of a crowded ocean beach in Miami. Aerial view of a weather station on the eastern tip of Cuba. Men preparing to release a radiosonde weather balloon. They analyze the weather conditions for a daily weather report.

Date: 1947
Duration: 2 min 17 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675076806
Recording, analyzing and circulation of weather information by the Hurricane Warning Center in Miami, Florida.

A documentary on Weather Bureau's Hurricane Warning Center in Miami, Florida. An aircraft in flight overhead. A routine report is sent by the crew of the aircraft to the hurricane center. The pilot, he co-pilot, the navigator and other members of the crew seated inside the aircraft. Weather conditions are observed and recorded. A radar operator working and looking for any unusual conditions. The information is transmitted to the center. Women working and typing messages at the center. A map locates Miami and information about weather conditions is circulated to other areas from Miami. A ship underway at sea. Men locating the position of a hurricane on a map. They discuss amongst themselves. The crew of the aircraft being instructed by an officer. An airplane parked at an air base. It takes off. Animation shows the position of the hurricane and the air movement. The information is circulated to people. A man reading news about the hurricane in a newspaper. A man and a woman seated at a beach. A sailing boat underway in the foreground.

Date: 1947
Duration: 4 min 11 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675076807
The Hurricane Warning Center in Miami, Florida receives information about a hurricane and circulates it to people in the U.S.

A documentary on Weather Bureau's Hurricane Warning Center in Miami, Florida. A map locates Miami. A hurricane is increasing in size and density. The Hurricane Warning Center receives information from ships, airplanes and islands. Officers discuss about the hurricane. They locate the position of the hurricane on a map. Men and women working in the Hurricane Warning Center. The movement of the storm is carefully watched. Crew of an aircraft being instructed by an officer. They board an aircraft. The aircraft in flight. People all over the country are alerted about the hurricane. A man talking over a phone. People seated at a beach. Men playing golf outside a building.

Date: 1947
Duration: 2 min 28 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675076808
People take preventive measures upon receiving warnings about a hurricane from the Hurricane Warning Center in Miami, Florida.

A documentary on Weather Bureau's Hurricane Warning Center in Miami, Florida. An aircraft in flight overhead. It flies over the clouds. It heads towards a hurricane. Crew members locate positions and watch through different instruments in order to ensure reaching the eye of the hurricane. The radar operator watching through the radar scope. A contact is established with the navy base in Miami. The information is given to the hurricane center. A man locates the position of the hurricane on a map. Warnings about the hurricane are given to people. Traffic on a street. Policemen alerting people about the hurricane. The Red Cross distributes food and medicines to people. Coast Guard patrol airplanes giving out the warnings. Men discussing. Shutters and windows of houses and buildings are closed. The roofs of the houses are tied up.

Date: 1947
Duration: 4 min 46 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675076809
Rain falls and wind blows trees as a hurricane strikes Miami, Florida.

A documentary on Weather Bureau's Hurricane Warning Center in Miami, Florida. A map locates Miami. A hurricane strikes the city. Buildings in the area. A Red Cross vehicle parked on a street. Rain falls. High waves in the sea. Wind blow trees.

Date: 1947
Duration: 1 min 41 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675076810
Red Cross workers attending calls of people asking for their friends and relatives after a hurricane in Miami, Florida.

A documentary on Weather Bureau's Hurricane Warning Center in Miami, Florida. Aftermath of a hurricane. Women seated inside a building of the Red Cross. They attend several calls of people asking for their relatives and friends. People searching for their belongings in the rubble. Aerial view of the rubbled area. Officers discussing amongst themselves. Aircraft parked at an air base. Men boarding an airplane. The aircraft in flight overhead.

Date: 1947
Duration: 1 min 37 sec
Sound: Yes
Color: Monochrome
Clip Type: Edited
Language: English
Clip: 65675076811